#19906 (no title)
‘Natural acceptance’ and Experiential validation
(Binning, Clustering, Regression, Computer and Human inspection)
(SQA): Verification and Validation, SQA Plans
20 Most Important Questions for KMBN202 Human Resource Management
20 Most Important Questions for KMBN204 Financial Management and Corporate Finance
20 Most Important Questions for KMBN205 Operation Management
20 Most Important Questions for KMBN207 Digital Marketing and e- Commerce
20 Most Important Questions for KMBN208 Management Information System
20- Most – Important -Questions- For-KMBN206 Quantitative Techniques for Manager
3c’s of Pricing cost , Customer and competition pricing strategies, Price positioning
4C’s Elements of CRM process
7QC Tools, Regression Control Charts
A look at basic human Aspiration , Right Understanding
A Short History of Programming Languages
ABC Analysis
Ability to identified the scope and Characteristics of people friendly and eco friendly production system , technologies and management models
Ability to utilize the Professional Competence for augmenting universal order,
About Us
Absolute Advantage Theory
Acceptance definition and essentials Considerations, definition and essentials Exceptions to the Rules
Account Rate of Return (ARR)
Accounting and Reporting: Mirror Account, Value date, Exchange profit and loss, R returns
Accounting Concepts
Accounting Equation
Accounting Equations
acting on the opportunities
Active and Passive Voice
Activities – Methodologies – Categorization of Software Project
Activity and Liquidity Ratio
Addition and Multiplication Law
Addition and Multiplication Laws
Additive and Multiplicative models
Additive and Multiplicative rules of probability
Administration of Foreign Exchange ; Authorised person , Authorised dealer
Adopting Continuous process improvement (CPI), Just in Time
Advanced Leadership Skills
Advantage & Disadvantage of online Appraisal
Advantage and Disadvantage of Market Analysis
Advantage and Disadvantage of Public Relations
Advantage of becoming an Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial Decision process
Advantage of vendor /supplier Ratings, Identify and evaluating the international supplier
Advantage, Disadvantage of Collective Bargaining, The Industrial Employment ( Standing orders) ACT 1961
Adversarial search methods
Advertising and Advertising objectives, Advertising Budget and copy
Advertising Effectiveness & Its Measurement
Advertising Management Nature & Scope of Advertising
Advertising: Introduction, Scope
Affiliate Marketing
Agencies for Policy Formulation and Implementation: District Industries Centers (DIC)
Agency Contract
Aggregate functions, SQL: Insert and Delete operations, Joins
Aggregate Planning Strategies, Master production Schedule
Aggregation of Income
Aggregation Query Facility
Aggregation, Historical information, Query Facility
Agreement to technical Barriers to Trade
Agriculture Income
Agriculture: Land Reforms and land Tenure System
AIDA Model
AKTU MBA 4th Semester Complete Easy Notes
Algebraic Expressions, Complete Binary Tree. Extended Binary Trees
all Parts of Speech; Modals; Concord; Articles
Alpha and Beta Testing of Products. Static Testing Strategies
AN exercise in design thinking & Implementing design thinking through a workshop
An insight into CRM and e-CRTA / Online CRM
An Overview of CASE Tools. Estimation of Various Parameters such as Cost
An Overview of Economic Resources of India
Analyses of design capacity
Analysing and classify training needs
Analysis of attribute relevance , Mining Class Comparison
Analysis of attribute relevance, Mining Class comparisons
Analysis of financial statement
Analysis of financial statement: Ratio Analysis- solvency ratios
Analysis of Risk & Uncertainty
Analysis of Time Series
Analysis of Working Capital
Analytics for compensation planning, Competency scorecard
Analytics for Unstructured data Visualization of categorial Data in R
Analyze Merchandise Performance
Appellate Tribunal , Penalties and Offences
Application and System Software, Computer Hardware
Application areas of Linear Programming
Application in business Decision Making
application of arrays, Ordered List, Sparse Matrices and Vectors.
Application of Binomial, Poisson and Normal Distribution
Application of Business Analytics
Application of Business in analysis Retail Analytics
Application of CPM and PERT techniques in Project Planning and Control
Application of Data Mining
Application of Poisson and Exponential distribution in estimating Arrival Rate and Service Rate
Application of Queue Model For better Services to the Customer
Application of stack: Conversion of Infix to Prefix and Postfix Expressions, Evaluation of postfix expression using stack.
Application to medicine, agriculture etc
Applications in business decision-making.
Applications of Business Analysis in Financial Analytics
Applications of Business Analysis in Healthcare Analytics
Applications of Business Analysis in Supply Chain Analytics
Applications of Consumer Behavior Knowledge in Marketing
Applications Of e-Commerce: Introduction
Applications of Excel functions of creating HR dashboards
Applications of HR metrics
Applications of Market index, Index Futures in the Stock Market, Indian Derivatives Market
Applications of Social Media Analytics in different Social Media platforms
Approaches to managing organizational changes
Approaches to Problem Solving, Concept of Algorithm and Flow Charts
Approaches to the financing of current assets
APT Model, EVA Model, Introduction of Start-up Finance
Architecture Design challenge
Area Sampling, Cluster Sampling Non Probability Sampling
Arguments against Business Ethics
Array and Linked Representation of Binary trees, Traversing Binary trees
Arrays, Records, Lists, Executable Objects, Methods
Arrays: Array Definition, Representation and Analysis
Artificial Intelligence (AI) System
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence: Introduction to artificial intelligence
As per latest format prescribe under the companies Act 2013
Ascertaining the class of Information
Ascertaining the class of Information
Assessment Year, Previous Year
Assignment and Initialization
Assignment Model: Hungarian Algorithm and its Application
Assignment Problem
Association rules: Introduction, Large Item sets, Basic Algorithms
Association rules: Introduction, Large item sets, Basic algorithms, Apriori Analysis
At the level of individual : At socially and ecologically responsible engineers, technologists and Manager
At the level of Society: As mutually enriching institution and Organization
Attracting and Recruiting the Best Talents
Audience & Local; Organizing Contents; Preparing Outline; Audio-visual Aids
Authentication Applications: Kerberos Electronic mail security
Authentication functions, Message authentication code
Authorities and Remedies under the minimum Wages Act 1948
Authority and Responsibilities
Authority under the Gratuity Act 1972 and their Powers and Functions
Authorized Money Exchange
Automatic error monitoring, stability of solution
Average time on site, Real time report
B2B and Service Marketing, Fundamental of B2B marketing
Bailment and Lien
Balance Scorecard
Bar Chart Sample, Bar Chart
Bar code technology, Radio Frequency Identification
Barriers in Communication
Basic Accounting terminologies
Basic Components of PC
Basic Concept of Application Layer: Domain Name System
Basic Concept of Performance Appraisal
Basic Concept of Software Design, Architectural Design
Basic Concepts and principles: Definition, Nature and Scope of Economic
Basic concepts of Automata Theory: Alphabets, Strings and Languages
Basic Model of Consumer Behavior
Basic Principles of Governing International Human Resources Management and the Role of Culture
Basic Terminology, Elementary Data Organization
Basics Requirement of ecommerce
Basis of changing Indirect Tax
Basis of Humanistic Education, Humanistic Constitution and Humanistic Universal Order
Bay’s Theorem
Bayes’ Theorem
BBA 303 Indian Economy
BBA101 Fundamentals of Management
BBA102 Organizational Behavior
BBA103 Managerial Economics
BBA104 Accounting and Financial Analysis
BBA105 Business Law
BBA106 Business Organization and Ethics
BBA201 Quantitative Techniques for Business
BBA202 Business Communication
BBA203 Human Resources Management
BBA204 Marketing Management
BBA205 Business Environment
BBA206 Fundamentals of Computer
BBA301 Advertising Management
BBA302 Team Building & Leadership
BBA304 Customer Relationship Management
BBA305 Management Information System
BBA306 Income Tax Law and Practice
BBA401 Consumer Behavior
BBA402 Financial Management
BBA403 Production & Operation Management
BBA404 Sales and Distribution Management
BBA405 Research Methodology
BBA406 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
BBA501 Arithmetic Aptitude
BBA504 General English
BBA601 Strategic Management and Business Policy
BBA602 Operation Research
BBA603 Fundamentals of E-Commerce
BBA604 Economic and Industrial Law
BCG Matrix, Anshoff Grid, GE Nine cell Planning
BCNF, Multi-valued dependencies and fifth Normal Forms
Behavior Dynamics: Interpersonal Behavior
Behavioral Learning Theories, Cognitive Learning theories to Consumer Behavior
Benchmarking, Problems in Measuring Performance & Guidelines for proper Control
Benefits of ERP & EMS
Benefits of Heuristic evaluation
Best Test and Data Import
Big Data Analytics, Modern Applications of IT
Bill finance: Drawee bill scheme, Bill discounting
Binary Search Trees: Binary Search Tree (BST), Insertion and Deletion in BST
Bing Advertisement
Black HAT and White HAT SEO
Black Scholes option pricing Model, Index options, Hedging with index options
Blockchain Concept, Challenges in Adopting Block Chain
Blog Creations: Including Headline, Links, Post.
Body language, para language
Bonus Issues
Boole’s Rule
Boolean Algebra and Digital Logic Introduction
Boolean Algebra, Boolean Expressions, Boolean Identities
Boolean Algebra: Introduction, Axioms
Bottom-up Budgeting, Advantages of bottom-up budgeting include: Activity based costing
Bounded, Complemented, Modular and Complete lattice
Brand Positioning
Brand Through Social Media Marketing (SMM)
Branding and Packaging
Building a Data Warehouse, Warehouse Database
Building High Performance Teams
Building sales Organizations, Types of Sales Organisations and their Structure
Bullwhip Effect in SCM, Push and Pull System, Lean Manufacturing, Agile Manufacturing
Bus Architecture, Bus Arbitration, Arithmetic Logic
Business Analytics
Business and IT perspective
Business and Society changing Concepts
Business Communication Principles, Sales & Credit letters
Business Cycle
Business Ethics, Gandhian Philosophy
Business Ethics: An Overview ,Concept and Nature
Business Etiquettes
Business Model Innovation, Service Innovation
Business opportunities in Various sectors, Challenges of New Venture Start-Up, Reasons for Failure of New Venture
Business process R-engineering
Business Recruitment, Data Acquisition, Data Preparation
Business Strategies, Competitive Strategies : Cost Leadership, Differentiation and Focus
Business Unit
Buy Back of Shares
Buying grid, Buying center, Buyer Seller relationship: types, Managing Relationship with Suppliers, Customers, and Distributors,
BUZZ Marketing
Cache memory, Virtual Memory, Memory management hardware
Calculation of Fixed and Option forward rates, Inter bank deals, Execution of Forward Contracts
Calculation of NPV and IRR, Excel Application in Analyzing Project
Capability Profiles
Capacity of Parties Free Consent
Capacity Planning Strategy
Capacity Planning, Capacity Planning Strategies
Capacity Planning, Capacity Planning Strategy
Capital Budgeting Decision
Capital Formation in agricultural industry
Capital Structure Planning: Capitalization Concept, Basis of Capitalizations
Capital Structure, Relevance and Irrelevance Theory
Capitals Gains
Capitals structure theories, Leverage Analysis
CAPM Model, Cash Flow Based Model
Career in Business Analytics
Career Planning & Development
Career Planning, Promotion and Types of Employee
Case Study of typical holistic technologies, Management models and Production system
Cash Credit, Overdraft, Demand loan
Cash flow
Cash Flow as Profit and Components of Cash Flows
Cash Flow Statement: Various cash and non-cash transactions
Casual Income
Categories of supplier
Census and Sample Investigation
Census and Sample Survey
Centralised and Client server Architectures
Centralization and Decentralization
Challenges and Opportunities of OB
Challenges faced by Entrepreneurs , Common mistake in Entrepreneurship
Champions Using Mail Chimp
Change and Organizational Development
Change Control Process, Software Version Control
Changing Nature of Globalization, The Changing Nature of the Regulatory Environment
Changings Trends in Retailing
Channel Allocation Protocols: Random Access
Channel Alternatives
Channel Conflict, Retailing and types of Retailer
Channel Design and Channel Management decision
Characteristics and skills of an Entrepreneur, Entrepreneur Vs Manager
Characteristics and Skills of Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development
Characteristics of a Purchasing Manager
Characteristics of an Effective Group
Characteristics of Business Organization
Characteristics of Indian Economy
Characteristics of Internet: email
Characteristics of Modes of Transport: Road Transport, Rail Transport, Maritime Transport and Air Transport
Characteristics of Service, Classification of Service, Factor Affecting Service Operations
Characteristics of Successful Communication
Characteristics of the press, Basic Media Concepts, Newspapers, Magazines
Characteristics of the scientific method, Steps in Researches process
Chaudhary Charan Singh University BBA Notes
Chi-Square Test
Chi-square test, t-test, F Test
Child Labor ( Prohibition & Regulations) ACT, 1986 and its Amendment
Chinese Remainder theorem, Discrete Logarithmic Problem
Choosing suitable types of interviews, Formulating a recruitment strategy for seniors level executives
Choosing the right CRM Solution
Circular Economy: Concept of Circular Economy
Circular flows in 2 sector
Claim and Adjustment Letters; Jobapplication and Resumes
Classes and subnetting
Classes, Inheritance, Objects and Message Passing
Classical encryption techniques substitution ciphers and transposition ciphers
Classical, Administrative Herbert Simon’s Model, Management Support System
Classification and Arrangement: Wired LANs and Wireless LANs
Classification and Tabulation of Data
Classification and Types of Entrepreneurs; Entrepreneurial Competencies
Classification of Advertising, Process of Advertising, Fundamentals of Advertising Campaign
Classification of Business Objectives
Classification of Business Policy
Classification of Computers on various Parameters viz. Size, Purpose, Number of Users, Software
Classification of Grammars, Chomosky’s Hierarchy
Classification techniques – Nearest neighbor rule and Bayes classifier
Clearing and Settlement procedure, Regulatory systems for equity Market
Client/Server Computing Model & Data Warehousing
Climate Changes, Political Dimensions of Climate Change, Plight and Issues of climate Refugees
CLIQUE. Model Based Method – Statistical Approach
Cloud and Dynamic Infrastructure
Cloud and Virtualization, Basics of Virtualization, Types, Virtualization Benefits
Cloud Architecture-Layered
Cloud Computer essentials and Benefits
Cloud Computing for Business, Active Database
Cloud Model, Cloud Characteristics , Cloud Computer Characteristics
Cloud models public Vs private Clouds, Hybrid Clouds, Community Clouds
Cloud Protection, Clouds Analytics, Testing Under cloud
Cloud Standards
Clouds Infrastructure Self service
Clouds Offerings, Information storage, Retrieval, Archive and
Clouds Services Requirements
Clouds Storage Providers
Cloze Test
Cluster Analysis and Market Segment
Clustering introduction, Hierarchical Algorithms
Clustering: Introduction, Similarity and Distance Measures
Co- creation and Open Innovation, Developing an Innovation Strategy
Co-Operative banks, Developments banks
Code of Ethics, Organizational Culture
Coding System, Material Handling in Stores, Logistics and Information System, Strategies, Retail sales techniques and Promotion, CRM & Brand Management in Retailing
Coefficient of Variation
Cognitive Dissonance
combination of partial order sets, Hasse diagram
Combinatorics: Introduction, Counting Techniques
Combining security associations, Key management
Commercials Banks
Commodity Market Indice, Commodity Futures
Common mistake in, Entrepreneurship and changing role of Entrepreneur
Common Size statement
Common Size Statement ; Comparative Balance Sheet
Commonly Misspelled Words
Communication Mix, Customer acquisition process, Relationship Communication
Communication Model
Communication Network
Communication of crisis, Barriers of Communication
Communication Process
Communication structure of Organization
Companies Act: Definition and Characteristics, Kinds of CompanyCompanies Act: Definition and Characteristics
Companies Directors: Appointment, power Companies directors: duties and liability Resolutions and Types
Comparative Balance Sheet
Comparative Balance sheet and Trends Analysis of Manufacturing , Services and Banking Organization
Comparison Pros and Cons of Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Compensation, Job Evaluation
Competency Mapping and Career Development
Competition, features
Complexity of Search Algorithm, Path Length, AVL Trees
Compliance with Design and Coding Standards
Component of Business Environment
Components of balance payments; Current Account , Capital Account, Official Reserve Account, Debit and Credit Entries
Components of CRM
Components of Leadership
Components of Time Series
Components of Wage/ salary : DA, Incentives, Bonus, Fringe benefits etc.
Components, attitude formation and attitude change. Meaning & Type of Group Behavior
Composite Cost of Capital
Composite relations, Properties of relations
Computation of cost of capital
Computer and Human Inspection, Inconsistent Data, Data Integration and Transformation
Computer Basic Introduction
Computer system Design
Computer Vision, Natural language processing
Computing Two ways and Three ways Lift Allocating Retail Space
Concept of Assembler, Compiler, Loader and Linker
Concept of Branding, Brand Type, Brand equity, Brand positioning
Concept of Business Analytics
Concept of Business Analytics; Meaning and Type
Concept of HRM and Objective
Concept of Hypothesis Testing
Concept Of Long Term Planning
Concept of Opportunity Cost
Concept of Physical Distribution System Sales
Concept of Social Enterprise and Social Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurs
Concept of Synergy, Types
Concept of Tax Planning
Concept, meaning and objective of Talent Management
Concept, Significance of Business Environment
Concepts and Relevance of Dividend decision
Concepts Hierarchy, 3 Tier Architecture , ETL, Data Marketing, Use of Data Warehousing in current Industry Senario
Concepts of Deliverables, The project management process
Concepts of Financial Management
Concepts of Gross and Net Working Capital
Concepts of Intrapreneurship, Entrepreneur v/s Intrapreneur
Concepts of Population Explosion
Concepts of Product and Service Quality
Concepts of Working Capitals
Concepts, Objective, Functions, Significance & Aspects of Industrials Relations
Condition Checking, Looping, Structured Data Types
Conditional Probability
Conditions for Payment , Forfeiture of Gratuity
Conducting survey
Conflicts and Dispute Resolution, Negotiation and Discussion Stage
Conjoint Analysis as a Decompositional Preference Model
Consequence of Contract Terminal ( Termination)
Consequences and Remedies of over capitalizations
Consequences and Remedies of Under capitalizations
Consolidated Balance Sheet of holding Companies with one subsidiary only
Constituents of Export Sales Contract
Constituents of Technical Written Communication Words and Phrases
constitutional framework of indirect tax before GST
Construction of Prices, Quantity and Volume Indices, Chain Based Method
Consumer Attention, Consumer Perception, Consumer Learning
Consumer attitude Formation and Changes
Consumer Behavior : Nature, Characteristics, Relevance & Applications
Consumer Behavior in Indian Perspective
Consumer Behavior in the Contemporary Environment
Consumer Behavior, Interdisciplinary Approach
Consumer Decision Making Process
Consumer Involvement
Consumer Perception
Consumer protections act definitions, Aims, and objective Consumer protection councils
Consumer Research Process
Consumer Surplus: Price Income, Substitution effect
Consumer Values and Lifestyles
Consumer Vs Industrials Buying Behavior
Consumers and Customers
Consumers Decision Making Process, Attribution Theory and Diffusion of Innovation
Contact Us
Contemporary cases in Economic Nationalism, Future of Economic Integration, Sharing Economy: New Business Model,Difference between Platform and Traditional Business Model,Difference types of Platforms, Implications on future of Work
Contemporary Issues in Managing Teams
Contemporary Talent Management issues and Challenges
Contemporary theories of Motivation: Self Determination Theory
Content Marketing, Content Creation Process
Content Marketing, Importance of Content Marketing
Contents of Sale Contract: Goods, Price ,Condition and Warranty
Context Free Grammars (CFG) and Context Free Languages (CFL) – Definition, Examples
Continuous Systems and Other Manufacturing System
Contract of Affreightment: Teams of delivery & Intercoms Standards, International Purchasing system Constituents
Contracts Agreements
Controlled and Channelization techniques such as ALOHA
Controlling Costs and Reducing Inventory loss, parking space problem at retail centre
Controlling: Concepts
Conventions and Principles
conventions and principles
Convergence and Divergence in personal management in developed and development economics
Convertibility of Rupee; Current account Convertibility, Capital account Convertibility
Converting Between Bases, Signed Integer Representation
Coordination Concepts of Leadership
Corporate Cultural and Cross border HRM
Corporate Governance , Composition of the Boards
Corporate Mission Statement
Corporate Planning
Corporate social responsibility
Corporate Strategy: Concept, Components, Importance
Corporate Valuation Model, Earning Based Valuation Model
Correct appraisal of Physical need, Meaning of Prosperity in detail
Correlation Analysis
Correlation Analysis: Rank Method & Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation
Correlation, Significance of Correlation
Cost output relationship in the Long-run
Cost Performance index (CPI) , Schedule performance index, Project Termination: types of termination
Cost, Types of costs, Cost output relationship in the short-run.
