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Project Management

Rules For Drawing the Network Diagram

The network diagram is a graphical representation of the project activities and their dependencies. It shows the logical relationships between the activities and their sequence. Here are some rules for drawing the network diagram:

Identify the project activities: The first step is to identify all the activities required to complete the project. Each activity should be defined clearly, and its duration and dependencies should be identified.

Determine the activity sequence: The next step is to determine the sequence in which the activities need to be performed. This involves identifying the dependencies between the activities, i.e., which activities must be completed before others can begin.

Draw the network diagram: The network diagram can be drawn using different methods, such as the arrow diagramming method (ADM) or the precedence diagramming method (PDM). In the ADM, activities are represented by arrows, and the dependencies between the activities are shown by the direction of the arrows. In the PDM, activities are represented by boxes, and the dependencies between the activities are shown by the arrows connecting the boxes.

Determine the critical path: The critical path is the longest path through the network diagram and represents the minimum amount of time required to complete the project. It is determined by identifying the activities that have zero float or slack time, i.e., activities that must be completed on time to avoid delaying the project.

Assign durations and resources: Once the network diagram is complete, the next step is to assign durations and resources to the activities. This involves estimating the time required to complete each activity and the resources needed, such as personnel, equipment, and materials.

Update the network diagram: As the project progresses, the network diagram may need to be updated to reflect any changes in the project plan, such as delays or changes in the sequence of activities.

Following these rules can help ensure that the network diagram is accurate and reflects the project requirements, dependencies, and critical path.