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Financial Statement Analysis and Recent Types of Accounting: Common Size Statement

Financial statement analysis is a critical process in evaluating a company’s financial performance and making informed business decisions. One useful technique in financial analysis is the common size statement, which provides a standardized and comparable view of a company’s financial statements.

A common size statement presents financial data as percentages of a common base, typically total assets for the balance sheet and net sales for the income statement. By expressing each line item as a percentage of the base value, the common size statement allows for easier comparison across different time periods or between different companies.

In this example, each line item under the “Current Year” and “Previous Year” columns is expressed as a percentage of net sales. This allows for a more meaningful analysis of the income statement, as it shows the relative impact of each expense category and the overall profitability of the company.

Similarly, a common size balance sheet would express each line item as a percentage of total assets, providing insights into the composition and structure of a company’s assets.

The use of common size statements has become increasingly prevalent in financial analysis due to several factors:

  1. Standardization: Common size statements standardize financial data, making it easier to compare companies of different sizes or operating in different industries. This standardization allows for more accurate benchmarking and industry analysis.
  2. Comparative Analysis: Common size statements enable analysts to compare financial statements across different time periods for the same company. This helps identify trends, changes in financial structure, and areas of improvement or concern.
  3. Communication: Common size statements simplify financial information and facilitate effective communication between stakeholders. By presenting data in a uniform format, it becomes easier for investors, creditors, and management to understand and interpret financial statements.
  4. Technology Advancements: Recent advancements in accounting software and financial analysis tools have made it easier to generate common size statements. Many software applications can automatically calculate and present common size financial statements, saving time and effort for analysts.

Overall, the use of common size statements enhances the effectiveness of financial statement analysis by providing a standardized and comparable view of a company’s financial performance. It enables analysts to identify key trends, assess the relative importance of various financial components, and make more informed decisions based on the insights gained from the analysis.