Crashing of Operations
Crashing of Operations ,Information as a Strategic resource, Use of Information for Competitive Advantage
Create Paid Campaign on Google Ad words
creating a culture for change, implementing the change
Credit Analysis Process
Credit Appraisal: Validation of proposal
Credit Card based Electronic Payment Systems, Risks and Electronic Payment System, Electronic Data Interchange
Credit Rating: Measurement of Risk,Objective of Rating
Credit Risk Analysis( debt ration & Risk of leverage)
Credit trust, Credit Priorities,
Criteria of Selecting the Third- Party Logistics operator
Criteria to Select a Product; Conducting Feasibility Studies
Criteria: (KRA, KSA VS KPI)
Critical Path Method
CRM Affiliation in Retailing Sector
CRM Links in E-Business , E-Commerce and Customers Relationship on the Internet
CRM Meaning
CRM Process For Marketing Organizations
CRM Process, Strategic Alliances
CRM Supplier Roles and Importance
Cross Elasticity and Advertising Elasticity. Uses of Elasticity of Demand for managerial decision making
Cross Functional Teams, Virtual Teams
Crossing of Negotiable Instruments
Cryptanalysis, Steganography, Stream and block ciphers
CSMA, CSMA/CD, CDMA/CA, TDMA, FDMA, Token Passing, etc
Cultural Aspects of International business Negotiations
Cultural Influences on Consumer Behavior
Cultural sensitiveness and cultural context
Currency Swaps Interest rate futures
Current issues relating to FDI
Curve fitting, Cubic Spline and Approximation
Custom Law: Introduction levy and collection , taxable event
Customer buying through E -Platforms like Flipkart, Amazon, Ebay, Snapdeal etc
Customer Decision Making Process
Customer Expectations and Perceptions of services
Customer Relationship with business via ecommerce Electronic Payment System
Customer Satisfaction
Customer Touch Point
Customer value and the Value delivery process
Customers Lifetime Value
Customs Act.1962, Liberalization in Nineteens
Customs or Integrated Supply Chain Management, Global supply Chain Management
Cyber Laws : Aim, Salient provision
Cyber Security / Cyber Laws
Cyclomatic Complexity Measures: Control Flow Graphs
Dashboards: few key excel Add-ins/ Functions to help create dashboard
Data Cleaning: Missing Values, Noisy Data
Data Cleaning: Missing values, Noisy Data, Binning, Clustering, Regression
Data Collection and Web Analytics Fundamentals
Data Collection, Data Classification
Data communication Components and characteristics
Data Communications: Introduction
Data Compression, Numerosity Reduction
Data Cubes, Stars, Snow Flakes, Fact Constellations, Concept
Data encryption standard(DES), Strength of DES
Data Evaluations and Interpretations, Data Deployment, Operations and Optimizations
Data Hypothesis
Data Import and Export, Attributes and Data Types
Data Independence, Data Redundancy, Data Consistency, Data Administration
Data Independence, DML, Overall Database Structure
Data Management, Big Data Management
Data Mining Case Study, Application of Data Mining, Introduction of Data Mining tools like WEKA, ORANGE, SAS, KNIME etc.
Data Mining Characteristics , Techniques of Data Mining
Data Mining interface
Data Mining interface, Security, Backup and Recovery
Data mining Techniques : Data Genralization, Analytical Chracterization
Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Data Visualizations
Data Mining: Overview, Motivation, definitions
Data Modeling
Data Modelling using the Entity Relationship Model, ER Model concept, Notation for ER diagram
Data Objects, Variables and Constants
Data Processing, Form of Data Pre-processing
Data Reduction:-Data Cube Aggregation, Dimensionality reduction
Data representation and Data flow
Data Representation in Computer Systems Introduction
Data Science and Project Life Cycle
Data Science and Responsibility
Data Science, Why Data Science, Applications of Data Science
Data Scientist Vs Data Engineering Vs Business Analyst
Data Structure operations, Algorithm Complexity and Time-Space trade-off.
Data transfer & manipulations, Program Control
Data Types, Declarations, Type Checking and Type Conversion
Data Types, Sources of Error
Data Visualization and Overall Perspective
Data Warehouse Characteristics , Functionally , Data Warehouse Advantage
Data Warehousing : Overview and definition
Data Warehousing: Overview, Definition, Data Warehousing Components
Database Design, Normalization, Functional Dependencies , Normal forms, First Normal Form NF1, Second Normal Forms NF2, Third normal forms NF3
Database Management System Concept and its DBMS
Database Management System, DBMS Overview
Database system concept and Architecture, Data model Schema and Instances
DBMS keys, Concepts of Super Key, Candidate Key, Primary Key
Deadlock Handling, Concurrency Control
Dealing Position: Exchange Position, Cash Position
Dealing with missing or incomplete Data
Dealing with Noisy Data
Decision Area in International Advertising, Emerging Concepts and Issues in Marketing Communication
Decision Making : Method
Decision Making : Tools & Procedures
Decision Making Concepts
Decision Making Under Certainty and Uncertainty and Risk Situation
Decision Making Under Risk : Criteria of EMV & EOL
Decision Making Under Uncertainty : Criteria of Maximax, Maximin, Maximax, Regret Laplace & Hurwinz
Decision Properties of CFLs, Pumping lemma for CFLs
Decision Support System
Decision Support system (DSS) : Concept & Philosophy
Decision Tree Approach & its Approach
Decision Tree Approach and Its Applications
Decision Tree based Algorithms Classification
Decision trees, Statistical learning methods
Decision-Making Environment, Decision-Making Under Certainty
Decision-making- types, process & techniques
Deduction from Total Gross Income
Deemed Income
Deep Learning, Singularity: Time lines and Implication, Augmented Reality and Applications
Defining roles of Teams members
Defining Sales Management, Objective of Sales Management
Definition and Classification of Group, Types of Group Structure
Definition and Concept of CRM
Definition and Features of Negotiable Instruments
Definition and Meaning of Research,Importance and Types and Qualities of Research
Definition of Retail Strategy, Strategy for effective market segmentation
Definition, Data Generalization, Analytical Characterization
Definition, Nature of Economics as an Art or Science
Definitiveness of Ethical Human Conduct
Defying and Classifying Communication
Degenerating, MODI Method
Delegation of Authority
Delivering, Pricing and Managing Services Promise, Demand and Capacity
Demand Analysis, Demand schedule
Demand and Supply Analysis: Theory of Demand, Types of Demand.
Demand Curve and Nature of Curves
Demand curve, Law of Demand, Exceptions to the law of Demand, Shifts in demand curve
Demand Forecasting
Demand forecasting meaning, significance and methods.( numerical Exercises) Supply Analysis;
Demand Theory Objectives
Demanding Forecasting For manpower Planning, HR supply Forecasting, Factor influencing HRP
Demotion and Separation of employee Performances Appraisal: Meaning and Types of Appraisal
Density Based Methods DBSCAN, OPTICS. Grid Based Methods- STING
Derivation trees, Ambiguous Grammars, Simplification of Grammars
Deriving Market Segments and Describing the Segment
Describe the key component of the entire value chain including Supplier
Descriptive Research Design Concept
Descriptive statistics, Exploratory data analysis
Design and Analysis of Experiment, Acceptance Sampling plan
Design failure Mode & Effect Analysis, Product Reliability Analysis
Design for six sigma , Bench marking
Design of Fast address, Arithmetic Algorithms (addition, subtraction, Booth Multiplication)
Design Strategies: Function Oriented Design, Object Oriented Design
Design Thinking in Banking
Design Thinking in Education
Design Thinking in Finance
Design Thinking in Health Sector
Design Thinking in Infrastructure
Design Thinking in Retail
Design Thinking process
Design-led Innovation, Improvisation
Designing and Administrating sales forces, Sales forces Compensations,Designing incentives and Contests
Determinants of Consumer Behavior: Roles of Motivation
Determinants of demand, Demand Function, Demand Schedule
Determinants of Establishments of a new Business Unit
Determination of Capital Structure
Determine Optimal Bundling Pricing
Determining the information Requirement
Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) and Nondeterministic Finite Automata (NFA) – Definition
Developing CRM Strategy
Developing Effective Communication
Developing Entrepreneurial Competencies, Entrepreneurial Culture
Developing HR policies and strategies
Developing Job description and Job Specification
Developing the Advertising Campaign: Message Strategies
Development & Implementation of MIS
Development and Conducting Sales Training program, Leading Sales Organization:Sales Force Motivation
Development Customizations
Development Financial Institutions, Investment Institutions
Development of Business Policy
Development of Early Languages, Evolution of Software Architectures
Development of Long-range plans of the MIS
Development: Techniques and Methods- Inductive, Deductive, Spatial, Linear, Chronological etc ; The Art of Condensation-various steps.
Developments leading to International HRM Perspective
Diagrammatical and Graphical presentation of data
Diagrams, Graphs, Charts
Difference between Database System and Data Warehouse
Difference between Database System and Data Warehouse
Difference Between Groups and Teams
Difference between Innovation and Creativity
Difference between innovation and creativity
Difference Between Internet, Extranet, Ethernet
Difference between Linux and Unix, iOS, Google Chrome
Difference between Production and Operations Management
Difference between public relations and advertising
Difference between respect and differentiation: the other silent value in relationship
Difference tables Polynomial Interpolation: Newton’s forward and backward formula
Differences between Data Mining and Data Processing, KDD Process
Different Cost associated with Quality like Assurance cost, Failure cost, Prevention cost, Rectification cost, Appraisal cost
Different levels of management,
Different Research Design
Different Types of Distribution Channels
Diffusion of Innovation: Definition of Innovation, Product Characteristics Influencing Diffusion
Digital Components, Combinational Circuits, Sequential Circuits
Digital Marketing Process,The Contemporary digital revolution,Digital Transformation Framework,Types of Website, Keywords
Digital Marketing Strategies and their ROI
Digital Piracy Management
Digital signature standards (DSS), Proof of digital signature algorithm
Digital signature,Electronic Governance,Attributions, Acknowledgments, and Dispatch of electronic records
Digital Signatures, Elgamal Digital Signature Techniques
Dimensions of Quality in Service
Dimensions of Quality, Quality Philosophies; Deming’s
Direct Marketing: Meaning, Features, Functions, Different forms and Growth and Benefits of Direct Marketing
Direct Speech and Indirect Speech
Directed Graphs, Sequential Representations of Graphs, Adjacency Matrices
Directing & Controlling- Principle of directing
Directing: Concepts
Directional Strategy: Growth Strategy, Stability Strategies, & Retrenchment Strategies, Corporate parenting
Discipline & Grievance handling
Discretization and Concept hierarchy generation, Decision Tree
Discriminant Analysis, Targeting
Display Advertising, Various SEO Plugins
Disposal of Profits
Distance-Based Algorithms, Decision Tree-Based Algorithms
Distinction between Futures and Forward
Distinction between General and Technical communication
Distribution: Concept and Importance
Distributive Network Relation
Diversity of Consumer Behavior
Diversity of Different Generations in the Workplace
Dividend Model: Walter and Gordons Model
Dividend Policy : Determinants of dividend policy
Dividends Model: Walter and Gordon’s Model
Domestic HRM compared to International HRM
Dominance Method For Solving Mixed Strategy Game
Double entry system of Accounting
DSS: Deterministic Systems
Duality, Transportation Problem, Various Method Of Finding Initial basic Feasible Solution
Dynamic System Development Method – Extreme Programming
Dynamics of Creative Thinking
E-cash, E-cheque, Credit cards , Debit Cards
E-Commerce: Concept, Meaning & Introduction
e-HRM Nature, Activities
E.D. Programmes (EDP)
Earned Value Analysis (EVA), Planned Value (PV), Earned Value (EV), Cost Variance, Schedule Variance
Easy Notes Store
EBIT EPS Analysis
Economic Exposure, Managing Economic Exposure,Interest rate risk
Economic Growth & Development
Economic Growth and Development
Economic service life , Opportunity cost, Replacement analysis using specific time period, Spares management, Maintenance Records
Economics-Micro Economics and Macro Economics
EFE Matrix, PORTER Five Forces Model
Effective Appraisal system and Criteria
Effective Listening, Interviewing skills
Effective Listening: Non verbal Communication
Effective Safety Management & Legal Provision, Basics of Ethics and Fair treatment at work
Effort and Cost estimation techniques – COSMIC Full function points
Efforts, Schedule/Duration, Constructive Cost Models (COCOMO)
Elasticity of Demand and its measurement. Price Elasticity, Income Elasticity, Arc Elasticity
Electronic mail, File Transfer Protocol, Remote login
Electronic Payment Systems, Electronic Cash, Smart Cards, and Electronic Payment System
Elementary Knowledge for Writing a Research Paper
Elements of B2B offering, B2B Marketing mix, Strategic tools for managing product offering
Elements of Mix Marketing
Elicitation, Analysis, Documentation, Review and Management of User Needs
Eligibility to be Partner, Relationship of Partner
Email Marketing Strategy and Monitoring
Email Marketing, Lead Generation
Emerging Challenge of IR in India
Emerging Trends in Business Research
Emerging trends in employee relations and employee involvement
Emerging trends in International HRM
Employee Compensation
Employee Hiring: Nature of Recruitment and Sources of Recruitment, Employee selection, Process of employee selection
Employee Incentive Scheme,Recent Trends in Compensation Management
Employee participation and Empowerment, , Objectives, Employees Participations
Employee Relation
Employee State Insurance Act 1948
Employee Stock option plan
Employee’s Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions ACT, 1952
Employer, Continuous Service etc
Employment communication: Introduction
Employment Practices in India with respect to Japan, European, Corporate Social Responsibility in MNC’s, The MacDonald’s Corporations
Encapsulating security payloads
Encapsulation, Abstraction, Abstract Data Types
Encryption, decryption, public-key and private key cryptography
Endorsements of Negotiable Instruments
Enterprise resources planning (ERP), Analyze sustainable and Green manufacturing practice
Enterprises Management System (EMS)
Enterprises Resources Planning (ERP) System
Entity Relationship Diagrams, Decision Tables, SRS Document
Entrepreneur Vs. Professional Manager
Entrepreneurial Development
Entrepreneurial Mobility, Factors affecting Entrepreneurial mobility
Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Development, Factors affecting Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII)
Environmental Analysis
Environmental Analysis
Equal opportunity and Diversity management in global context
Equal Remuneration Act
Equi-Marginal Principle, Utility Analysis, Cardinal Utility and Ordinal Utility.
Equity Theory, Reinforcement Theory
Equivalence of Moore and Mealy Machines
Error Detection and Error Correction: Types of errors
Error Spotting
Errors in numerical computation
Essence of coordination, Different control techniques, Management by exception
Essentials of Contract, Valid Contract
Essentials of effective Business letter
Essentials of HRM, Nature and scope of Human resources and management
Establishing and the new Business Unit
Estimating Demand Curve: Estimating Linear and Power Demand Curve
Estimating Financial Funds Requirement, Sources of Finance; Banks
Ethical aspects of B2B pricing, Managing the personal selling function, Sales forces selections
Ethical Concerns of Behavioral Economics, Ethical Concern of Behavioural Economics
Ethics in Cross boarder Business
Ethics in Sales, Influencing and Assertiveness skills
Euler’s Method, Taylor’s Method
Evaluating and Choosing Among strategic Alternative
Evaluating stress level
Evaluating Success of service offerings, Complain Handling, Recovery Management, Services Guarantees
Evaluating Team Performance
Evaluation Mediation process
Evaluation of factor affecting HR planning , Strategic View of Recruitment & Selection
Evaluation of Synergy
Evaluations of Personality
Evolution and feature of Derivatives, Types of Derivatives
Evolution of Business Organization
Evolution of Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Concepts of Intrapreneurship
Evolution of Entrepreneurship, Theories of Entrepreneurship
Evolution of Law Merchant
Evolution of Management Thought: Contribution Taylor
Evolution of Quality Management
Evolution of Sales Function
Evolutionary Development Models, Iterative Enhancement Models
Evolving Ethical values
Examples of choice architecture in action include:Economics: Nationalism: Nature of Economy Nationalism
Excel (latest version) : Introduction, Filter, Commands for Excel
Exchange Ratio
Exchange Risk: Exchange exposure and Exchange risk
Execution of a complete instruction, Multiple-Bus organization
Executional Framework of messages; Sources and Spokespersons, Sources Characteristic
Executive Information System
Exercise case studies in design thinking
EXIM Policy
Existential threats, Five types of Risk associated with AI, Need for new age Ethics
Experimental Design Concept of Cause
Exploratory data Analysis, Visualizations before Analysis
Export possibilities
Exports Oriented units- Fiscals & Tax Concessions, Overview of MSME Policy of Government of India
Extended Euclidean Algorithm, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
External and Internal factors affecting Team building
External Environmental Analysis: PESTEL Analysis
External Hedging, Forward Contract hedge, Money market hedge, hedging with futures, and Options
F-TEST, Z-TEST, Cross Tabulation
F4 Company Accounts
Facebook Analytics: Introduction, Parameters
Factor Affecting Dividend Policy
Factor Affecting Dividend Policy
Factor Affecting Entrepreneurial Growth – Economic, Non-Economic Factors
Factor affecting international business environment, Business policy, LPG model, International forces in business
Factor affecting Location
Factor Affecting Plant Location, Inventory Control Techniques,Types of Plant Layout
Factor Driving Global Supply Chain Management
Factor influencing Retailing, Strategic Retailing Planning process
Factor Influencing the Retail Consumer
Factor Pricing v/s Product Pricing
Factors Affecting Channel Choice
Factors Affecting Economic Development
Factors Affecting of Business Environment
Factors affecting Plant Layout
Factors affecting Presentation
Factors affecting wages and salary, System of payment
Factors Considered, Approaches
Factors Determining the Location Decision
Factors Influencing Buying behavior, buying habits
Factors Influencing Market Segmentation
Factors Influencing Merchandising, Function of Merchandising Manager
Factors Influencing Pricing, Method of Pricing
Factors to be Considered for print Media Advertising
Factory Act 1948
Feasibility Study, Information Modelling, Data Flow Diagrams
Features of a Good Design
Features of Business
FEMA, Start-Ups
Fermat’s and Euler’s theorem, Primality testing
Fetching a word from memory, storing a word in memory
Field Force Automation
Fields, Records, Table, views, Reports, and Queries,Data Warehouse Characteristics And Use of Data Warehouse
Fifteen Thousands (15,000) seats to increase under EWS quota, colleges’ affiliation
File Structures: Physical Storage Media File Organization
Fill In the Blanks
Final Accounts
Finals Accounts : Including Computation of Managerial Remuneration and disposal of profit
Finance Functions
FINANCE: F3 Cost and Management Accounting
Financial Credit: Meaning and Objective, Credit Risk, Credit Analysis, Seven C’s
Financial Decisions, Time Value Of Money
Financial services in GATs
Financial Statement Analysis
Financial Support System: Forms of Financial support
Financial Swaps, Types of Swaps
Financing of small scale industries in developing Countries
Finding out selection bias
Finite Automata with Output: Moore and Mealy Machine
Five Phases of CRM Projects
Fixed and Floating Exchange rate system, Exchange rate system under IMF: Bretton woods system, The Smithsonian Agreement , The flexible Exchange Rate Regime
Floating point Arithmetic: Representation of floating point numbers
Floating-Point Representation, Character Codes
Flow Control and Error Control: Stop and Wait Protocol
Flow of Cash
flow of cash, preparation of Cash Flow Statement and its analysis.
