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Active Database

An active database is a type of database that can automatically execute predefined actions or rules in response to changes or events that occur in the database. These rules can be defined using triggers, which are database objects that execute automatically in response to specified events such as inserts, updates, or deletes.

Some key features of active databases include:

Event-driven processing: Active databases can process events in real-time or near real-time, allowing them to respond quickly to changing conditions or requirements.

Rule-based processing: Active databases can execute predefined rules or actions in response to events, allowing for more sophisticated and automated data processing.

Support for complex data types: Active databases can support complex data types such as multimedia data, spatial data, and temporal data, allowing for more advanced data processing and analysis.

Integration with other systems: Active databases can integrate with other systems such as workflow management systems, decision support systems, and event processing systems, allowing for more efficient and automated data processing.

Scalability: Active databases can be designed to scale horizontally by distributing data and processing across multiple nodes or servers, providing better performance and availability.

Some examples of active databases include IBM Informix Dynamic Server, Oracle Database, and PostgreSQL. However, designing and managing an active database can be complex and requires specialized knowledge and skills, and it is important to carefully consider the requirements and characteristics of the data before choosing an active database.