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The Small Industries Service Institute (SISI) is an initiative by the Government of India aimed at promoting and supporting the growth of small-scale industries (SSI) in the country. Established under the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), SISI plays a crucial role in providing various services to small-scale industries to enhance their competitiveness and sustainability.

The primary objectives of SISI include:

  1. Providing assistance to prospective and existing entrepreneurs in setting up and running small-scale industries.
  2. Offering consultancy and training programs to develop managerial and technical skills among entrepreneurs.
  3. Conducting research and surveys to identify opportunities and challenges in the small-scale sector.
  4. Facilitating access to finance, technology, and market information for SSI units.
  5. Assisting in the promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation in the small-scale sector.

SISI centers are established across different regions of India to cater to the specific needs of small-scale industries in those areas. They offer a range of services such as training workshops, awareness programs, market surveys, industrial counseling, and assistance in obtaining government subsidies and incentives.

SISI plays a crucial role in fostering the growth and development of small-scale industries in India, thereby contributing significantly to employment generation, economic growth, and regional development.