Focus of HRD System
Foreign Exchange and Risk Management. Foreign Exchange and Foreign trade
Foreign exchange Management Act. 1999
Foreign Exchange Market
Foreign Exchange of Stock, Balance of Payments, Balance of Payments Accounting
Foreign Exchange Transactions; purchase and sales transaction
Foreign investment Promotion Board, FDI
Foreign Trade Development and Regulation Act. 1992
Forex risk Management : Risk in Forex dealing , Measure of value at Risk
Forfeiture and Re- issue of Share
Formal and Informal Communication
Formal Technical Reviews (Peer Reviews), Walk Through Code Inspection
Formation of Group
Formation of Sales Contract
Forms of Business Organization
Forms of Communication
Forms of Dividends
Forms of Planning
Formulating evidence based practices and responsible investment
Formulation of Business Problems in Research
Formulation of the research problem
forward chaining and backward chaining
Forward Contract, Feature of Forward Contract
Forward Exchange Contract: Fixed and Option forward Contracts
Forward margin, Factors determining forward margin, Merchant Rates: Basis of Merchant Rates, Types of buying and selling Rates
Forward Market in India,Hedging with Forwards
Forward Market Transactions, Forward Contracts
Forward Rate Agreement
Forward, Features and Options Market
fostering innovation and entrepreneurship
Foundation concept in Internatioanl logistics
Framework for Implementing CRM: A Step by Step Process
Framework for Management and control, Collection of data
Free consent Quasi Contract, Legality of object, Performance of Contract Termination of Contract, Remedies for breach of contract
Freelancing, Internet Marketing
Frequency Chart: Different frequency chart like Histogram
Frequency curve, Pi chart
Frequency Distribution
Fringe Benefits, Allowances
Function of Advertising
Function of Production Management
Function of Retailing
Function of Sales Executive
Functional Strategies: Marketing, Finance , R&D , Operations, Purchasing, Logistics, HRM & IT
Functional Testing (Black Box Testing), Test Data Suit Preparation
Functions and Responsibilities of Sales Person, Filling Sales Positions, Training and Development
Fund Flow analysis
Fundamental Principles of Managerial Economics – Incremental Principle, Marginal Principle
Fundamentals of Communication Technical Communication: features:
Fundamentals of individual behavior, Personality, types of personality
Fundamentals of Management: Management practices from past to present
Fundamentals of Managements: Introduction and Concepts
Funds Flow Statement: Meaning, Concept of Gross
Future Contract, Types , Function
Gantt Chart, Work breakdown Structure (WBS)
Gaps Model of service selections
Gauss Elimination direct method and pivoting
Gauss Seidal iterative method, Rate of Convergence
Gender Difference and Gender
General Agreement on Trade in Service ( GATS )
General Over View of Web Concept And Hosting, Domain
Generating Filtering Rules, Target Marketing, Risk Management, Customer profiling
Generations of Computer
Global Compensation Practices
Global Marketing: Current scenario, Green Marketing, Agile Marketing
Global Organization Structures
Global Staffing Practices
Goal Setting to Team
Google Ad words, Importance of Google Paid Campaign
Google Analytics: Brief Introduction and working
Google Analytics: Key Performance indicator
Graphic Method, Simplex Method ( Including Big M Method )
Graphical and Statistical Techniques of Process Quality Improvement
Graphical Method for Solving Mixed Strategy Game
Graphical Representation of Data
Graphs and Matrices: Basics measures of individuals
Graphs: Terminology & Representations, Graphs & Multi-graphs
Green Marketing , Digital Marketing, Service Marketing
Green Revolution
Grid Computing, Green Computing, Internet of Things (IoT)
Grievance Functions in IR: Grievance settlement procedure, Industrial Dispute: Preventive & Settlement Machinery in India
Gross Total Income, Total Income
Group Communication: Meeting, Planning Meetings, Objectives , Participants, Timing, Venue of Meeting, Leading Meetings
Group Decision Making
Group Decision Support System
Group Discussion
Groups Discussion, Mocks Interviews
Growth and Importance of Media
GST Council, GST Network
GST Refund, TDS in GST, Registration of GST
GST Valuation rules, Excess Tax Credit
Halestead’s Software Science, Function Point (FP) Based Measures
Halting problem of Turing Machine, Church-Turing Thesis
Hardware & Software requirement of Internet
Hardware and Operating Systems for Data Warehousing
Hardware and Software : Introduction
Hardware Multi-threading, Multicore processing
Hardwired & Micro Programmed (Control Unit):Fundamental Concepts
Hardwired Control, Micro programmed control
Hash functions, Birthday attacks
Hidden Markov model, Bayesian networks
Hierarchical and Partitional Algorithms. Hierarchical Clustering- CURE and Chameleon
Hierarchical Clustering : CURE and Chameleon, Parallel and Distributed Algorithms, Neural Network Approach
Hierarchy of needs theory
Historical development and foundation areas of artificial intelligence
Historical Overview of Data Analysis
History of Computer
History of Electronic Commerce, Advantages and Disadvantages of E-commerce
HML and SDE, KANBAN, Types of Inventories
Hofer’s Product Market Evaluation Matrix, McKinney 7s Framework
Holistic perception of harmony at all level of existence
How do People React to Cultural Differences, Can We Measure or Graph Cultural Differences
How many Platforms of Social Media
How to begin with Low Investment, Environmental Scanning and Low Investment
How to create paid Advertising on Social Media
How to get Project From USA, UK,CA and Other Country
How to make business page or profile page on Social Media ( Facebook, twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest etc
How to Optimize Social Media
How to Promote Brand through Content
HR Analytics, Evolution of HR Analytics
HR information system Data Sources
HR policies & Procedure
HR Programmer
HR Scorecard
HR/IR issues in MNCs
HRM Process
HRM Vs HRD,SHRM: Introduction, Characteristics, Scope of SHRM
HRM Vs Personnel management
Human Resource Accounting
Human Resources Accounting (HRA)
Human Resources and Company image, Brand Value, External to the Enterprises, Micro: Supplier, customers, and Market intermediaries
Human Resources audits
Human Resources Information system (HRIS)
Human Resources of India
Human Resources planning
Human Resources Planning: Objectives and Activities
Hypervisor Management Software
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis Testing: Null and Alternative Hypotheses
IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
IBC Law and Arbitration
Idea of differential cryptanalysis, Block cipher modes of operations
Ideas Generation – Sources Method, Identification and Classification of Ideas
Identification of Project
Identifying and Application of the nodes and activity,Activity on Arrow method (AOA), Activities on Node (AoN) Method
Identifying and Assessing High potential Talent: Current Organizational Practice
Identifying the Sales to Marketing Effort Relationship and its Modeling
Identity Politics: Issues and challenges
Idioms Phrases
IEEE standard for Floating point numbers
IEEE Standards for SRS. Software Quality Assurance
Ill Conditioned system of equations, Refinement of solution
Impact of Global and Cultural Diversity on OB
Impact of MIS, MIS & Computers
Impact of Technological Advancement on Business Communication networks
Implementation technology
Implementing the process in driving innovation
Implies and Quasi Contract
Importance Advertising in business
Importance Marketing
Importance of Business language
Importance of Communication in Management
Importance of Credit Analysis, Stages of Credit Analysis, Profitability Analysis
Importance of Digital Marketing
Importance of Entrepreneurship in Indian Economy
Importance of Google Webmaster Tool
Importance of Leadership
Importance of Manufacturing for technological and socioeconomic developments
Importance of Planning
Importance of Retail Location
Importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Importance of Segmentation
Importance of Social Media Marketing
Importance of Software Project Management
Importance of technical communication; Barriers to Communication
Important and Theory of Motivation
Important of Motivation
IMS : A Support the Management
Incentive Scheme, Profit Sharing
Incentives and Subsidies Available for small Business
Income from House Properties
Income from Other Sources
Income from Salaries
Income Tax Act 1961
Income which does not form part of Total Income
Inconsistent Data, Data Integration and Transformation
Incorporation of Partnership
Increase trends of e-commerce
Indemnity and Guarantee Contract
Indepandant Internal Audit
Independent Risk Management System
Index Number
Index Numbers: Meaning, Types of Index Number, Uses of Index Number
Index Numbers:- Meaning
Indexing and Hashing Techniques and their Comparisons
Indian Banking System : Structure and Organization of banks
Indian Contract Act : Definition and Essentials
Indian Economy
Indian Partnership Act: Definition and Nature of Partnership
Indian Quality Standards, Quality Audit
Indifference curves Analysis Consumer Equilibrium
Individual Behavior
Individual Creativity
Individuals Creativity: Roles and Process, idea to business Opportunity
Inductions and Objectives of a CRM Process
Industrial Dispute Act 1947
Industrial Organization (IO), Structure Conduct Performance (SCP)
Industrial Policy since 1991
Industrial Policy: Its historical Perspective (In brief )
Industrial relations and International Practices in industrial relations
Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation
Inference in first order logic, Clause form conversion
Infinitives; Requisites of Sentence Construction: Paragraph
Inflation, types and causes
Influence of Culture and Sub Culture
Influencer Marketing
Information Concepts, Information: A Quality product classification of the Information
Information Security, Software as a Security, Security Governance
Information, Management, and Decision Making
Informed searching techniques, Local search algorithms
innovation strategies and management
Innovation Types and sources, recognizing opportunities
Innovation- Meaning
Input Devices, Output Devices
Input to Job Evaluation
Input-Output Organization :I/O Interface
Input-Output processor, Serial Communication
Installed Capacity, Commissioned capacity
Integrated of Marketing Communication Concepts and Process
Integration Strategies,: Horizontal & Vertical, Diversification : Related and Unrelated, Internationalization, Poters Model of Competitive advantage of nations
Integration Testing, Acceptance Testing, Regression Testing
Integrity Constraint, Entity Integrity, Referential Integrity, Keys Constraint, Domain Constraint
Inter Group problems in Organizational Group dynamics
Inter-Conversions in Various Numbers Systems, Binary Arithmetic.
Interactive Marketing
Interconnectedness and mutual fulfillment among the four orders in nature- recyclability and self regulation in nature
Interest Rate Party (IRP)
Intern Rate of Return (IRR)
Internal and External Customer Relationship, Evaluate the effective use of lean techniques
Internal Appraisal , The Internal Environment
Internal Hedge, Translation Explosure, Method of translation, managing translation Explosure
International Accounting Principles and Standard
International Accounting principles and standards
International Business Environment refers to Global integrations, Competitive analysis of the Business environment: India and other countries
International Carriages: Carriages of goods be sea, Air, Multimodal Transportation
International Commercial Arbitration
International Communication
International HRM
International HRM: Roles and Distinguishing activities
International Human resources management overview
International Human Resources planning
International Payments
International Sales of Goods: Vienna Convention on Contract for International sales of Goods
International Strategic Human Resources management, Global Unions
International transfer and Repatriation strategies
International Transport and Economic Development
International Transport Safety and Security, Traffic Count and Traffic Survey, Cost/ Benefit Analysis
International Transport Supply and Demand, Location Analysis, Market Area Analysis
International Transport System, Globalisation and International Trade Environment
Internet : Concepts and Evaluation
Internet Advertising
Internet Entrepreneurship with Google AdSense
Internet Information, Internet Service
Internet Marketing Strategy
Interpersonal skills, Transactional Analysis, Johari Window
Interpersonal, Organizational, Mass communications
interpolation and approximation: Finite Differences
Interpolation and Extrapolation
Interrelations of Populations and Economics Developments
Interview Skills
Intranet & Extranet
Intranet, Internet and E-mails
Introduction of Commodity Market , History
Introduction of Digital Marketing
Introduction of HR Analytics
Introduction of Indirect Tax, Definition of Nature
Introduction of lattices, Properties of lattices
Introduction of Project: Characteristics of project
Introduction of Retailing, Growing importance of Retailing
Introduction of Web Analytics: Definition, Process, Key Terms: Site Reference,Visit Characterization terms, Content Characterization terms, Conversations metrics ,Keyword and Key phrases, building block terms, Categories: Offsite web and Onsite web
Introduction on SQL Characteristics of SQL , Advantage of SQL
Introduction to business letters -Positive and Negative Messages
Introduction to Business Policy, Process of strategic Management and levels at which strategy operate
Introduction to Cloud Computing , Evolution of Cloud Computing
Introduction to Compensation Management
Introduction to Computers: Generations of Computer
Introduction to Consumer Behavior
Introduction to Consumer Behavior (CB): Importance
Introduction to Cryptography: Definition, Goal, Applications, Attacks
Introduction to derivatives Market definitions
Introduction to Digital Marketing and its Significance
Introduction to finance
Introduction to group, field, finite field of the form GF(p)
Introduction to International Transport System : Basic Terms
Introduction to Operating System, Its Various Functions
Introduction to Options, Hedging with currency Options
Introduction to performance Management System
Introduction to Retailing : Concept of Retailing
Introduction to Secure Socket Layer, Secure electronic transaction (SET)
Introduction to security attacks, Services and mechanism
Introduction to SEM
Introduction to SEM, Mobile Marketing
Introduction to SEO
Introduction to Social Media Marketing: Facebook, Instagram, Linked-In, Twitter
Introduction to Social Media, Social media landscape
Introduction to Sourcing
Introduction, Advantage of Linear Programming
Introduction, Meaning, Nature and Scope of Production
Introduction, Nature and Scope of OB
Introduction, types and structure of intelligent agents
Introduction: Introduction to Software Engineering
Introduction: Nature and Scope of Marketing
Intrusion detection, Viruses and related threats, firewalls
Intuition versus Analytical thinking
Inventory and Intangible assets like Copyright, Trademark, Patent and Goodwill
Inventory and intangible assets like copyright, trademark, patents and goodwill
Inventory Control
IP Security: Architecture, Authentication header
Is It possible to Change a Cultural if so, how
ISO 9000-2000 Clauses, Six Sigma
ISO-14001, ISO-22000
ISO-27001, OHSAS 18001 and QS 9000
ISO-9000 and its concept of Quality Management
Issues and Redemption of Debenture
Issues in Project Management, Project Identification, Project Formulation
Issues of Debenture
Issues of Share
IT Capabilities and their Organizational impact, IT enabled Services
Iterative Methods: Zeros of a single transcendental equation
Java Scripts Tags, Packet sniffing : Outcome Data E- commerce
Job analysis & Job design
Job Evaluation
Job Evaluation Method
Job Evaluation: Meaning and Method of Job Evaluation
Job Evaluations
Job Sequence Analysis
Johnson Algorithm for n Jobs and Two Machine
Joint Stock Companies
Joint Stock Companies : Its Types and Share Capital
journalizing of transactions
Journalizing of Transactions
journalizing of transactions; preparation of final accounts
Jumble Words, Jumbles Up Sentences
Juran’s quality triology, PDCA Cycle
K-Maps & Map minimization , Logic Gates
K-means clustering, Support vector machine
KAIZEN, Quality Circles, 7QC Tools and its Advancements
Karl Pearson ‘s Coefficient of Correlation
Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation
KCA011: Cryptography & Network Security
KCA012 Data Warehousing & Data Mining
KCA013 Software Project Management
KCA301 Artificial Intelligence
KCA302 Software Engineering
KCA303 Computer Network
Key Factor in a Transport Modes& trade-Off, Consideration of Speed, Frequency
Key players in Advertising, Types of Advertising
Key Process of Talent Management: Recruitment, Selection , Human Recourses Planning
Kholberg, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King Jr, Are some Society better than other
Kinds and Objectives of Report Writing
Kleen’s Theorem, Equivalence of regular expression and Finite Automata
KMBN104 Business Statistics and Analytics
KMBN201 Business Environment and Legal Aspects of Business
KMBN201 Business Environment and Legal Aspects of Business 20 Most Important Questions for Upcoming Even Semester Examination 2023 MBA AKTU 2nd Semester
KMBN204 Financial Management and Corporate Finance
KMBN206 Quantitative Techniques For Manager
KMBN207 Digital Marketing & E-Commerce
KMBN208 Management Information System
KMBN302 Innovation and Entrepreneurship
KMBN401 Emerging Technologies in global Business Environment
KMBNFM01 Investment Analysis Portfolio Management
KMBNFM02 Financial Planning and Text Management
KMBNFM03 Financial Derivatives
KMBNFM04 Foreign Exchange and Risk Management
KMBNFM05 Financial and Credit Risk Analytics
KMBNHK05 International HRM
KMBNHR01 Talent Management
KMBNHR02 Employee Relations and Labor Laws
KMBNHR03 HR Analytics
KMBNHR04 Performance and Reward Management
KMBNIB03 International Logistics
KMBNIB04 Cross Cultural Management
KMBNIB05 International Trade Law
KMBNIT01 Data Analytics For Business Decision
KMBNIT02 AI and MI for Business
KMBNIT03 Database Management System
KMBNIT04 Cloud Computing for Business
KMBNIT05 Business Data Warehousing and Data Mining
KMBNMK01 Consumer Behavior and Marketing Communication
KMBNMK02 Marketing Analysis
KMBNMK03 B2B and Services Marketing
KMBNMK04 Sales and Retail Management
KMBNMK05 Social Media and Landscape
KMBNOM03 Quality Management
KMBNOM04 Project and Sourcing management
KMBNOM05 Management and manufacturing system
knowledge based expert system (KBES)
knowledge Culturals, Cross- Cultural Intelligence and Managerial Competence
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Propositional logic
Kohl-berg’s theory of Moral Reasoning, Measuring Cultural Development
Kurt Lewin Model of change
Language as a tool of communication; Levels of communication
Language of a Turing Machine
Language of DFA and NFA. NFA with ε-transitions
Language of NFA with ε-transitions, Equivalence of NFA and DFA
Language of PDA and its applications
Large Firm Vs Start-Up Innovation
Large Sample Tests, Small Sample test
Latest Provision of Workmen’s Compensation Act, 2009
Lattices: Introduction, Partial order sets
Law of diminishing returns, Law of returns to scale, Cost concept and analysis
Law of Supply, Supply Elasticity
Laws of contract: definitions, essentials and Types of contract Types of Contract:Laws of contract: definitions, essentials and Types of contract
Laws of Demand, Elasticity of Demand and measurement
Laws of Demand, Elasticity of Demand and types
Lead Generation ,Brand /Advocacy and support
Lead Time, Reorder Level
Leadership and Corporate Culture, Resources allocation, Projects and Procedural issues in strategy implementation
Leadership and its Theory
Leadership Meaning: Concepts, and Myths about Leadership
Leadership Skills Basic Leadership Skills, Building Technical Competency
Leadership Styles , Supervision
Leadership Traits Required for Managing cross Culture Team participatory Strategic Planning
Leadership: What is leadership, types of leaders and leadership styles
Learning with complete data – concept and Naïve Bayes models
Learning with hidden data- concept and EM algorithm
Learning, Motivation
Least Square Method: Linear and Non Linear equations
Ledger posting and Trial Balance
Legal and Ethical Concepts & Issues in Advertising
Leontief Paradox Theory
Level of Measurement: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, and Ratio
Levels of Product, Types of Product
Leverage Analysis: Financial, Operating, and Combined Leverage
leverage Ratio, Detailed Analysis
Levy and collection of GST
Limitation of Internet
Limitation of Planning
Linked list: Representation and Implementation of Singly Linked Lists
Linking HR strategy with business strategy, HRM linkage with TQM and Productivity
Linking Industrial Relations with Economy growth of the Country
Liquid for Final Statements of Account Receivers Receipts and payment Account
Listening Skills; Controlling Emotions, Art of Persuasions and Emotions
Listening Skills: Active Listening, Passive Listening. methods for improving Listening Skills
Loan Commitments
Loan Pricing and Profitability Analysis
Locking Techniques, for currency control , Time Stamping protocols for concurrency control, Validation based protocol
Logic gates, Digital circuits and Boolean algebra
Logic gates, Digital circuits and Boolean algebra
Logical addressing: IPv4 and IPv6 Address schemes
Long term and Short term financial support, Sources of Financial support
loud Adoption measured Services
Low Level Design: Modularization, Design Structure Charts
LPP: Problem Formulation
LRC, VRC, Checksum, CRC, and Hamming Code
LSM – Leadership Situational Model, Team Building, Tuckman Model of Team Development.
M4 Digital Marketing
Machine Language, Assembly Language and High Level Language
Machine Learning: Introduction, types and application areas
Macro: Demography, Natural, Legal and political, and Technological,Michael porter’s five forces analysis, Competitive Strategies
Macro: Economy Social culture, competition, and International environment
Maintenance Strategy and planning, Maintenance economics
Maintenance system, Maintenance Strategy and planning
Major Commodity Traded in derivatives exchange in India
Major Entrepreneurial Competencies, Developing Entrepreneurial Competencies
Management Information System (MIS): Concept & Definition
Management Information System: Need, Purpose and Objectives
Management of Conflict
Management of Cross Culturals Teams
Management of Different Components of Working Capitals
Management of Fixed Capital
Management of Quality in this MIS
Management: Objective and Scope
Manager Vs. Entrepreneur, Problems of Entrepreneurship
Managerial Economics and its relevance in business decisions.
