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Sorting on different keys refers to the process of sorting elements based on multiple criteria or keys. This is often necessary when the primary key used for sorting does not uniquely identify elements, or when ties need to be broken based on secondary keys.

For example, consider a list of students with the following attributes: name, age, and grade. If you want to sort these students first by grade and then by age within each grade, you would be sorting on different keys.

Sorting on Different Keys in Python:

In Python, you can achieve sorting on different keys using the sorted() function or the sort() method of lists. These functions accept a key parameter, which can be used to specify a function that returns the value to be used for sorting.

Here’s an example of sorting a list of tuples based on different keys:


students = [('Alice', 18, 'A'), ('Bob', 17, 'B'), ('Charlie', 18, 'A')]

# Sort by grade (primary key) and then by age (secondary key)
sorted_students = sorted(students, key=lambda x: (x[2], x[1]))


This would output:

[('Alice', 18, 'A'), ('Charlie', 18, 'A'), ('Bob', 17, 'B')]

In this example, the key function lambda x: (x[2], x[1]) specifies that the list should be sorted first by the third element of each tuple (grade) and then by the second element (age) within each grade.

Sorting on Different Keys in Other Programming Languages:

Other programming languages often provide similar functionality for sorting on different keys. For example, in Java, you can use the Comparator interface to specify custom sorting criteria. In C++, you can provide a custom comparison function or functor to the std::sort algorithm.

Overall, sorting on different keys is a common requirement in programming and can be achieved using appropriate language features or libraries. It allows for flexible and customizable sorting based on multiple criteria.