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  1. Bailment:
    • Definition: Bailment refers to the rightful possession of goods by one person (the bailor) delivered to another (the bailee) for a specific purpose, with the understanding that the goods will be returned or otherwise disposed of according to the bailor’s instructions after the purpose has been fulfilled.
    • Essential Elements:
      • Delivery: There must be a transfer of possession, but not necessarily ownership, of goods.
      • Purpose: The goods are transferred for a specific purpose, which can be anything from repair to safekeeping.
      • Return or Disposal: The goods must either be returned to the bailor or disposed of according to the bailor’s instructions once the purpose is fulfilled.
    • Duties of the Bailee: The bailee owes a duty to take reasonable care of the goods. If they breach this duty and the goods are damaged, they may be held liable.
  2. Lien:
    • Definition: A lien is a right to retain possession of another person’s property until a debt owed by that person is discharged. In simpler terms, if someone owes you money and has given you some property as security, you can keep that property (or withhold its release) until the debt is paid off.
    • Types of Lien:
      • Possessory Lien: This type of lien arises when a person has provided services or made repairs to another person’s property and has not been paid. They can retain possession of the property until they receive payment.
      • Statutory Lien: These are liens created by law. For example, tax liens are created by statute when taxes are not paid.
      • Equitable Lien: This arises by implication or operation of law, without any agreement between the parties.
    • Characteristics:
      • Right to Retain: The person holding the lien has the right to keep possession of the property until the underlying debt is satisfied.
      • Not a Right to Sell: A lien does not generally give the lienholder the right to sell the property; it’s merely a right to retain possession until the debt is settled.

 while both bailment and lien concern the possession of personal property, they operate in different contexts and for different purposes. Bailment involves a temporary transfer of possession for a specific purpose, whereas a lien is a right to retain possession as security for a debt.