Managerial Economics relationship with other objects
Managerial skills and Managerial Functions
Managing and Administering channel members, Direct and Indirect channels, Supply chain and logistics management
Managing contracts , Contract Management
Managing Customer Communications
Managing Data Resources: The Need Of Data Management, Challenges of Data Management
Managing interactive processes – Basics of Software estimation
Managing Interest rate ExposureManaging Interest rate ExposureManaging Interest rate Exposure
Managing Services Policies, Pricing of services, Pricing considerations and Strategies
Managing the Segmentation Process
Manpower Requirement Process
Manufacturing system: Introduction and components
Mapping Constraints
Mapping the Data Warehouse to a Multiprocessor Architecture
Market Aggregation, Basis for segmentation, Segmentation of Consumer
Market Analysis
Market Analysis, Nature of Market
Market based pricing: competitor based pricing
Market Basket Analysis
Market capitalization ratios
Market Capitalizations Ratios
Market Communication, Brand expression
Market Data Sources (Primary and Secondary)
Market Plan and Financial Plan , Operational Plan, Feasibility Analysis Aspects, Economic Analysis , Financial Analysis , Market and Technological Feasibility
Market Research for Understanding Retail Consumer
Market Segmentation and its Benefits, Kinds of Market
Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Meaning
Market Segmentation: Concepts and Importance
Market Segmentation: Segmentation Targeting Positioning (STP) Framework
Market structures: Perfect and Imperfect Market Structures, Perfect Competition
Marketing : Definition , Nature and Scope
Marketing Analysis
Marketing Communication: Objective of Market Communication
Marketing Information System: Meaning, Importance and Scope
Marketing Management, Core Concept of Marketing
Marketing Mix, Product Mix
Marketing Research: Meaning and Importance
Marketing Research: Process and Scope
MARKETING: M3 Retail Management
Marrakesh Agreement , Origin of WTO
Mass Customization, Customer Experience, Introduction of Neuroscience in Business, Internet of Things
Master requirement planning
Matching of Indian Accounting Standards
Matching of Indian Accounting Standards with International Accounting Standards
Matching of Indian Accounting Standards with International Accounting Standards
Materials Management
Mathematical Formulation of LP Model for Product Mix Problem
Matrix Minima, VAM Method
Maximization Assignment Problem
Maximization Transportation Problem
MBA 3rd Semester Complete Easy Notes
MBA AKTU Previous Year Question Paper
MCA 1ST SEM Professional Communication
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Mean Deviation
Mean deviation, Standard deviation
Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation ,Variance and Coefficient of variance
Meaning and concept of Entrepreneurial Competency
Meaning and Definition of Business essentials
Meaning and Nature of Industrial Relations
Meaning and Nature of Industry 4.0 and latest Trends
Meaning and Objective of Business Communication
Meaning and Role of media Planning
Meaning and Scope of Accounting
Meaning Definition of Business Organization
Meaning of Broadcasting, Radio as a medium, Television as a medium
Meaning of business? Business Environment and Types of Business Organisation
Meaning of Demand, Demand theory and objective
Meaning of Economy
Meaning of Employee Relations, Nature of Employee Relations
Meaning of Group
Meaning of Innovation and Creativity
Meaning of Nyaya and Program for its fulfillment to ensure, Ubhatripti
Meaning of Perception, process, behavioral applications of perception
Meaning of Promotion
Meaning of Public Relations
Meaning of Research
Meaning of staffing, Recruitment, selection & placement, Training & development
Meaning of Trade in Service
Meaning, Definition and concept of Enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Development
Meaning, Definition and Concept of Entrepreneur
Meaning, Function and Limitations of Statistics
Meaning, Nature, Scope and Importance of Strategic Management
Meaning, Nature, Scope and Importance of Strategy
Meaning, Scope, types, functions
Measure and Policies of Employee Safety at work
Measurement in Research
Measurement of Success of Retail Location
Measures of Central tendency
Measures of Central Tendency (Mean, Median and Mode)
Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, Median, Mode
Measures of Dispersion
Measures of Dispersion: Range, Inter Quartile range
Measuring Customers Lifetime Value
Mechanics of Accounting
Mechanics of Accounting: Double entry system of accounting
Mechanism of Policy Making
Media Management: The Press release Press Conferences Media Interviews, Seminars
Media Objectives, Developing and Implementing Media Strategies
Media Plan, Media Analysis
Media Planning and Strategy Media Types and their characteristics
Media Selection and Management
Meetings and Types Auditor Appointment, Auditors Rights, Auditor Liabilities, Modes of Winding up of a company
Memorandum of associations Articles of associations, Prospectus
Memory Hierarchy, Main Memory (RAM and ROM Chips)
Merchandise Management : Meaning of Merchandising
Merchandise Planning , Merchandise Buying
Mergers Acquisitions : Introduction
Message Authentication Codes: Authentication requirements
Metadata: Concepts and Classifications, Multi-Dimensional data model, Data Cubes, Stars, Snow flakes, Fact Constellations
Method and techniques of HR Demand forecasting
Method of Data Collection
Method of least squares, fitting of straight lines
Method to fulfill the above human aspirations: Understanding and living in harmony at various level
Methodology of Operation Research
Methods of Data & information Collections
Methods of Managing performance of all the Level of Management
Methods, Plant layout and types, There are several types of plant layouts, including: Factor Affecting plant layout
MH Hypothesis
Microinstruction with Next-address field, Prefetching Microinstruction
Microinstruction, Microprogram sequencing, Wide-Branch addressing
Migrations: political, Economic and Human Rights Prespective
Miller-Modigliani (MM) Hypothesis
Minimum Wages Act 1948
Minimum Wages Act 1948
MIS & System Concept
MIS & The role of DSS
MIS & The User
MIS as an Instrument for the Organizational Change, Information Technology Characteristics and Emerging Trends
MIS Decision Making Concepts
MIS: A Tool for Management Process
MIS: The Factors of Success and Failure
Misconduct Disciplinary Actions Types of Punishments, Code of Discipline, Domestic Enquiry
Mixed Economy : Public Sector & Private Sector
Mobile Database, OODB database, XML Database
Mobile Marketing
Model of Strategic Management, Strategic decision Making
Modeling Trend, Seasonality
Models of OB
Models of Operation Research
Moderation and interaction analysis
Modern Block Ciphers: Block ciphers principles
Modern Business, Profession and Business
Modern Computing Models: Cloud Computing Model and Its Benefits
Modern forms of Communication
Modern Marketing Concept
Modern Retail formats in India, Retailing in Rural India
Modes of transfer, Interrupts & Interrupt handling
Modified Distribution Method (MODI) Method
Modular arithmetic, Prime and relative prime numbers
Modules in CRM
Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Monitoring impact of interventions: tracking impact of interventions
Monopolistic: Features
Monopoly: Feature
Motivating Across Culturals
Motivation: Hygiene Theory
Motivation:, Theory of Motivation: Maslow’s, Herzberg’s, McClelland
Movements towards unification of national commercial Laws
MS Word with all the applications and uses
Multi Dimensional Data Model
Multiethnicity, Religion, Geography and Body Language
Multimedia Database, Spatial Database, Geographical Database, Web Database, Active Database
Multiple Granularity, Multi version Scheme
Multiple Meaning,/ Error Spotting, Miscellaneous
Mutual and Third Parties Relation of Partner
n Jobs and Three Machines, Two Jobs and m- Machine Problems
Naming and Referencing Environments
National Cultural vs. Organizational Cultural
National Income
National Income Concept and Measurement
National Institute of Entrepreneurship & Small Business Development (NIESBUD)
Natural acceptances of Human Value
Natural Environment, new age Ethics, Overview of Digital Transformations
Nature & Importance of Business Policy
Nature and importance of Training
Nature and Scope of Capital Budgeting: Payback NPV
Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics
Nature and Scope of Production Management
Nature of Job Analysis
Nature of Organizing , Types of Organizing
Nature, Definition and Characteristics of Operation Research
Nature, Objective and Functions of Accounting
Need for measuring supplier performance
Need, Want and Demand
Needs and advantage of e-commerce
Needs and Legal Provision of Employee Health
Negotiating the Contract, Selecting the International logistics operator
Negotiation and Beginnings, Negotiations Strategies
Negotiations Process, Negotiations strategy
Net Working Capital, Preparation of Schedule of Changes in Working Capital
Network Analysis
Network Connecting Devices: HUB, Bridge, Switch, Router and Gateways
Network fundamentals: The Social Perspective
Network Layer Protocols: ARP, RARP, BOOTP and DHCP
Network, Security and Networking
Networks: LAN, WAN, MAN, Topologies
New Application of Additive Manufacturing,mpact of Additive Manufacturing on Supply Chain Management
New initiatives taken by Government to promote Entrepreneurship in India at Large scale
New product development, Diffusion process
New Product Developments
Newton Raphson method, Secant method
NIST Cloud Computing References Architecture
NITI Aayog: formation, function and Contribution of NITI Aayog
No Considerations and No Contract,The doctrine of privity of Contract, Capacity of parties
Non- Profitability Sampling
Non-Regular Grammars: Definition of Grammar
Normal forms of CFGs: CNF and GNF, Closure properties of CFLs
North West Corner Method, Least Cost Method, Vogel’s Approximation Method (VAM)
North, West Corner Rule
Notion of Proof: Introduction, Mathematical Induction
NP Complete Problems, Introduction to recursive function theory
NSICs EDII, NIESBUD, NEBD Entrepreneurship Development Institute ( EDI)
Nuances of Delivery; Body Language; Dimensions of Speech
Nudge Theory ( Nudging), Choices Architecture of Behavioural Economics
Number System: Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal Number Systems
Numerical Differentiation and Integration: Introduction
Numerical Differentiation, Numerical Integration
Objective of Business Organization
Objective of Business, Professionalization
Objectives of Activity planning – Project schedules – Activities
Objectives of Business Characteristic
Objectives of Financials Management
Objectives of Good Store design, Responsibilities of Store Manager, Store Security, Store record and Accounting System
Objectives of HRD
Objectives of Market Promotion
Objectives of PPC
Objectives of Pricing
Objectives of Research
Objectives of Sales Management Position
Obligation of employer to pay minimum wage
OFF-Page SEO Techniques, Email Marketing Introduction and Significance
Offer and Acceptation Consideration
Official Reserve Account
OLAP function and Tools. OLAP Servers, ROLAP, MOLAP, HOLAP
Oligopoly: Features
On-Page SEO Techniques: Indexing and Keyword Placement,,Content Planning and Optimization
One Word Substitution
Online Customer Behavior
Online PR and reputation Management
Online Reputation Management and Review Management
Operating and Cash Cycle Risk
Operation Research and Managerial Decision Making
Operation Research Techniques
Operation Research: Introduction, Historical Background
Operation Research: Introduction, Historical Background, Scope of Operation Research
Operational Risk Management
Operations on functions, Recursively defined functions
Operations on Queue: Create, Add,Delete, Full and Empty. Circular queue, Deque, and Priority Queue
Operations on Stacks: Push & Pop, Array Representation of Stack, Linked Representation of Stack, Operations Associated with Stacks
Operations, Normalization
Opportunity Assessment, Process of new Venture and its Challenges
Opportunity Cost Principle, Discounting Principle, Concept of Time Perspective
OPTIMAL SOLUTION, Stepping Stone Method
Optimize Price, Incorporating, Complementary Products
Optimizing Advertising
Optimizing Sales Effort Advertising Analysis : Measuring the Effectiveness of Advertising
Oral Communication: What is Oral Communication
Oral Report
Order fulfilment- Relationship building, Market distribution and distinctive nature,Channel design
Organisational buying behaviour, Organisational buying process, Buying situation
Organisational structure and HRM
Organising & Staffing- Types of organization
Organization and Sources of Data, Importance of Data Quality
organization of 2D and 2 1/2 D, Auxiliary memory
Organization of records into Blocks, Sequential Files, Indexing and Hashing
Organization structure and decentralization of authority
Organizational Capabilities Factors, Resources Based views ( RBV) Analysis
Organizational Change: Meaning of organizational change
Organizational Cultural
Organizational Culture
Organizational Decision Making
Organizational Effectiveness
Organizational Locations
Organizational Structure: Matrix, Network & Modular/ Cellular, Reengineering
Organizational systems and Techniques of Strategic Evaluation and Control
Organizations Goals
Organizations of Development of the MIS
Organizing Display, Showroom Exhibition
Organizing: Concept and Objective
Outlier Analysis, Method to Deal Outlier, Data Visualization
Overview of Capital Market : Market of Securities
Overview of International Business Environment
Overview of Supply Chain Management
Overview, Motivation, Definition & Functionalities
Overview: Accounting concepts
Ownership of Goods and Transfer
Packet Switching, and Message Switching
Packing and Insuration in International Transportation, Warehousing and Benchmarking in Global Supply Chain Management
Paragraph Completion
Parallel and Distributed Algorithms Neural Network approach
Parallel Processing Challenges, Flynn’s Classification
Parallel Processors & Cluster Systems, Distributed DBMS implementations
Parameter estimation methods – Principle component analysis and Linear discrimination analysis
Parking space problem at retail center, Retail Location research and Techniques, Trade area Analysis
Participants in Commodity Derivative Market
Partnership Deed, Partner as Agent
Partnership Organization
Passage Making
Pattern Recognition: Introduction and design principles
Pay Per Click (PPC) , Online Advertising
Pay structure, Method of Payment
Payment Gateways, Visa, Rupay and Mastercards
Payment of Gratuity Act 1972
Payments of bonus ACT 1965
Penalties and Offences
Performance Feedback and Counseling method
Performance management and its challenges in current scenario
Performance Management system is differ from Performance Appraisal
Performance Management, Compensation
Performance of Contract
Performance of Sale Contract, Delivery
Personal Selling : Concept feature and Functions, Steps process involved in Personal Selling
Personality and Perception
Personality and Self Concept
Personality Determinants
personality, Personal effectiveness, meaning of Attitudes, Types, Components
Personality: Meaning and Concepts of Personality
PERT & CPM Introduction
PESTEL Market Analysis
Phases of QC, Quality Assurances
Phrase Substitution
Physical Assets and Facilities,Research and development and Intangibles, Management Structure
Physical Evidence
Pigeonhole Principle, Pólya’s Counting Theory
Pipelining, Instruction-level Parallelism
Pitfalls of floating point representation
PKI ( Public Key Infrastructure )
Place Decision : Meaning and Purpose
Place of supply, within state, interstate, import and export, time of supply
Placing Ads and Promotions online
Planning- Objective of planning, Planning process
Planning, Monitoring and Control cycle, Tracking through Gantt chart
Planning: Concept , Objective and Nature
Plant Location
Plant Location Method
Pledge Contract
Point of Indifference
Poisson and Normal distributions
Policies related with depreciation
Policies related with Inventory
Politics and Trade Unions, Outside leadership of Trade Unions Problem and suggestive remedial measures of Trade unions
polynomials, exponential curves etc
Popular Operating Systems— Android, Windows
Population policy of India
Porter’s Five Force Model
Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
Positional Numbering Systems
Positioning Meaning, Product difference strategies
Positioning: Concept & Importance
Post Purchase Behavior, Situational Influences
Post-Merger EPS, Post Merger Price of Share
Post’s Correspondence problem (PCP) and Modified PCP.
Potential Appraisal Competency Mapping and Career Development
Power and Politics of Organization
Power-Point: Introduction, Creating a Presentation
Practical consideration for Internal Sorting
Practical Implication of Job Evaluation
Pre- Purchase Search Influences- information Search
Precaution For Report Writing
Predicate formulas, quantifiers, Inference theory of predicate logic
Predicate logic, First order logic
Predicting Employee performance
Predicting the performance and turnover
Predicting training effectiveness and performance
Preference and Equity Capital
Preparation of Cash flow Statements and its Analysis
Preparation of final accounts
Preparation of Fund Flow statements and its Analysis
Preparation of Funds Flow Statement and its analysis
Preparation of schedule of Changes in working capital
Preparations of Final Account
Preparing Project Report
Presentation and Skills : What is a Presentation elements of presentation designing a presentation
Presentation of Financial Statement
Presentation Strategies and Listening Skills. Defining Purpose
pretty good privacy (PGP), S/MIME.
Prevailing Leadership Styles in Indian Organization
Preventive, Corrective and Perfective Maintenance, Cost of Maintenance
Previous Year Question Papers
Price Building and Non Linear Pricing : Pure Building and Mixed Building
Price Discrimination
Price Skimming and Sales, Revenue Management Pricing , Markdown Pricing and Handling Certainty
Price: Meaning and Objectives
Pricing and Negotiations, Pricing settings in B2B markets
Pricing Decision: Pricing Concept for establishing value
Pricing discrimination under monopoly completion
Pricing Method, Pricing Policies
Pricing Multiple Products
Pricing of Futures Contract, Currency futures, Hedging in Currency futures
Pricing Policy and Objectives
Pricing Strategies, Pricing Process
Pricing under different market structure: Monopolistic Completion
Pricing under different market structure: Monopolistic Completion
Pricing under different market structure: Oligopoly
Pricing under different market structure: Perfect Monopoly
Primary indices, Secondary indices, B+ Tree index Files, B Tree index Files
Primary measures of corporate performances
Principals of public key crypto systems
Principles of Accounting
Principles of Controlling
Principles of Effective Communication
Principles of Effective Writing
Principles of Oral Presentation
Principles of Successful oral Communication
Principles of Techniques of Directing
Privacy in the Digital World: Complexity of Privacy issues, Basics of GDPR ( General Data Protection Regulations),Importance of Personal Data
Privacy Policy
Probability and Theory of Probability
Probability Distribution : Binomial, Poisson and Normal
Probability Sampling
Probability Theoretical Distribution: Concept
Probability Theoretical Distributions
Probability: Definition of Probability
Probability: Theory of Probability
Problem of Unemployment in India
Problem Solving Teams, Self Managed Teams
Problems and Prospects of Indian Agriculture, Plan period Position
Problems and Prospects of Large Scale Industries, Iron, Steels
Problems and Prospects of Large Scale Industries: Cotton Textiles
Problems and Prospects of Large Scale Industries: Sugar
Problems faced by Entrepreneur
Problems in Processing
Problems of Entrepreneurship and Development Programmes EDPs
Problems of Trade Unions
Problems of Women Entrepreneurship in India, Developing Women Entrepreneurship in India
Procedure for Fixing Minimum wage
Process and outcomes of employee engagement, Ways of Achieving Employee engagement
Process Capability Analysis , Measurement System analysis
Process Data & Information Collection
Process Failure Mode and effect Analysis (PFMEA), SERVQUAL Model and Applications, The applications of the SERVQUAL model include:
Process of effective selling
Process of Planning
Process of Public Relations
Process Planning, Computer added Process planning
Processing Operation
Processor Design: Processor Organization: General register organization
Product Decision Concept, Product hierarchy
Product design and Development
Product Life Cycle, Product Level
Product Life Cycle, Product Mix Strategies
Product Line Strategies, Packaging, Labeling: Packaging as a marketing tool
Production and cost Analysis: Production concepts & analysis
Production function, Types of production function, Laws of production
Production Planning & Control (PPC)
Production planning and Control system, Aggregate Planning
Production Systems
Production Vs. Productivity, Manufacturing Plant, Decision for Plant location
Productivity and Improvement
Productivity and Quality
Productivity, Work Study, Productivity Measurement, Factor Affecting Productivity, Factors Affecting Productivity:
Profit & Loss Appropriation account and Balance Sheet
Profit Maximizing Strategy Using Nonlinear Pricing Strategies
Profit prior to incorporation
Profitability ratios, activity ratios
profitability ratios, activity ratios, liquidity ratios, market capitalization ratios
Profitability vs. Shareholder wealth maximizations
Profits and Gains of Business or Professions, Including Provision relating to Specifics Business
Programme Evaluation & Review Techniques
Programmed I/O, Direct Memory access
Programs to ensure sanyam and swasthya
Project and Report Search for Business Ideas
Project Appraisal, Plant Layout
Project Appraisal, Project Report Preparation, Specimen of a Project Report
Project Design and Network Analysis, Project Evaluation
Project Finalization; Sources of Information
Project Management: Concept, Features, Classification of projects
Project Management: Rules For Drawing the Network Diagram
Project portfolio Management – Cost-benefit evaluation technology
Project Scheduling, Network analysis and Control
Project tracking , Change control Software Configuration Management
Projects Design and Network Analysis
Promotion: Promotional Mix and Tools of Promotional Mix
Properties of Correlation
Properties of Regression Coefficients
Properties of Regression Coefficients
Prospecting Pre approach, Post approach
Pseudo Codes, Flow Charts, Coupling and Cohesion Measures
Public Heath and the TRIPs
Public key distribution, X.509 Certificates
Public key Infrastructure
Public relations: Meaning and objectives
Publicity , Advantage and Disadvantage
Pumping Lemma for regular Languages, Closure properties of Regular Languages
Purchase Decision Process
Purchasing Cycle, 8 R’s of Purchasing
Purchasing Economic lot quality/ Economic Order Quantity
Purpose of Communication, Process of Communication
Purpose of Loan
Purpose of Sales Organization
Push Down Automata (PDA): Definition and Description
Qualitative Analysis: Heuristics evaluations
Qualitative Techniques Project Techniques, Depth Interviews
Qualities of sales executives
Quality Awards
Quality Circles, Quality Cost
Quality Circles, TQM
Quality Cost , Quality Leadership
Quality Function Deployment
quality of relations, Partial order relation
Quality of Work Life, Recent advance of OB
Quality Philosophies; Juran’s, Crosby’s Quality Philosophies
Quantitative Analysis, Optimal number of machine
Quartile Deviation
Quartiles, Measures of Dispersion
Quartiles, Skewness, Kurtosis
Quasi Credit Facilities: Advantage of Non-Fund Facilities, Various types of NFB facilities
Questionaries’ and Interviews
Queues: Array and linked representation and implementation of queues
Queuing Theory : Characteristics of M/M/I Queue Model
Quick Sort, Two Way Merge Sort, Heap Sort
R graphical interfaces
Ranking Scale,Paired Comparison: and Forced Ranking Concept and Application
Rate of convergence of iterative methods
Ratio Analysis: Solvency Ratio, Profitability Ratio
Ratio to moving Average Forecasting Method
RC104 Computer Organization & Architecture
RCA102 Accounting & Financial Management
RCA103 Discrete Mathematics
RCA201 Computer Based Numerical & Statistical Techniques
RCA202 Data Structure
RCA203 Introduction to Automata Theory & Languages
RCA204 Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Reading Comprehension
Ready rates based on Cross Rates, Ready rates based on cross rates
Realignment in Political, Social Cultural, Economic
Recent trends in data warehousing include
Recent trends of Recruitment
Recover-ability, Backup, Recovery from Transactions failures, Log based recovery Check points
Recovery of Money From Employer and Contractor
Recruitment and Selection
Recruitment and Selection analysis
Recruitment and selection for overseas Assignment
Recruitment, Selection
Recurrence Relations: Introduction, Growth of functions
Recurrences from algorithms, Methods of solving recurrences
Recursion: Recursive definition and processes, recursion in C, example of recursion, Tower of Hanoi Problem, simulating recursion.
