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Strategic Intent:

Strategic Intent refers to a high-level, aspirational statement that articulates the long-term direction and ambition of an organization. It goes beyond a simple mission statement by setting forth a bold and audacious goal that guides the company’s efforts. Strategic Intent provides a clear sense of purpose and inspires the organization to pursue extraordinary achievements.


Vision is a forward-looking statement that describes what an organization aspires to become in the future. It provides a clear and inspiring picture of the desired future state, serving as a guiding beacon for the organization. A well-crafted vision statement is motivational, ambitious, and aligns with the organization’s values and purpose.


Mission is a concise statement that outlines the fundamental purpose of an organization. It defines what the organization does, who it serves, and why it exists. A mission statement provides clarity to stakeholders, including employees, customers, and investors, about the core reason for the organization’s existence.

Business Definition:

Business Definition succinctly describes the nature of the business an organization is engaged in. It outlines the industry or market the organization operates in, the products or services it offers, and the target customer base. This definition helps in providing a clear understanding of the organization’s scope and focus.


Goals are broad, overarching statements of what an organization aims to achieve in the long term. They are often qualitative and serve as a framework for setting more specific objectives. Goals provide strategic direction and serve as a basis for formulating actionable plans.


Objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) targets that support the attainment of goals. They provide clear, tangible targets that enable the organization to track progress and measure success. Objectives are the actionable steps that contribute to achieving the broader goals of the organization.

Here’s an example to illustrate the relationship between these concepts:

  • Strategic Intent: “To revolutionize the transportation industry by pioneering sustainable and efficient modes of urban mobility.”
  • Vision: “To create a world where cities are connected seamlessly, and transportation is clean, convenient, and accessible to all.”
  • Mission: “We develop and deploy innovative, eco-friendly transportation solutions to transform urban mobility, ensuring a cleaner, more connected future for our communities.”
  • Business Definition: “We operate in the electric urban transportation sector, providing electric scooters, bikes, and shuttle services to urban commuters.”
  • Goals:
    • “Establish a presence in 50 major cities within the next five years.”
    • “Reduce carbon emissions associated with urban commuting by 30% in the next decade.”
  • Objectives:
    • “Launch in 10 new cities by the end of next year.”
    • “Increase ridership by 50% in the next two years through targeted marketing and user experience improvements.”

Each of these elements plays a crucial role in providing a clear sense of purpose, direction, and focus for the organization. They guide decision-making, inspire employees, and align stakeholders towards a common vision of success.