BBA105 Business Law UNIT-1 Indian Contract Act : Definition and Essentials Contracts Agreements Offer and Acceptation Consideration Capacity of Parties Free Consent Essentials of Contract, Valid Contract Performance of Contract Terminal (Termination) of Contract Consequence of Contract Terminal ( Termination) Remedies of Contract Terminal ( Termination) UNIT-2 Void and Contingent Contract Implies and Quasi Contract Indemnity and Guarantee Contract Bailment and Lien Pledge Contract* Agency Contract UNIT-3 Sale Contract: Definition and Features Formation of Sales Contract Contents of Sale Contract: Goods, Price ,Condition and Warranty Ownership of Goods and Transfer Performance of Sale Contract, Delivery Rights of Unpaid Seller, Auction Sale UNIT-4 Indian Partnership Act: Definition and Nature of Partnership Incorporation of Partnership Eligibility to be Partner, Relationship of Partner Partnership Deed, Partner as Agent Mutual and Third Parties Relation of Partner Registration of Partnership, Winding Up of Partnership UNIT-5 Definition and Features of Negotiable Instruments Types Recognition of Negotiable Instruments Crossing of Negotiable Instruments Endorsements of Negotiable Instruments