Recursive Sub Programs, Static and Dynamic Scope
Redemption of Preference Share
Redressal agencies and penalties for violations, The information Technology act,2000 definition
Reduced Instruction Set Computer
Reference Group, Family, Gender and Age Influences
Reflection and Empathy: Two sides of effective oral Communication
Refund & Recovery
Regional integration and framework Agreements
Regional Rural Banks
Register Transfer Language, Bus and Memory Transfers
Register Transfers, Performing of arithmetic or logical operations
Registration of Partnership, Winding Up of Partnership
Registrations of Business Unit
Regression : Introduction
Regression Analysis
Regression Analysis : Fitting of a Regression Line and Interpretation of Result
Regression analysis: Linear and Non-linear regression, Multiple regression
Regression Coefficient
Regression Equations
Regression Model to Forecast Sales
Regular Expressions and Languages: Introduction, Definition of regular expression
Regulations of certifying authorities,Digital signature certificate, Duties of subscribers
Regulatory Systems for Equity Market
Reinforcement learning
Relation between Planning and Controlling
Relational algebra, Relational calculus, and Tuple and Domain calculus
Relational data Model and Language
Relational data model concept
Relations & Functions: Relations – Definition, Operations on relations
Relationship and Physical Facilities ; The basis requirement for fulfillment of aspirations of every human being with their correct priority
Relationship between ethics & Corporate Excellence
Relationship between Hardware and Software
Relationship between Manufacturing Cost and Customer Satisfaction
Relationship between Regression
Relationship between Regression and Correlation
Relationship Marketing and Relationship Management
Relativism Vs. Development, Respect Cultural Differences vs. Stages of Development
Relevance & Application of Consumer Behavior
Relevance and Irrelevance Theory
Relevance of Economics in Business Management
Remedies of Contract Terminal ( Termination)
Replacement of Assets that Deteriorate with Time
Replacement of Assets which fails Suddenly
Replacement Strategies and Policies
Report preparations,Types of Report
Report Writing, Layout of Research
Reports: Types; Significance; Structure, Style & Writing of Reports
Representation using Transition Tables and State Diagrams
Required Rate of Return of Merged Company, De-Merger
Requirement & Selection
Requirement and Selection Process : Introduction
Requirement of Good Packaging , Labeling in packaging
Research Design
Research Design, Feature of Good Research Design
Research Problem Formulation
Research process
Researching Consumer Behavior
Reserve bank of India, Apex banking Institutions
Residence & Tax Liability
Resistance of Innovation, Adoption Process
Resistance to change
Resolution. Chaining- concept
Resource Allocation Models, Software Risk Analysis and Management
Resources Analysis
Responsibilities of Production Manager
Responsibility & Task Of Top Management
Responsibility of teams member
Retail Formats and Types
Retail Growth Strategy, Retail Value Chain
Retail Industry in India, Importance of Retailing
Retail Location Selection : Types of Retail Selection
Retail Market Strategies
Retail Models, Theory of Retail Development
Retail Organizations
Retailing Channels
Retention, Talent Vs Knowledge
Revival, Exist and end to the venture
Reviving Democratic Ideals
Rice’s Theorem
Rights of Unpaid Seller, Auction Sale
RISC & CICS Architecture, Basic MIPS Implementation
Risk and Uncertainty, Financial Sector and Risk Types
Risk Credit, Credit risk Rating
Risk evaluation – Strategic program Management – Stepwise Project Planning
Risks to Considered by Purchasing Management, Make or Buy Decision: An Introduction
RoadMap of e-Commerce in India,E-Business Model based on the Relationship of Transaction Parties
Role of Advertising
Role of Advertising, Personal Selling
Role of Agencies Assisting Entrepreneurship, DIC’s, SSI’s
Role of Central Government and State Government in promoting Entrepreneurship with various incentives, Subsidies, Grants
Role of Circular Economy in Sustainable Business and innovation, Economics: Core Concept of Behavioural Economics
Role of Communication
Role of Consumer Behavior in Marketing Strategy
Role of Consumer Involvement
Role of CRM in Business Strategy
Role of Government in promoting Entrepreneurship, MSME policy in India
Role of Government in Regulation & Development of Business
Role of HR in Strategic Management
Role of HRD Manpower
Role of Innovation and Creativity Industry and Organizations
Role Of IT in SCM, Demanding Forecasting In Supply Chain Management
Role of Programming Languages, Attributes of a Good Language
Role of Public and Private sector
Role of Public Relations
Role of Small Scale industry in Indian Economy
Role of Talent Management in building Sustainable Competitive Advantage to firm
Roles and function of measure support institution such as SIB, CSIO,SSDO,SISIs etc.
Roles and Responsibility of the board of directors
Roles of Entrepreneurship in Indian Economy
Roles of MIS , Process of Management
Roles of project team, Fundamental concepts of project cost
Roles of Sales forces in pricing, Bid Pricing, Internet Auctions
Roles of Women Entrepreneurs
Roles Structure and Size of Group
Roll Out and System Hand Off Support
Routing Techniques: Interdomain and Intradomain routing with examples
Routing, Scheduling, Loading, Just-In-Time, Master Production Schedule, Aggregate Production
RSA algorithm, Security of RSA
Runge-Kutta methods, Predictor-corrector method
Rural Entrepreneurship, Family Business Entrepreneurship
Saddle Point. Odds Method
Sale Contract: Definition and Features
Sales and Retail Management Introduction to Sales
Sales Departmental External Relation
Sales Force Automation: Sales Process, Activity, Contact, Lead and Knowledge Management
Sales Force Controlling and Motivation
Sales Force Leadership
Sales Forecasting, Sales Budget , Sales Quota, Sales territory, Building Sales Reporting Mechanism and Monitoring, Sales Force productivity, Sales Force Appraisal
Sales Management
Sales Management Strategies
Sales Organizations and Relationship
Sales Promotion and Sales Promotion Mix, Kinds, Tools and Techniques Push Pull Strategies of Promotion
Sales Promotion, Publicity and Public Relation,Services Promotion
Sales Responsibilities, The relationship communication process,Call preparation
Sales Training
Sales Training and Compensation
Salesmanship and Sales Manager
Sample, Characteristics of the good Sample
Sampling basic Concept: Defining the Universe
Sampling Error, Sample Size Constraint Non Sample
Scaling and Measurement Technique: Needs of Measurement
Scatter Diagram Method
Scope and Limitations of Economics
Scope and Role of Sale Promotion
Scope of Business and Classification of Business Activities
Scope of Consumer Behavior
Scope of Consumer Behavior
Scope of Indian Economy
Scope of Total Income
Search Engine data, Organizational Structure
Search Engine Optimization ( SEO )
Search techniques used in games, Alpha-Beta pruning
Searches Engine
Searching : Sequential search, binary search, comparison and analysis
Searching for solutions, Uniformed searching techniques
Searching Techniques: Introduction, Problem solving by searching
Securities Trading: Types of Orders, Margin Trading
Security issues of ecommerce: E-locking
Security issues of ecommerce: Encryption
Security issues of ecommerce: Firewall
Security of hash functions, Secure hash algorithm (SHA)
Segmentation : Concept, Basis of Segmentation
Select the Communication Channel, Total Marketing Communication
Select vocabulary of about 500-1000 New words; Correct Usage
Selection Errors and Minimizing Selection errors, Reliability and Validity of selection test
Self Efficacy Theory, Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
Selling Concept and Production Concept
Selling to low priority and high priority customers, High priority customers: Value selling and consequences
Semantic Differential Scales,Constant Sum Scale,Graphic Rating Scale
Seminars, Individuals and Groups Presentation
Sentence Correction
Sentence Framing
Sentence Improvement
SEO On Page
Sequencing and scheduling – Network Planning models – Formulating Network Model
Service & banking organizations
Service Blueprinting, Service Capacity Planning
Service Design, Services vis-a-vis goods
Service innovations and Design
Service Oriented Architecture
Service Scenario in India
SERVQUAL Model of Measuring service Quality
Set Off & Carry Forward of losses
Set Theory: Introduction, Size of sets and cardinals
Setting objectives – Management Principles – Management Control
Setting of Objectives, Key area Involved
Settlement of Transactions: Chips, Swift, Chaps, Fed wire
Shannon’s theory of confusion and diffusion, Feistel structure
Shift Micro-operation, Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit
Shifts in IHRM and IR
Shipping and Delivery
Shop floor control overview, Overview of Automatic Identification and Data Capture
SHRM Vs Conventional HRM, Barriers of strategic HRM
Significance of Customer Relationship Management
Significance of Management
Significance of wage Differentials
Significance, Types and Procedure of collective Bargaining Discipline
Similarity and Differences from Conventional Engineering Processes
Similarity and Distances Measured, Partitioned Algorithms
Simple Moving Average, Weighted Moving Average, Exponential Smoothening Method, Aggregate Planning
Simplification of Boolean Functions, Karnaugh maps
Simultaneous Linear Equations: Solutions of system of Linear equations
Single and Multidimensional Arrays, address calculation
Six Sigma in Product Development
Six Sigma, Six Sigma for process Improvement
Size of Business Unit
Skill Development
Skills for successful Negotiations, Obstacles to Negotiating
Skimming pricing, penetration pricing
Sliding Window, Go-back-N-ARQ Protocol and Selective-Repeat ARQ Protocol.
Small Industries Service Institute (SISI)
Small Industries Setup
Small Scale Industries, Cottage Industries
Smart Cards, E-banking
smoothening of curves, forecasting models and methods
SMS, Teleconferencing, Video Conferencing
Social Audit
Social Campaigns: Goals and Evaluating outcomes
Social Class, Consumer Behavior
Social Class, Reference Group, Family Influences
Social media analytics Small and Large Organizations
Social Media Marketing
Social Network, Web data and Method
Social Responsibility of Business
Social Responsibility of Business
Societal Marketing
Socio-economic implications of Globalizations
Socio-economic implications of Liberalizations
Socio-economic implications of Privatizations
Software as an Evolutionary Entity, Need for Maintenance, Categories of Maintenance
Software Components, Software Characteristics
Software Crisis, Software Engineering Processes
Software Maintenance and Software Project Management
Software Measurement and Metrics: Various Size Oriented Measures
Software Quality Attributes. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Models
Software Quality Frameworks, ISO 9000 Models, SEI-CMM Mode
Software Re-Engineering, Reverse Engineering. Software Configuration Management Activities
Software Requirement Specifications (SRS): Requirement Engineering Process
Software Testing: Testing Objectives, Unit Testing
Sole banking arrangement, Multiple banking arrangement,, Consortium Landing
Sole Proprietorship
Solution of differential equations: Picard’s Method
Some organizations may also include a sixth process group:
Sorting on Different Keys
Sorting: Insertion Sort, Bubble Sorting
Sources of Innovation, Innovation Environment, Creative Destruction
Sources of Requirement , Uses of Assessment centre
Sources of WTO Laws
Sourcing Activities, Purchasing
Span of Control
Spearman’s coefficient of Rank Correlation
Special Provision relating Assessment of companies
Specific Economic Zones, International Trade
Specific writing Features: Coherence, Electronic writing Process
Speculations and Arbitrage in Currency futures, Cost of Carry Model
Speculations and Arbitrage with index options, Index options Market in India stock Market
Speculations and Arbitrage with options, Pricing Options, General principles of pricing:
Spelling Test, Spotting Error
Spotting the Signs, Non-Verbal Communications and issues
Stack organization, Addressing mode, Instruction format
Stacks: Array Representation and Implementation of stack
Staffing metrics
Staffing Practices in international human resources management
Stages in Consumer Buying decision process and Types
Stages of Corporate Development, Organizational Life Cycle
Stakeholders, Applications and Approaches ( Top down and Bottom down)
Standard Deviation
Statistical measures in large database , Statistical – based algorithms , Distance based algorithms
Statistical measures in large Databases, Statistical-Based Algorithms
Statistical pattern recognition
Statistical Quality Control
Steps in Conjoint Analysis, Uses of Conjoint Analysis
Steps in Sampling Design
Steps in starting a small business
Steps involved in choosing a Retail Location
Steps Involved in Launching a Business ( Process Charts)
Steps involved in Media Planning, Setting Media Objectives, Media Strategy
Stock Exchange and New Issues Markets : Nature, Structure, Functioning and Limitations
Stock Keeping, Quality
Storage Devices, Memory Hierarchy, Magnetic Tape, Flash Memory, Cache and its Levels, SSD
Store layout and Space planning , Types of layouts
Strat-Up to going IPO
Strategic Audit of a corporation, Strategy Evaluation & Control Nature, Importance
Strategic Intent Vision, Mission, business definition Goals and Objectives
Strategic Planning , Nature, Process and Importance
Strategic Planning, Types of Strategic
Strategy analysis Process, Analyzing Strategic alternative
Strategy and its Interface with the Management of the Global Supply Chain
Strategy Evaluation & Control Process, Measuring Performance
Strategy Evaluation: Process , Criteria
Strategy for Penetration of New Markets
Strategy for transition for the present state to Universal Human Order
Strategy Formulation, Situational Analysis using SWOT approaches
Strategy Formulation: Concept, Process & Affecting Factor
Strategy Implementation: Strategy developing Program, Procedures
strengthening the national innovation system
Strong Induction and Induction with Nonzero base cases
Structure of Employee Compensation, Factors Affecting Employee Compensation
Structure of GST, Slab of GST
Structure of HRD System
Succession planning
Supplier evaluation and selection process
Supply Chain Cycle time Reduction, Demand-Driven Supply Network in International logistics
Supply Chain Drivers, Measuring Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Efficiency, Core and Reverse Supply Chain,Global Supply Chain
Surveys: websites Surveys
Sustainability Issues in Social Entrepreneurship
Sustainable Development Goals, Rising Inequality: Historical Context of Inequality and Social unrest, Global Inequality, Social and Economic Reforms
Switching Techniques: Circuit Switching
SWOT analysis, Types of Environment, Internal to the Enterprises ,value system, and nature
Syllable; Accent; Pitch; Rhythm; Intonation; Paralinguistic features of voice
Symmetric key distribution, Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
Synergy as a component of strategy & its relevance
Synergy Benefits
Synonyms, Antonyms
System Audit
System Security: Introductory idea of Intrusion
T-test, Z-test, F-test and SPSS
Tables, Views and Indexes, Queries and Sub Queries
Taguchi’s quality engineering
Talent Acquisition, Job Analysis
Talent development: Need Analysis, Knowledge Management , Competency Development , Developing Leadership Talent
Target Audience, Communication Objectives, Design the Communication
Targeting: Concept Types and Importance
Targeting: Meaning, Target Market Strategies
Task involved in Market Positioning
Tasks and application areas of artificial intelligence
Tautology, Contradiction, Algebra of propositions
Tax Avoidance and Tax evasions
Tax Evasion, Tax Avoidance, Tax Planning
Tax Planning for new business with reference to form of business
Tax Planning for new business with reference to location
Tax Planning for new business with reference to nature of business
Taxable event supply of goods and services
Team Building Process : Overview of Team
Team Vs Group
Technical Performance& Transport Economic Indicator, Maritime Routing Pattern
Technical Proposal; Parts; Types
Techniques and Process of Decision Making
Techniques of Controlling
Technology Development and Social Change
Technology Factors that are driving the change in International Business Management
Technology of Participation change in Corporate Culture- The Example of Quality Improvement
Teething Problem in setting small units : Location, Technologies, market, Labour, Planning
Temporal Database, Decision Support System, Data Analysis
Terminal (Termination) of Contract
Terms and Conditions
Test Drivers and Test Stubs, Structural Testing (White Box Testing)
Testing for Functionality and Testing for Performance
Testing of Hypothesis: Test of significance
Testing of Serializability , Serializability of Schedule, Conflict and Serializable Schedule
The 3×3 writing process for Business Communication : Pre Writing – Writing- Revising
The Balance of Payments
The Bargaining and Closing stage: Making concessions, The techniques
The Business plan as an Entrepreneurial Tools, Elements of Business Policy , Preparation of Project Plan
The Concept of corporate Planning
The Concept of Product Positing, Perceptual Mapping
The Containerisation of Commodities, Transcontinental Bridges
The Contract Labor ( Abolition & Regulative) act
The Creative Brief, Advertising Appeal Advertising Agencies, Global Vs Local Advertising
The CRM Cycle i.e. Assessments Phase, Planning Phase, The Executive Phase
The Cultural of Poverty,Hofstede’s Dimension
The ESI ACT, 1948 & Amendment
The Factories Act & The shop & Establishment Act 1948
The Factories, (Amendment) Bill 2016
The flow of Communication: Downward, Upward, Lateral of Horizontal (Peer group)
The Global logistics operator, Comparison between National and International logistics
The Historical origins of Beliefs and Value, Impact of Cross Cultural Communication
The Impact of Cultural Differences and Individuals
The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
The Johari window
The Maternity Benefits ACT, 1961
The Migrant Crisis in the EU, Political Implications:
The minimum Wages act 1948
The Nature Of International Transport Policy, International Transport Planning
The New Realities of Marketing Decision Making Market Size : Data Sources
The payment of Gratuity ACT, 1972 & Amendment
The Payment of minimum wages act 1936
The Payment of Wages Act 1923 & Amendment
The Payments of Bonus ACT, 1965 & Amendment
The Possibility of an International Sub cultural
The process of Negotiations
The Rise of Authoritarianism and what that means for Geo Politics
The Rise of China and its impact on global trade
The Sourcing Decision, Outsourcing, Offshoring , Concentration Strategies
The Trade Unions Act 1926 objectives, Recognitions and Registrations, Industrials Democracy & Participative management
The Trade Unions Act, 1926 & Amendments
The Workmen’s Compensation ACT, 1972
Theorems of Boolean algebra, Boolean functions
Theories of Entrepreneurship Traits of Entrepreneur
Theories of factor Pricing
Theories of foreign exchange Rate, International fisher Effect ( IFE)
Theories of Personal Selling
Theories of Selling, Sales Management
Theories, Importance, Hindrance of Collective Bargaining, Scope, Issues, Growth, Reasons of Collective Bargaining
Theory of Inference and Natural Deduction
Theory of predicates, First order predicate
Theory X and Y
Threaded Binary trees, Traversing Threaded Binary trees
Time Estimate in Network Analysis
Time series analysis: Concept
Time Series Analysis: Concept, Additive and Multiplicative model
Time series and forecasting: Moving averages
Time value of Money: Compounding and Discounting
Tools and Techniques of strategic Analysis, Strategic Choice
Tools of Planning, MIS Business Planning
Top Down and Bottom- Up Testing Strategies
Top-Down and Bottom-Up Design
Topology ( Ring, Star, Bus, Mesh )
Total Marketing Communication Budget, Functional Area of Marketing Communication
Total productive Maintenance
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), 5s
TQM, Deming’s 14 Principles, Continuous Improvement ( Kaizen)
Tracking Performance and Measurement with Google Analytics
Tractable and Intractable Problems: P and NP
Trade Unionism: Development of Trade Unionism, Functions and Type of Structure
Trade- Offs in International logistics, Multi-ModAlism
Trading Account, Manufacturing Accounts, Profit & Loss Account
Trading of Securities: Equity, Debentures and Bonds
Traditional Commerce
Train and Retain
Training Development in international context
Training Method, Promotion and Transfer
traits and qualities of effective leader, trait theory
Traits/Qualities of an Entrepreneur
Transaction Processing System (TPS)
Transactions Analysis
Transactions Processing Concept : Transaction System
Transactions Processing System Characteristics and its importance
Transformation of Idea in to Reality
Transmission Media: Guided and unguided Media
Transnational Commercial Laws
Transportation and Commercial Geography, Components of International Transports Costs
Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s rules
Traversal, Connected Component and Spanning Trees, Minimum Cost Spanning Trees
Trees: Basic terminology, Binary Trees, Binary Tree Representation
Trend Analysis of manufacturing, service & banking organizations.
Trend analysis: Least Square method
Trends in Composition and Growth in Agriculture Industry
Trends in World Trade
Triple DES
Trust ( Vishwas) and respect (Samman) and its foundational as the foundational values of relationship
Trust on Make in India
Tuning Data Warehouse
Tuning Data Warehouse, Testing Data Warehouse
Turing Machines: Introduction, Basic Features of a Turing Machine
Two Person Zero-Sum Game, Pure and Mixed Strategy Games
Two-way Header List, Traversing and Searching of Linked List
Type I and Type II errors
Types and Functions of Public Relations
Types of Analysis
Types of Business Organizations
Types of Computer
Types of Controls, Activity based Costing , Enterprises risk management
Types of Correlation
Types of Cost: Direct, Indirect , Recurring , Non Recurring, fixed, Varible, Project financing and Budgeting, Sources of Finance, Top-down Budgeting
Types of Data
Types of Decision Making
Types of Dividend policy
Types of Dividend Policy
Types of Ecommerce
Types of Entrepreneur, Function of Entrepreneur
Types of Entrepreneurial mobility. Entrepreneurial Opportunity Search and Identification
Types of Google Advertisement, Search, Display, Mobile, Shopping, Video , Advertisement
Types of Groups
Types of Information, Models of Decision Making
Types of Inventories, Inventory control Techniques EOQ, ABC, VED, FSN
Types of Manufacturing System : Intermitted
Types of Marketing Channels
Types of Markets and their Characteristics
Types of Negotiations
Types of Non- Profitability
Types of Objectives and Their Overall Hierarchy
Types of Operation Research Model, Limitations of Operation Research
Types of performance and financial Guarantees
Types of Personality
Types of planning, Types of plans, Management by Objective
Types of Plant Layout
Types of Plant Layout, Types of Manufacturing System, Job Shop, Mass, Batch, project Shop
Types of pricing strategies, Negotiation in sourcing; Meaning of Negotiations
Types of Probability Sampling
Types of Probability Sampling
Types of Production Planning, Process of Production Planning and Control
Types of Project, Project life cycle
Types of Relationship Management
Types of Reports
Types of Research
Types of Research
Types of Sales Executives
Types of Sales Organizations Structures
Types of Sales person, Characteristics of a successful Salesman
Types of Sample Design
Types of Software
Types of SQL Commands, SQL Operators and their procedure
Types of Swaps, Derivatives Vs Swaps
Types of Trade Unions
Types Recognition of Negotiable Instruments
Unbalanced Assignment Problem
Uncertainty and Risk Situations
Undecidability: Introduction, Undecidable problems about Turing Machines
Understanding Compensation Analytics
Understanding Consumer Behaviour
Understanding Cultural, Values World Views and Social Cultural System
Understanding Customer behavior: Buying Motives
Understanding domain and Webhosting,Building Website/Blog Using CMS WordPress,Using WordPress Plug-ins
Understanding Existence and Coexistences ( Sah Ashtiva) of mutually interacting units in all pervasive state
Understanding harmony in the family: The basis unit of human interaction, Understanding values in human- human relationship
Understanding human being as a co- existence of the sentient I and the material body , Understanding the needs of self I and body , Sukh and Suvidha
Understanding Service Quality Gap
Understanding Service Quality: Technical, Functional and Dimensional of Service Quality
Understanding Significance of Cultural Values
Understanding the body as an instrument of I ( I being the doer, seer, and enjoyer
Understanding the Characteristics and Activities I and the harmony of I, Understanding the harmony of I with the body : Sanyam and Swasthya
Understanding the Harmony in the Nature
Understanding the harmony in the society ( society being an extension of family ), Samadhan, Samridhi , Abhay, Sah Astitva as comprehensive Human goals
Understanding the meaning of Vishwas, Difference between Intention and Competence, Understanding the meaning of Samman
understanding the needs, basic guidelines , Content and process for value education, Self Exploration what is it ?
Unions, Intersections, Minus, Cursors, Triggers, Procedure in SQL/PL SQL
Universal Turing Machine. Turing Machine as Computer of Integer functions
Use of different options Strategies to mitigate the risk
Use of Spread Sheet to analyze data
Uses of Commodity derivatives: Hedging, Speculations, and Arbitrage
uses of index numbers
Using Apps and Gamification
Using Customer Value to Value a Business
Using Google Analytics and Other Social Media Analytics Tools
Using Marketing Analytics tools to Segment, Target, and Position
Using Marketing Strategies and Analytics Tools
Using Pricing Subjectively to Estimate Demand Curve
Using Templates, Inserting Charts, Inserting Tables
Using Various Plugins like Eliminators
Utility theory and Probabilistic reasoning
Utilized Capacity, Factor Affecting Productivity and capacity expansion Strategy
Valuation of GST
Valuation of Import and Export
Valuation of Shares
Value based pricing, Cost based pricing
Value change
Value of Information
Values, Ethics and Social Responsibility, Operational and Derived functional plans to implement strategy , Integration and functional plans
Variants of Turing Machine: Multitapes, Nondeterministic Turing Machine
Various Cash and Non-Cash Transaction
Various Financial institution ( including IFCI,ICICI,IDBI and SIDBI)
Various forms of Business Ownership
Various Marketing orientation
Various types of Bank Guarantees
Various types of Letter of Credit
Vendor Development
Vendor rating process, Factor affecting selection of optimal supplier and vendor ratings
Vendor Rating, Vendor Selection
Venn diagrams, Combination of sets, Multisets, Ordered pairs and Set identities.
Venture Capital, Angel Investing , Crowdfunding Entrepreneurial Motivation , Meaning of Entrepreneurial Competences
Verbal Ability
Video Marketing On YouTube
Viral Marketing
Virtual Machine Security , IAM
Virtual Reality and Applications, Mixed Reality and Applications
Virtualization offers several benefits, including: Server Virtualization , Storage Virtualization
Visualizing a universal harmonious order in society , Undivided society(Akhand Samaj),Universal order ( Shrvabhaum Vyawastha ); from family to the world family
Visualizing progress , Cost monitoring , Earned Value Analysis, Prioritizing Monitoring
Vocabulary words often confused
Void and Contingent Contract
VRIO Framework, Value Chain Analysis, IFE Matrix (Internal Factor Evaluation)
Vrooms Expectancy theory
Wage Policy, Wage determination, Wage board
Warehousing Application and recent trends
Warehousing applications and Recent Trends: Types of Warehousing Applications
Warehousing Software, Warehouse Schema Design
Warehousing Strategy, Warehouse /management and Support Processes
Warehousing Strategy, Warehouse /management and Support Processes
Water Fall Model, Prototype Model, Spiral Model
Ways of describing Cultural Differences Going International
Web Analytics 1.0 and its Limitations
Web Analytics Platform, Web Analytics evolution, Need of web analytics,Advantage & disadvantage
Web Analytics tools: AB TESTING
Web Metrics and Analytics: Common metrics
Web Mining, Spatial Mining and Temporal Mining
Weber Management, Fayol Management
Website Planning
Website traffic analysis: traffic trends
What is Conversation problem
What is innovation and entrepreneurship
What is SEO off Page
Why Employees Join Trade Unions, Trade Unions is the Eyes of the management
Windows ( latest version) : Introduction, Features, Installation, Activation, Security, Features
Women Enterprises, Social and Rural Entrepreneurship
Women Entrepreneurship: Meaning, Characteristic features
Word formation. Synonyms and Antonyms; Homophones
Words often miss spelt, Common errors in English
Work flow Documentation
Work Measurement, Ergonomics
Work Study Method, Work Measurement
Workmen Compensation ACT 1923
Workmen Compensation ACT 1923
Workshop, Conferences
World Wide Web, Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
Writing and Presenting in international situations
Writing CVs
Writing important business letters including correspondence with bank and insurances company
Writing Memos , What is a Report Purpose
Writing of Proposal; Significance, Negotiation & Business Presentation skills
Writing resume letter or application
Writing Routine and Persuasive Letters
Written Communication: Purpose and Clarity
WTO Jurisprudence on TBT
WTO: Objectives and Roles in International trade
Select Page
#19906 (no title)
‘Natural acceptance’ and Experiential validation
(Binning, Clustering, Regression, Computer and Human inspection)
(SQA): Verification and Validation, SQA Plans
20 Most Important Questions for KMBN202 Human Resource Management
20 Most Important Questions for KMBN204 Financial Management and Corporate Finance
20 Most Important Questions for KMBN205 Operation Management
20 Most Important Questions for KMBN207 Digital Marketing and e- Commerce
20 Most Important Questions for KMBN208 Management Information System
20- Most – Important -Questions- For-KMBN206 Quantitative Techniques for Manager
3c’s of Pricing cost , Customer and competition pricing strategies, Price positioning
4C’s Elements of CRM process
7QC Tools, Regression Control Charts
A look at basic human Aspiration , Right Understanding
A Short History of Programming Languages
ABC Analysis
Ability to identified the scope and Characteristics of people friendly and eco friendly production system , technologies and management models
Ability to utilize the Professional Competence for augmenting universal order,
About Us
Absolute Advantage Theory
Acceptance definition and essentials Considerations, definition and essentials Exceptions to the Rules
Account Rate of Return (ARR)
Accounting and Reporting: Mirror Account, Value date, Exchange profit and loss, R returns
Accounting Concepts
Accounting Equation
Accounting Equations
acting on the opportunities
Active and Passive Voice
Activities – Methodologies – Categorization of Software Project
Activity and Liquidity Ratio
Addition and Multiplication Law
Addition and Multiplication Laws
Additive and Multiplicative models
Additive and Multiplicative rules of probability
Administration of Foreign Exchange ; Authorised person , Authorised dealer
Adopting Continuous process improvement (CPI), Just in Time
Advanced Leadership Skills
Advantage & Disadvantage of online Appraisal
Advantage and Disadvantage of Market Analysis
Advantage and Disadvantage of Public Relations
Advantage of becoming an Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial Decision process
Advantage of vendor /supplier Ratings, Identify and evaluating the international supplier
Advantage, Disadvantage of Collective Bargaining, The Industrial Employment ( Standing orders) ACT 1961
Adversarial search methods
Advertising and Advertising objectives, Advertising Budget and copy
Advertising Effectiveness & Its Measurement
Advertising Management Nature & Scope of Advertising
Advertising: Introduction, Scope
Affiliate Marketing
Agencies for Policy Formulation and Implementation: District Industries Centers (DIC)
Agency Contract
Aggregate functions, SQL: Insert and Delete operations, Joins
Aggregate Planning Strategies, Master production Schedule
Aggregation of Income
Aggregation Query Facility
Aggregation, Historical information, Query Facility
Agreement to technical Barriers to Trade
Agriculture Income
Agriculture: Land Reforms and land Tenure System
AIDA Model
AKTU MBA 4th Semester Complete Easy Notes
Algebraic Expressions, Complete Binary Tree. Extended Binary Trees
all Parts of Speech; Modals; Concord; Articles
Alpha and Beta Testing of Products. Static Testing Strategies
AN exercise in design thinking & Implementing design thinking through a workshop
An insight into CRM and e-CRTA / Online CRM
An Overview of CASE Tools. Estimation of Various Parameters such as Cost
An Overview of Economic Resources of India
Analyses of design capacity
Analysing and classify training needs
Analysis of attribute relevance , Mining Class Comparison
Analysis of attribute relevance, Mining Class comparisons
Analysis of financial statement
Analysis of financial statement: Ratio Analysis- solvency ratios
Analysis of Risk & Uncertainty
Analysis of Time Series
Analysis of Working Capital
Analytics for compensation planning, Competency scorecard
Analytics for Unstructured data Visualization of categorial Data in R
Analyze Merchandise Performance
Appellate Tribunal , Penalties and Offences
Application and System Software, Computer Hardware
Application areas of Linear Programming
Application in business Decision Making
application of arrays, Ordered List, Sparse Matrices and Vectors.
Application of Binomial, Poisson and Normal Distribution
Application of Business Analytics
Application of Business in analysis Retail Analytics
Application of CPM and PERT techniques in Project Planning and Control
Application of Data Mining
Application of Poisson and Exponential distribution in estimating Arrival Rate and Service Rate
Application of Queue Model For better Services to the Customer
Application of stack: Conversion of Infix to Prefix and Postfix Expressions, Evaluation of postfix expression using stack.
Application to medicine, agriculture etc
Applications in business decision-making.
Applications of Business Analysis in Financial Analytics
Applications of Business Analysis in Healthcare Analytics
Applications of Business Analysis in Supply Chain Analytics
Applications of Consumer Behavior Knowledge in Marketing
Applications Of e-Commerce: Introduction
Applications of Excel functions of creating HR dashboards
Applications of HR metrics
Applications of Market index, Index Futures in the Stock Market, Indian Derivatives Market
Applications of Social Media Analytics in different Social Media platforms
Approaches to managing organizational changes
Approaches to Problem Solving, Concept of Algorithm and Flow Charts
Approaches to the financing of current assets
APT Model, EVA Model, Introduction of Start-up Finance
Architecture Design challenge
Area Sampling, Cluster Sampling Non Probability Sampling
Arguments against Business Ethics
Array and Linked Representation of Binary trees, Traversing Binary trees
Arrays, Records, Lists, Executable Objects, Methods
Arrays: Array Definition, Representation and Analysis
Artificial Intelligence (AI) System
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence: Introduction to artificial intelligence
As per latest format prescribe under the companies Act 2013
Ascertaining the class of Information
Ascertaining the class of Information
Assessment Year, Previous Year
Assignment and Initialization
Assignment Model: Hungarian Algorithm and its Application
Assignment Problem
Association rules: Introduction, Large Item sets, Basic Algorithms
Association rules: Introduction, Large item sets, Basic algorithms, Apriori Analysis
At the level of individual : At socially and ecologically responsible engineers, technologists and Manager
At the level of Society: As mutually enriching institution and Organization
Attracting and Recruiting the Best Talents
Audience & Local; Organizing Contents; Preparing Outline; Audio-visual Aids
Authentication Applications: Kerberos Electronic mail security
Authentication functions, Message authentication code
Authorities and Remedies under the minimum Wages Act 1948
Authority and Responsibilities
Authority under the Gratuity Act 1972 and their Powers and Functions
Authorized Money Exchange
Automatic error monitoring, stability of solution
Average time on site, Real time report
B2B and Service Marketing, Fundamental of B2B marketing
Bailment and Lien
Balance Scorecard
Bar Chart Sample, Bar Chart
Bar code technology, Radio Frequency Identification
Barriers in Communication
Basic Accounting terminologies
Basic Components of PC
Basic Concept of Application Layer: Domain Name System
Basic Concept of Performance Appraisal
Basic Concept of Software Design, Architectural Design
Basic Concepts and principles: Definition, Nature and Scope of Economic
Basic concepts of Automata Theory: Alphabets, Strings and Languages
Basic Model of Consumer Behavior
Basic Principles of Governing International Human Resources Management and the Role of Culture
Basic Terminology, Elementary Data Organization
Basics Requirement of ecommerce
Basis of changing Indirect Tax
Basis of Humanistic Education, Humanistic Constitution and Humanistic Universal Order
Bay’s Theorem
Bayes’ Theorem
BBA 303 Indian Economy
BBA101 Fundamentals of Management
BBA102 Organizational Behavior
BBA103 Managerial Economics
BBA104 Accounting and Financial Analysis
BBA105 Business Law
BBA106 Business Organization and Ethics
BBA201 Quantitative Techniques for Business
BBA202 Business Communication
BBA203 Human Resources Management
BBA204 Marketing Management
BBA205 Business Environment
BBA206 Fundamentals of Computer
BBA301 Advertising Management
BBA302 Team Building & Leadership
BBA304 Customer Relationship Management
BBA305 Management Information System
BBA306 Income Tax Law and Practice
BBA401 Consumer Behavior
BBA402 Financial Management
BBA403 Production & Operation Management
BBA404 Sales and Distribution Management
BBA405 Research Methodology
BBA406 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
BBA501 Arithmetic Aptitude
BBA504 General English
BBA601 Strategic Management and Business Policy
BBA602 Operation Research
BBA603 Fundamentals of E-Commerce
BBA604 Economic and Industrial Law
BCG Matrix, Anshoff Grid, GE Nine cell Planning
BCNF, Multi-valued dependencies and fifth Normal Forms
Behavior Dynamics: Interpersonal Behavior
Behavioral Learning Theories, Cognitive Learning theories to Consumer Behavior
Benchmarking, Problems in Measuring Performance & Guidelines for proper Control
Benefits of ERP & EMS
Benefits of Heuristic evaluation
Best Test and Data Import
Big Data Analytics, Modern Applications of IT
Bill finance: Drawee bill scheme, Bill discounting
Binary Search Trees: Binary Search Tree (BST), Insertion and Deletion in BST
Bing Advertisement
Black HAT and White HAT SEO
Black Scholes option pricing Model, Index options, Hedging with index options
Blockchain Concept, Challenges in Adopting Block Chain
Blog Creations: Including Headline, Links, Post.
Body language, para language
Bonus Issues
Boole’s Rule
Boolean Algebra and Digital Logic Introduction
Boolean Algebra, Boolean Expressions, Boolean Identities
Boolean Algebra: Introduction, Axioms
Bottom-up Budgeting, Advantages of bottom-up budgeting include: Activity based costing
Bounded, Complemented, Modular and Complete lattice
Brand Positioning
Brand Through Social Media Marketing (SMM)
Branding and Packaging
Building a Data Warehouse, Warehouse Database
Building High Performance Teams
Building sales Organizations, Types of Sales Organisations and their Structure
Bullwhip Effect in SCM, Push and Pull System, Lean Manufacturing, Agile Manufacturing
Bus Architecture, Bus Arbitration, Arithmetic Logic
Business Analytics
Business and IT perspective
Business and Society changing Concepts
Business Communication Principles, Sales & Credit letters
Business Cycle
Business Ethics, Gandhian Philosophy
Business Ethics: An Overview ,Concept and Nature
Business Etiquettes
Business Model Innovation, Service Innovation
Business opportunities in Various sectors, Challenges of New Venture Start-Up, Reasons for Failure of New Venture
Business process R-engineering
Business Recruitment, Data Acquisition, Data Preparation
Business Strategies, Competitive Strategies : Cost Leadership, Differentiation and Focus
Business Unit
Buy Back of Shares
Buying grid, Buying center, Buyer Seller relationship: types, Managing Relationship with Suppliers, Customers, and Distributors,
BUZZ Marketing
Cache memory, Virtual Memory, Memory management hardware
Calculation of Fixed and Option forward rates, Inter bank deals, Execution of Forward Contracts
Calculation of NPV and IRR, Excel Application in Analyzing Project
Capability Profiles
Capacity of Parties Free Consent
Capacity Planning Strategy
Capacity Planning, Capacity Planning Strategies
Capacity Planning, Capacity Planning Strategy
Capital Budgeting Decision
Capital Formation in agricultural industry
Capital Structure Planning: Capitalization Concept, Basis of Capitalizations
Capital Structure, Relevance and Irrelevance Theory
Capitals Gains
Capitals structure theories, Leverage Analysis
CAPM Model, Cash Flow Based Model
Career in Business Analytics
Career Planning & Development
Career Planning, Promotion and Types of Employee
Case Study of typical holistic technologies, Management models and Production system
Cash Credit, Overdraft, Demand loan
Cash flow
Cash Flow as Profit and Components of Cash Flows
Cash Flow Statement: Various cash and non-cash transactions
Casual Income
Categories of supplier
Census and Sample Investigation
Census and Sample Survey
Centralised and Client server Architectures
Centralization and Decentralization
Challenges and Opportunities of OB
Challenges faced by Entrepreneurs , Common mistake in Entrepreneurship
Champions Using Mail Chimp
Change and Organizational Development
Change Control Process, Software Version Control
Changing Nature of Globalization, The Changing Nature of the Regulatory Environment
Changings Trends in Retailing
Channel Allocation Protocols: Random Access
Channel Alternatives
Channel Conflict, Retailing and types of Retailer
Channel Design and Channel Management decision
Characteristics and skills of an Entrepreneur, Entrepreneur Vs Manager
Characteristics and Skills of Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development
Characteristics of a Purchasing Manager
Characteristics of an Effective Group
Characteristics of Business Organization
Characteristics of Indian Economy
Characteristics of Internet: email
Characteristics of Modes of Transport: Road Transport, Rail Transport, Maritime Transport and Air Transport
Characteristics of Service, Classification of Service, Factor Affecting Service Operations
Characteristics of Successful Communication
Characteristics of the press, Basic Media Concepts, Newspapers, Magazines
Characteristics of the scientific method, Steps in Researches process
Chaudhary Charan Singh University BBA Notes
Chi-Square Test
Chi-square test, t-test, F Test
Child Labor ( Prohibition & Regulations) ACT, 1986 and its Amendment
Chinese Remainder theorem, Discrete Logarithmic Problem
Choosing suitable types of interviews, Formulating a recruitment strategy for seniors level executives
Choosing the right CRM Solution
Circular Economy: Concept of Circular Economy
Circular flows in 2 sector
Claim and Adjustment Letters; Jobapplication and Resumes
Classes and subnetting
Classes, Inheritance, Objects and Message Passing
Classical encryption techniques substitution ciphers and transposition ciphers
Classical, Administrative Herbert Simon’s Model, Management Support System
Classification and Arrangement: Wired LANs and Wireless LANs
Classification and Tabulation of Data
Classification and Types of Entrepreneurs; Entrepreneurial Competencies
Classification of Advertising, Process of Advertising, Fundamentals of Advertising Campaign
Classification of Business Objectives
Classification of Business Policy
Classification of Computers on various Parameters viz. Size, Purpose, Number of Users, Software
Classification of Grammars, Chomosky’s Hierarchy
Classification techniques – Nearest neighbor rule and Bayes classifier
Clearing and Settlement procedure, Regulatory systems for equity Market
Client/Server Computing Model & Data Warehousing
Climate Changes, Political Dimensions of Climate Change, Plight and Issues of climate Refugees
CLIQUE. Model Based Method – Statistical Approach
Cloud and Dynamic Infrastructure
Cloud and Virtualization, Basics of Virtualization, Types, Virtualization Benefits
Cloud Architecture-Layered
Cloud Computer essentials and Benefits
Cloud Computing for Business, Active Database
Cloud Model, Cloud Characteristics , Cloud Computer Characteristics
Cloud models public Vs private Clouds, Hybrid Clouds, Community Clouds
Cloud Protection, Clouds Analytics, Testing Under cloud
Cloud Standards
Clouds Infrastructure Self service
Clouds Offerings, Information storage, Retrieval, Archive and
Clouds Services Requirements
Clouds Storage Providers
Cloze Test
Cluster Analysis and Market Segment
Clustering introduction, Hierarchical Algorithms
Clustering: Introduction, Similarity and Distance Measures
Co- creation and Open Innovation, Developing an Innovation Strategy
Co-Operative banks, Developments banks
Code of Ethics, Organizational Culture
Coding System, Material Handling in Stores, Logistics and Information System, Strategies, Retail sales techniques and Promotion, CRM & Brand Management in Retailing
Coefficient of Variation
Cognitive Dissonance
combination of partial order sets, Hasse diagram
Combinatorics: Introduction, Counting Techniques
Combining security associations, Key management
Commercials Banks
Commodity Market Indice, Commodity Futures
Common mistake in, Entrepreneurship and changing role of Entrepreneur
Common Size statement
Common Size Statement ; Comparative Balance Sheet
Commonly Misspelled Words
Communication Mix, Customer acquisition process, Relationship Communication
Communication Model
Communication Network
Communication of crisis, Barriers of Communication
Communication Process
Communication structure of Organization
Companies Act: Definition and Characteristics, Kinds of CompanyCompanies Act: Definition and Characteristics
Companies Directors: Appointment, power Companies directors: duties and liability Resolutions and Types
Comparative Balance Sheet
Comparative Balance sheet and Trends Analysis of Manufacturing , Services and Banking Organization
Comparison Pros and Cons of Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Compensation, Job Evaluation
Competency Mapping and Career Development
Competition, features
Complexity of Search Algorithm, Path Length, AVL Trees
Compliance with Design and Coding Standards
Component of Business Environment
Components of balance payments; Current Account , Capital Account, Official Reserve Account, Debit and Credit Entries
Components of CRM
Components of Leadership
Components of Time Series
Components of Wage/ salary : DA, Incentives, Bonus, Fringe benefits etc.
Components, attitude formation and attitude change. Meaning & Type of Group Behavior
Composite Cost of Capital
Composite relations, Properties of relations
Computation of cost of capital
Computer and Human Inspection, Inconsistent Data, Data Integration and Transformation
Computer Basic Introduction
Computer system Design
Computer Vision, Natural language processing
Computing Two ways and Three ways Lift Allocating Retail Space
Concept of Assembler, Compiler, Loader and Linker
Concept of Branding, Brand Type, Brand equity, Brand positioning
Concept of Business Analytics
Concept of Business Analytics; Meaning and Type
Concept of HRM and Objective
Concept of Hypothesis Testing
Concept Of Long Term Planning
Concept of Opportunity Cost
Concept of Physical Distribution System Sales
Concept of Social Enterprise and Social Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurs
Concept of Synergy, Types
Concept of Tax Planning
Concept, meaning and objective of Talent Management
Concept, Significance of Business Environment
Concepts and Relevance of Dividend decision
Concepts Hierarchy, 3 Tier Architecture , ETL, Data Marketing, Use of Data Warehousing in current Industry Senario
Concepts of Deliverables, The project management process
Concepts of Financial Management
Concepts of Gross and Net Working Capital
Concepts of Intrapreneurship, Entrepreneur v/s Intrapreneur
Concepts of Population Explosion
Concepts of Product and Service Quality
Concepts of Working Capitals
Concepts, Objective, Functions, Significance & Aspects of Industrials Relations
Condition Checking, Looping, Structured Data Types
Conditional Probability
Conditions for Payment , Forfeiture of Gratuity
Conducting survey
Conflicts and Dispute Resolution, Negotiation and Discussion Stage
Conjoint Analysis as a Decompositional Preference Model
Consequence of Contract Terminal ( Termination)
Consequences and Remedies of over capitalizations
Consequences and Remedies of Under capitalizations
Consolidated Balance Sheet of holding Companies with one subsidiary only
Constituents of Export Sales Contract
Constituents of Technical Written Communication Words and Phrases
constitutional framework of indirect tax before GST
Construction of Prices, Quantity and Volume Indices, Chain Based Method
Consumer Attention, Consumer Perception, Consumer Learning
Consumer attitude Formation and Changes
Consumer Behavior : Nature, Characteristics, Relevance & Applications
Consumer Behavior in Indian Perspective
Consumer Behavior in the Contemporary Environment
Consumer Behavior, Interdisciplinary Approach
Consumer Decision Making Process
Consumer Involvement
Consumer Perception
Consumer protections act definitions, Aims, and objective Consumer protection councils
Consumer Research Process
Consumer Surplus: Price Income, Substitution effect
Consumer Values and Lifestyles
Consumer Vs Industrials Buying Behavior
Consumers and Customers
Consumers Decision Making Process, Attribution Theory and Diffusion of Innovation
Contact Us
Contemporary cases in Economic Nationalism, Future of Economic Integration, Sharing Economy: New Business Model,Difference between Platform and Traditional Business Model,Difference types of Platforms, Implications on future of Work
Contemporary Issues in Managing Teams
Contemporary Talent Management issues and Challenges
Contemporary theories of Motivation: Self Determination Theory
Content Marketing, Content Creation Process
Content Marketing, Importance of Content Marketing
Contents of Sale Contract: Goods, Price ,Condition and Warranty
Context Free Grammars (CFG) and Context Free Languages (CFL) – Definition, Examples
Continuous Systems and Other Manufacturing System
Contract of Affreightment: Teams of delivery & Intercoms Standards, International Purchasing system Constituents
Contracts Agreements
Controlled and Channelization techniques such as ALOHA
Controlling Costs and Reducing Inventory loss, parking space problem at retail centre
Controlling: Concepts
Conventions and Principles
conventions and principles
Convergence and Divergence in personal management in developed and development economics
Convertibility of Rupee; Current account Convertibility, Capital account Convertibility
Converting Between Bases, Signed Integer Representation
Coordination Concepts of Leadership
Corporate Cultural and Cross border HRM
Corporate Governance , Composition of the Boards
Corporate Mission Statement
Corporate Planning
Corporate social responsibility
Corporate Strategy: Concept, Components, Importance
Corporate Valuation Model, Earning Based Valuation Model
Correct appraisal of Physical need, Meaning of Prosperity in detail
Correlation Analysis
Correlation Analysis: Rank Method & Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation
Correlation, Significance of Correlation
Cost output relationship in the Long-run
Cost Performance index (CPI) , Schedule performance index, Project Termination: types of termination
Cost, Types of costs, Cost output relationship in the short-run.
Crashing of Operations
Crashing of Operations ,Information as a Strategic resource, Use of Information for Competitive Advantage
Create Paid Campaign on Google Ad words
creating a culture for change, implementing the change
Credit Analysis Process
Credit Appraisal: Validation of proposal
Credit Card based Electronic Payment Systems, Risks and Electronic Payment System, Electronic Data Interchange
Credit Rating: Measurement of Risk,Objective of Rating
Credit Risk Analysis( debt ration & Risk of leverage)
Credit trust, Credit Priorities,
Criteria of Selecting the Third- Party Logistics operator
Criteria to Select a Product; Conducting Feasibility Studies
Criteria: (KRA, KSA VS KPI)
Critical Path Method
CRM Affiliation in Retailing Sector
CRM Links in E-Business , E-Commerce and Customers Relationship on the Internet
CRM Meaning
CRM Process For Marketing Organizations
CRM Process, Strategic Alliances
CRM Supplier Roles and Importance
Cross Elasticity and Advertising Elasticity. Uses of Elasticity of Demand for managerial decision making
Cross Functional Teams, Virtual Teams
Crossing of Negotiable Instruments
Cryptanalysis, Steganography, Stream and block ciphers
CSMA, CSMA/CD, CDMA/CA, TDMA, FDMA, Token Passing, etc
Cultural Aspects of International business Negotiations
Cultural Influences on Consumer Behavior
Cultural sensitiveness and cultural context
Currency Swaps Interest rate futures
Current issues relating to FDI
Curve fitting, Cubic Spline and Approximation
Custom Law: Introduction levy and collection , taxable event
Customer buying through E -Platforms like Flipkart, Amazon, Ebay, Snapdeal etc
Customer Decision Making Process
Customer Expectations and Perceptions of services
Customer Relationship with business via ecommerce Electronic Payment System
Customer Satisfaction
Customer Touch Point
Customer value and the Value delivery process
Customers Lifetime Value
Customs Act.1962, Liberalization in Nineteens
Customs or Integrated Supply Chain Management, Global supply Chain Management
Cyber Laws : Aim, Salient provision
Cyber Security / Cyber Laws
Cyclomatic Complexity Measures: Control Flow Graphs
Dashboards: few key excel Add-ins/ Functions to help create dashboard
Data Cleaning: Missing Values, Noisy Data
Data Cleaning: Missing values, Noisy Data, Binning, Clustering, Regression
Data Collection and Web Analytics Fundamentals
Data Collection, Data Classification
Data communication Components and characteristics
Data Communications: Introduction
Data Compression, Numerosity Reduction
Data Cubes, Stars, Snow Flakes, Fact Constellations, Concept
Data encryption standard(DES), Strength of DES
Data Evaluations and Interpretations, Data Deployment, Operations and Optimizations
Data Hypothesis
Data Import and Export, Attributes and Data Types
Data Independence, Data Redundancy, Data Consistency, Data Administration
Data Independence, DML, Overall Database Structure
Data Management, Big Data Management
Data Mining Case Study, Application of Data Mining, Introduction of Data Mining tools like WEKA, ORANGE, SAS, KNIME etc.
Data Mining Characteristics , Techniques of Data Mining
Data Mining interface
Data Mining interface, Security, Backup and Recovery
Data mining Techniques : Data Genralization, Analytical Chracterization
Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Data Visualizations
Data Mining: Overview, Motivation, definitions
Data Modeling
Data Modelling using the Entity Relationship Model, ER Model concept, Notation for ER diagram
Data Objects, Variables and Constants
Data Processing, Form of Data Pre-processing
Data Reduction:-Data Cube Aggregation, Dimensionality reduction
Data representation and Data flow
Data Representation in Computer Systems Introduction
Data Science and Project Life Cycle
Data Science and Responsibility
Data Science, Why Data Science, Applications of Data Science
Data Scientist Vs Data Engineering Vs Business Analyst
Data Structure operations, Algorithm Complexity and Time-Space trade-off.
Data transfer & manipulations, Program Control
Data Types, Declarations, Type Checking and Type Conversion
Data Types, Sources of Error
Data Visualization and Overall Perspective
Data Warehouse Characteristics , Functionally , Data Warehouse Advantage
Data Warehousing : Overview and definition
Data Warehousing: Overview, Definition, Data Warehousing Components
Database Design, Normalization, Functional Dependencies , Normal forms, First Normal Form NF1, Second Normal Forms NF2, Third normal forms NF3
Database Management System Concept and its DBMS
Database Management System, DBMS Overview
Database system concept and Architecture, Data model Schema and Instances
DBMS keys, Concepts of Super Key, Candidate Key, Primary Key
Deadlock Handling, Concurrency Control
Dealing Position: Exchange Position, Cash Position
Dealing with missing or incomplete Data
Dealing with Noisy Data
Decision Area in International Advertising, Emerging Concepts and Issues in Marketing Communication
Decision Making : Method
Decision Making : Tools & Procedures
Decision Making Concepts
Decision Making Under Certainty and Uncertainty and Risk Situation
Decision Making Under Risk : Criteria of EMV & EOL
Decision Making Under Uncertainty : Criteria of Maximax, Maximin, Maximax, Regret Laplace & Hurwinz
Decision Properties of CFLs, Pumping lemma for CFLs
Decision Support System
Decision Support system (DSS) : Concept & Philosophy
Decision Tree Approach & its Approach
Decision Tree Approach and Its Applications
Decision Tree based Algorithms Classification
Decision trees, Statistical learning methods
Decision-Making Environment, Decision-Making Under Certainty
Decision-making- types, process & techniques
Deduction from Total Gross Income
Deemed Income
Deep Learning, Singularity: Time lines and Implication, Augmented Reality and Applications
Defining roles of Teams members
Defining Sales Management, Objective of Sales Management
Definition and Classification of Group, Types of Group Structure
Definition and Concept of CRM
Definition and Features of Negotiable Instruments
Definition and Meaning of Research,Importance and Types and Qualities of Research
Definition of Retail Strategy, Strategy for effective market segmentation
Definition, Data Generalization, Analytical Characterization
Definition, Nature of Economics as an Art or Science
Definitiveness of Ethical Human Conduct
Defying and Classifying Communication
Degenerating, MODI Method
Delegation of Authority
Delivering, Pricing and Managing Services Promise, Demand and Capacity
Demand Analysis, Demand schedule
Demand and Supply Analysis: Theory of Demand, Types of Demand.
Demand Curve and Nature of Curves
Demand curve, Law of Demand, Exceptions to the law of Demand, Shifts in demand curve
Demand Forecasting
Demand forecasting meaning, significance and methods.( numerical Exercises) Supply Analysis;
Demand Theory Objectives
Demanding Forecasting For manpower Planning, HR supply Forecasting, Factor influencing HRP
Demotion and Separation of employee Performances Appraisal: Meaning and Types of Appraisal
Density Based Methods DBSCAN, OPTICS. Grid Based Methods- STING
Derivation trees, Ambiguous Grammars, Simplification of Grammars
Deriving Market Segments and Describing the Segment
Describe the key component of the entire value chain including Supplier
Descriptive Research Design Concept
Descriptive statistics, Exploratory data analysis
Design and Analysis of Experiment, Acceptance Sampling plan
Design failure Mode & Effect Analysis, Product Reliability Analysis
Design for six sigma , Bench marking
Design of Fast address, Arithmetic Algorithms (addition, subtraction, Booth Multiplication)
Design Strategies: Function Oriented Design, Object Oriented Design
Design Thinking in Banking
Design Thinking in Education
Design Thinking in Finance
Design Thinking in Health Sector
Design Thinking in Infrastructure
Design Thinking in Retail
Design Thinking process
Design-led Innovation, Improvisation
Designing and Administrating sales forces, Sales forces Compensations,Designing incentives and Contests
Determinants of Consumer Behavior: Roles of Motivation
Determinants of demand, Demand Function, Demand Schedule
Determinants of Establishments of a new Business Unit
Determination of Capital Structure
Determine Optimal Bundling Pricing
Determining the information Requirement
Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) and Nondeterministic Finite Automata (NFA) – Definition
Developing CRM Strategy
Developing Effective Communication
Developing Entrepreneurial Competencies, Entrepreneurial Culture
Developing HR policies and strategies
Developing Job description and Job Specification
Developing the Advertising Campaign: Message Strategies
Development & Implementation of MIS
Development and Conducting Sales Training program, Leading Sales Organization:Sales Force Motivation
Development Customizations
Development Financial Institutions, Investment Institutions
Development of Business Policy
Development of Early Languages, Evolution of Software Architectures
Development of Long-range plans of the MIS
Development: Techniques and Methods- Inductive, Deductive, Spatial, Linear, Chronological etc ; The Art of Condensation-various steps.
Developments leading to International HRM Perspective
Diagrammatical and Graphical presentation of data
Diagrams, Graphs, Charts
Difference between Database System and Data Warehouse
Difference between Database System and Data Warehouse
Difference Between Groups and Teams
Difference between Innovation and Creativity
Difference between innovation and creativity
Difference Between Internet, Extranet, Ethernet
Difference between Linux and Unix, iOS, Google Chrome
Difference between Production and Operations Management
Difference between public relations and advertising
Difference between respect and differentiation: the other silent value in relationship
Difference tables Polynomial Interpolation: Newton’s forward and backward formula
Differences between Data Mining and Data Processing, KDD Process
Different Cost associated with Quality like Assurance cost, Failure cost, Prevention cost, Rectification cost, Appraisal cost
Different levels of management,
Different Research Design
Different Types of Distribution Channels
Diffusion of Innovation: Definition of Innovation, Product Characteristics Influencing Diffusion
Digital Components, Combinational Circuits, Sequential Circuits
Digital Marketing Process,The Contemporary digital revolution,Digital Transformation Framework,Types of Website, Keywords
Digital Marketing Strategies and their ROI
Digital Piracy Management
Digital signature standards (DSS), Proof of digital signature algorithm
Digital signature,Electronic Governance,Attributions, Acknowledgments, and Dispatch of electronic records
Digital Signatures, Elgamal Digital Signature Techniques
Dimensions of Quality in Service
Dimensions of Quality, Quality Philosophies; Deming’s
Direct Marketing: Meaning, Features, Functions, Different forms and Growth and Benefits of Direct Marketing
Direct Speech and Indirect Speech
Directed Graphs, Sequential Representations of Graphs, Adjacency Matrices
Directing & Controlling- Principle of directing
Directing: Concepts
Directional Strategy: Growth Strategy, Stability Strategies, & Retrenchment Strategies, Corporate parenting
Discipline & Grievance handling
Discretization and Concept hierarchy generation, Decision Tree
Discriminant Analysis, Targeting
Display Advertising, Various SEO Plugins
Disposal of Profits
Distance-Based Algorithms, Decision Tree-Based Algorithms
Distinction between Futures and Forward
Distinction between General and Technical communication
Distribution: Concept and Importance
Distributive Network Relation
Diversity of Consumer Behavior
Diversity of Different Generations in the Workplace
Dividend Model: Walter and Gordons Model
Dividend Policy : Determinants of dividend policy
Dividends Model: Walter and Gordon’s Model
Domestic HRM compared to International HRM
Dominance Method For Solving Mixed Strategy Game
Double entry system of Accounting
DSS: Deterministic Systems
Duality, Transportation Problem, Various Method Of Finding Initial basic Feasible Solution
Dynamic System Development Method – Extreme Programming
Dynamics of Creative Thinking
E-cash, E-cheque, Credit cards , Debit Cards
E-Commerce: Concept, Meaning & Introduction
e-HRM Nature, Activities
E.D. Programmes (EDP)
Earned Value Analysis (EVA), Planned Value (PV), Earned Value (EV), Cost Variance, Schedule Variance
Easy Notes Store
EBIT EPS Analysis
Economic Exposure, Managing Economic Exposure,Interest rate risk
Economic Growth & Development
Economic Growth and Development
Economic service life , Opportunity cost, Replacement analysis using specific time period, Spares management, Maintenance Records
Economics-Micro Economics and Macro Economics
EFE Matrix, PORTER Five Forces Model
Effective Appraisal system and Criteria
Effective Listening, Interviewing skills
Effective Listening: Non verbal Communication
Effective Safety Management & Legal Provision, Basics of Ethics and Fair treatment at work
Effort and Cost estimation techniques – COSMIC Full function points
Efforts, Schedule/Duration, Constructive Cost Models (COCOMO)
Elasticity of Demand and its measurement. Price Elasticity, Income Elasticity, Arc Elasticity
Electronic mail, File Transfer Protocol, Remote login
Electronic Payment Systems, Electronic Cash, Smart Cards, and Electronic Payment System
Elementary Knowledge for Writing a Research Paper
Elements of B2B offering, B2B Marketing mix, Strategic tools for managing product offering
Elements of Mix Marketing
Elicitation, Analysis, Documentation, Review and Management of User Needs
Eligibility to be Partner, Relationship of Partner
Email Marketing Strategy and Monitoring
Email Marketing, Lead Generation
Emerging Challenge of IR in India
Emerging Trends in Business Research
Emerging trends in employee relations and employee involvement
Emerging trends in International HRM
Employee Compensation
Employee Hiring: Nature of Recruitment and Sources of Recruitment, Employee selection, Process of employee selection
Employee Incentive Scheme,Recent Trends in Compensation Management
Employee participation and Empowerment, , Objectives, Employees Participations
Employee Relation
Employee State Insurance Act 1948
Employee Stock option plan
Employee’s Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions ACT, 1952
Employer, Continuous Service etc
Employment communication: Introduction
Employment Practices in India with respect to Japan, European, Corporate Social Responsibility in MNC’s, The MacDonald’s Corporations
Encapsulating security payloads
Encapsulation, Abstraction, Abstract Data Types
Encryption, decryption, public-key and private key cryptography
Endorsements of Negotiable Instruments
Enterprise resources planning (ERP), Analyze sustainable and Green manufacturing practice
Enterprises Management System (EMS)
Enterprises Resources Planning (ERP) System
Entity Relationship Diagrams, Decision Tables, SRS Document
Entrepreneur Vs. Professional Manager
Entrepreneurial Development
Entrepreneurial Mobility, Factors affecting Entrepreneurial mobility
Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Development, Factors affecting Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII)
Environmental Analysis
Environmental Analysis
Equal opportunity and Diversity management in global context
Equal Remuneration Act
Equi-Marginal Principle, Utility Analysis, Cardinal Utility and Ordinal Utility.
Equity Theory, Reinforcement Theory
Equivalence of Moore and Mealy Machines
Error Detection and Error Correction: Types of errors
Error Spotting
Errors in numerical computation
Essence of coordination, Different control techniques, Management by exception
Essentials of Contract, Valid Contract
Essentials of effective Business letter
Essentials of HRM, Nature and scope of Human resources and management
Establishing and the new Business Unit
Estimating Demand Curve: Estimating Linear and Power Demand Curve
Estimating Financial Funds Requirement, Sources of Finance; Banks
Ethical aspects of B2B pricing, Managing the personal selling function, Sales forces selections
Ethical Concerns of Behavioral Economics, Ethical Concern of Behavioural Economics
Ethics in Cross boarder Business
Ethics in Sales, Influencing and Assertiveness skills
Euler’s Method, Taylor’s Method
Evaluating and Choosing Among strategic Alternative
Evaluating stress level
Evaluating Success of service offerings, Complain Handling, Recovery Management, Services Guarantees
Evaluating Team Performance
Evaluation Mediation process
Evaluation of factor affecting HR planning , Strategic View of Recruitment & Selection
Evaluation of Synergy
Evaluations of Personality
Evolution and feature of Derivatives, Types of Derivatives
Evolution of Business Organization
Evolution of Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Concepts of Intrapreneurship
Evolution of Entrepreneurship, Theories of Entrepreneurship
Evolution of Law Merchant
Evolution of Management Thought: Contribution Taylor
Evolution of Quality Management
Evolution of Sales Function
Evolutionary Development Models, Iterative Enhancement Models
Evolving Ethical values
Examples of choice architecture in action include:Economics: Nationalism: Nature of Economy Nationalism
Excel (latest version) : Introduction, Filter, Commands for Excel
Exchange Ratio
Exchange Risk: Exchange exposure and Exchange risk
Execution of a complete instruction, Multiple-Bus organization
Executional Framework of messages; Sources and Spokespersons, Sources Characteristic
Executive Information System
Exercise case studies in design thinking
EXIM Policy
Existential threats, Five types of Risk associated with AI, Need for new age Ethics
Experimental Design Concept of Cause
Exploratory data Analysis, Visualizations before Analysis
Export possibilities
Exports Oriented units- Fiscals & Tax Concessions, Overview of MSME Policy of Government of India
Extended Euclidean Algorithm, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
External and Internal factors affecting Team building
External Environmental Analysis: PESTEL Analysis
External Hedging, Forward Contract hedge, Money market hedge, hedging with futures, and Options
F-TEST, Z-TEST, Cross Tabulation
F4 Company Accounts
Facebook Analytics: Introduction, Parameters
Factor Affecting Dividend Policy
Factor Affecting Dividend Policy
Factor Affecting Entrepreneurial Growth – Economic, Non-Economic Factors
Factor affecting international business environment, Business policy, LPG model, International forces in business
Factor affecting Location
Factor Affecting Plant Location, Inventory Control Techniques,Types of Plant Layout
Factor Driving Global Supply Chain Management
Factor influencing Retailing, Strategic Retailing Planning process
Factor Influencing the Retail Consumer
Factor Pricing v/s Product Pricing
Factors Affecting Channel Choice
Factors Affecting Economic Development
Factors Affecting of Business Environment
Factors affecting Plant Layout
Factors affecting Presentation
Factors affecting wages and salary, System of payment
Factors Considered, Approaches
Factors Determining the Location Decision
Factors Influencing Buying behavior, buying habits
Factors Influencing Market Segmentation
Factors Influencing Merchandising, Function of Merchandising Manager
Factors Influencing Pricing, Method of Pricing
Factors to be Considered for print Media Advertising
Factory Act 1948
Feasibility Study, Information Modelling, Data Flow Diagrams
Features of a Good Design
Features of Business
FEMA, Start-Ups
Fermat’s and Euler’s theorem, Primality testing
Fetching a word from memory, storing a word in memory
Field Force Automation
Fields, Records, Table, views, Reports, and Queries,Data Warehouse Characteristics And Use of Data Warehouse
Fifteen Thousands (15,000) seats to increase under EWS quota, colleges’ affiliation
File Structures: Physical Storage Media File Organization
Fill In the Blanks
Final Accounts
Finals Accounts : Including Computation of Managerial Remuneration and disposal of profit
Finance Functions
FINANCE: F3 Cost and Management Accounting
Financial Credit: Meaning and Objective, Credit Risk, Credit Analysis, Seven C’s
Financial Decisions, Time Value Of Money
Financial services in GATs
Financial Statement Analysis
Financial Support System: Forms of Financial support
Financial Swaps, Types of Swaps
Financing of small scale industries in developing Countries
Finding out selection bias
Finite Automata with Output: Moore and Mealy Machine
Five Phases of CRM Projects
Fixed and Floating Exchange rate system, Exchange rate system under IMF: Bretton woods system, The Smithsonian Agreement , The flexible Exchange Rate Regime
Floating point Arithmetic: Representation of floating point numbers
Floating-Point Representation, Character Codes
Flow Control and Error Control: Stop and Wait Protocol
Flow of Cash
flow of cash, preparation of Cash Flow Statement and its analysis.
Focus of HRD System
Foreign Exchange and Risk Management. Foreign Exchange and Foreign trade
Foreign exchange Management Act. 1999
Foreign Exchange Market
Foreign Exchange of Stock, Balance of Payments, Balance of Payments Accounting
Foreign Exchange Transactions; purchase and sales transaction
Foreign investment Promotion Board, FDI
Foreign Trade Development and Regulation Act. 1992
Forex risk Management : Risk in Forex dealing , Measure of value at Risk
Forfeiture and Re- issue of Share
Formal and Informal Communication
Formal Technical Reviews (Peer Reviews), Walk Through Code Inspection
Formation of Group
Formation of Sales Contract
Forms of Business Organization
Forms of Communication
Forms of Dividends
Forms of Planning
Formulating evidence based practices and responsible investment
Formulation of Business Problems in Research
Formulation of the research problem
forward chaining and backward chaining
Forward Contract, Feature of Forward Contract
Forward Exchange Contract: Fixed and Option forward Contracts
Forward margin, Factors determining forward margin, Merchant Rates: Basis of Merchant Rates, Types of buying and selling Rates
Forward Market in India,Hedging with Forwards
Forward Market Transactions, Forward Contracts
Forward Rate Agreement
Forward, Features and Options Market
fostering innovation and entrepreneurship
Foundation concept in Internatioanl logistics
Framework for Implementing CRM: A Step by Step Process
Framework for Management and control, Collection of data
Free consent Quasi Contract, Legality of object, Performance of Contract Termination of Contract, Remedies for breach of contract
Freelancing, Internet Marketing
Frequency Chart: Different frequency chart like Histogram
Frequency curve, Pi chart
Frequency Distribution
Fringe Benefits, Allowances
Function of Advertising
Function of Production Management
Function of Retailing
Function of Sales Executive
Functional Strategies: Marketing, Finance , R&D , Operations, Purchasing, Logistics, HRM & IT
Functional Testing (Black Box Testing), Test Data Suit Preparation
Functions and Responsibilities of Sales Person, Filling Sales Positions, Training and Development
Fund Flow analysis
Fundamental Principles of Managerial Economics – Incremental Principle, Marginal Principle
Fundamentals of Communication Technical Communication: features:
Fundamentals of individual behavior, Personality, types of personality
Fundamentals of Management: Management practices from past to present
Fundamentals of Managements: Introduction and Concepts
Funds Flow Statement: Meaning, Concept of Gross
Future Contract, Types , Function
Gantt Chart, Work breakdown Structure (WBS)
Gaps Model of service selections
Gauss Elimination direct method and pivoting
Gauss Seidal iterative method, Rate of Convergence
Gender Difference and Gender
General Agreement on Trade in Service ( GATS )
General Over View of Web Concept And Hosting, Domain
Generating Filtering Rules, Target Marketing, Risk Management, Customer profiling
Generations of Computer
Global Compensation Practices
Global Marketing: Current scenario, Green Marketing, Agile Marketing
Global Organization Structures
Global Staffing Practices
Goal Setting to Team
Google Ad words, Importance of Google Paid Campaign
Google Analytics: Brief Introduction and working
Google Analytics: Key Performance indicator
Graphic Method, Simplex Method ( Including Big M Method )
Graphical and Statistical Techniques of Process Quality Improvement
Graphical Method for Solving Mixed Strategy Game
Graphical Representation of Data
Graphs and Matrices: Basics measures of individuals
Graphs: Terminology & Representations, Graphs & Multi-graphs
Green Marketing , Digital Marketing, Service Marketing
Green Revolution
Grid Computing, Green Computing, Internet of Things (IoT)
Grievance Functions in IR: Grievance settlement procedure, Industrial Dispute: Preventive & Settlement Machinery in India
Gross Total Income, Total Income
Group Communication: Meeting, Planning Meetings, Objectives , Participants, Timing, Venue of Meeting, Leading Meetings
Group Decision Making
Group Decision Support System
Group Discussion
Groups Discussion, Mocks Interviews
Growth and Importance of Media
GST Council, GST Network
GST Refund, TDS in GST, Registration of GST
GST Valuation rules, Excess Tax Credit
Halestead’s Software Science, Function Point (FP) Based Measures
Halting problem of Turing Machine, Church-Turing Thesis
Hardware & Software requirement of Internet
Hardware and Operating Systems for Data Warehousing
Hardware and Software : Introduction
Hardware Multi-threading, Multicore processing
Hardwired & Micro Programmed (Control Unit):Fundamental Concepts
Hardwired Control, Micro programmed control
Hash functions, Birthday attacks
Hidden Markov model, Bayesian networks
Hierarchical and Partitional Algorithms. Hierarchical Clustering- CURE and Chameleon
Hierarchical Clustering : CURE and Chameleon, Parallel and Distributed Algorithms, Neural Network Approach
Hierarchy of needs theory
Historical development and foundation areas of artificial intelligence
Historical Overview of Data Analysis
History of Computer
History of Electronic Commerce, Advantages and Disadvantages of E-commerce
HML and SDE, KANBAN, Types of Inventories
Hofer’s Product Market Evaluation Matrix, McKinney 7s Framework
Holistic perception of harmony at all level of existence
How do People React to Cultural Differences, Can We Measure or Graph Cultural Differences
How many Platforms of Social Media
How to begin with Low Investment, Environmental Scanning and Low Investment
How to create paid Advertising on Social Media
How to get Project From USA, UK,CA and Other Country
How to make business page or profile page on Social Media ( Facebook, twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest etc
How to Optimize Social Media
How to Promote Brand through Content
HR Analytics, Evolution of HR Analytics
HR information system Data Sources
HR policies & Procedure
HR Programmer
HR Scorecard
HR/IR issues in MNCs
HRM Process
HRM Vs HRD,SHRM: Introduction, Characteristics, Scope of SHRM
HRM Vs Personnel management
Human Resource Accounting
Human Resources Accounting (HRA)
Human Resources and Company image, Brand Value, External to the Enterprises, Micro: Supplier, customers, and Market intermediaries
Human Resources audits
Human Resources Information system (HRIS)
Human Resources of India
Human Resources planning
Human Resources Planning: Objectives and Activities
Hypervisor Management Software
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis Testing: Null and Alternative Hypotheses
IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
IBC Law and Arbitration
Idea of differential cryptanalysis, Block cipher modes of operations
Ideas Generation – Sources Method, Identification and Classification of Ideas
Identification of Project
Identifying and Application of the nodes and activity,Activity on Arrow method (AOA), Activities on Node (AoN) Method
Identifying and Assessing High potential Talent: Current Organizational Practice
Identifying the Sales to Marketing Effort Relationship and its Modeling
Identity Politics: Issues and challenges
Idioms Phrases
IEEE standard for Floating point numbers
IEEE Standards for SRS. Software Quality Assurance
Ill Conditioned system of equations, Refinement of solution
Impact of Global and Cultural Diversity on OB
Impact of MIS, MIS & Computers
Impact of Technological Advancement on Business Communication networks
Implementation technology
Implementing the process in driving innovation
Implies and Quasi Contract
Importance Advertising in business
Importance Marketing
Importance of Business language
Importance of Communication in Management
Importance of Credit Analysis, Stages of Credit Analysis, Profitability Analysis
Importance of Digital Marketing
Importance of Entrepreneurship in Indian Economy
Importance of Google Webmaster Tool
Importance of Leadership
Importance of Manufacturing for technological and socioeconomic developments
Importance of Planning
Importance of Retail Location
Importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Importance of Segmentation
Importance of Social Media Marketing
Importance of Software Project Management
Importance of technical communication; Barriers to Communication
Important and Theory of Motivation
Important of Motivation
IMS : A Support the Management
Incentive Scheme, Profit Sharing
Incentives and Subsidies Available for small Business
Income from House Properties
Income from Other Sources
Income from Salaries
Income Tax Act 1961
Income which does not form part of Total Income
Inconsistent Data, Data Integration and Transformation
Incorporation of Partnership
Increase trends of e-commerce
Indemnity and Guarantee Contract
Indepandant Internal Audit
Independent Risk Management System
Index Number
Index Numbers: Meaning, Types of Index Number, Uses of Index Number
Index Numbers:- Meaning
Indexing and Hashing Techniques and their Comparisons
Indian Banking System : Structure and Organization of banks
Indian Contract Act : Definition and Essentials
Indian Economy
Indian Partnership Act: Definition and Nature of Partnership
Indian Quality Standards, Quality Audit
Indifference curves Analysis Consumer Equilibrium
Individual Behavior
Individual Creativity
Individuals Creativity: Roles and Process, idea to business Opportunity
Inductions and Objectives of a CRM Process
Industrial Dispute Act 1947
Industrial Organization (IO), Structure Conduct Performance (SCP)
Industrial Policy since 1991
Industrial Policy: Its historical Perspective (In brief )
Industrial relations and International Practices in industrial relations
Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation
Inference in first order logic, Clause form conversion
Infinitives; Requisites of Sentence Construction: Paragraph
Inflation, types and causes
Influence of Culture and Sub Culture
Influencer Marketing
Information Concepts, Information: A Quality product classification of the Information
Information Security, Software as a Security, Security Governance
Information, Management, and Decision Making
Informed searching techniques, Local search algorithms
innovation strategies and management
Innovation Types and sources, recognizing opportunities
Innovation- Meaning
Input Devices, Output Devices
Input to Job Evaluation
Input-Output Organization :I/O Interface
Input-Output processor, Serial Communication
Installed Capacity, Commissioned capacity
Integrated of Marketing Communication Concepts and Process
Integration Strategies,: Horizontal & Vertical, Diversification : Related and Unrelated, Internationalization, Poters Model of Competitive advantage of nations
Integration Testing, Acceptance Testing, Regression Testing
Integrity Constraint, Entity Integrity, Referential Integrity, Keys Constraint, Domain Constraint
Inter Group problems in Organizational Group dynamics
Inter-Conversions in Various Numbers Systems, Binary Arithmetic.
Interactive Marketing
Interconnectedness and mutual fulfillment among the four orders in nature- recyclability and self regulation in nature
Interest Rate Party (IRP)
Intern Rate of Return (IRR)
Internal and External Customer Relationship, Evaluate the effective use of lean techniques
Internal Appraisal , The Internal Environment
Internal Hedge, Translation Explosure, Method of translation, managing translation Explosure
International Accounting Principles and Standard
International Accounting principles and standards
International Business Environment refers to Global integrations, Competitive analysis of the Business environment: India and other countries
International Carriages: Carriages of goods be sea, Air, Multimodal Transportation
International Commercial Arbitration
International Communication
International HRM
International HRM: Roles and Distinguishing activities
International Human resources management overview
International Human Resources planning
International Payments
International Sales of Goods: Vienna Convention on Contract for International sales of Goods
International Strategic Human Resources management, Global Unions
International transfer and Repatriation strategies
International Transport and Economic Development
International Transport Safety and Security, Traffic Count and Traffic Survey, Cost/ Benefit Analysis
International Transport Supply and Demand, Location Analysis, Market Area Analysis
International Transport System, Globalisation and International Trade Environment
Internet : Concepts and Evaluation
Internet Advertising
Internet Entrepreneurship with Google AdSense
Internet Information, Internet Service
Internet Marketing Strategy
Interpersonal skills, Transactional Analysis, Johari Window
Interpersonal, Organizational, Mass communications
interpolation and approximation: Finite Differences
Interpolation and Extrapolation
Interrelations of Populations and Economics Developments
Interview Skills
Intranet & Extranet
Intranet, Internet and E-mails
Introduction of Commodity Market , History
Introduction of Digital Marketing
Introduction of HR Analytics
Introduction of Indirect Tax, Definition of Nature
Introduction of lattices, Properties of lattices
Introduction of Project: Characteristics of project
Introduction of Retailing, Growing importance of Retailing
Introduction of Web Analytics: Definition, Process, Key Terms: Site Reference,Visit Characterization terms, Content Characterization terms, Conversations metrics ,Keyword and Key phrases, building block terms, Categories: Offsite web and Onsite web
Introduction on SQL Characteristics of SQL , Advantage of SQL
Introduction to business letters -Positive and Negative Messages
Introduction to Business Policy, Process of strategic Management and levels at which strategy operate
Introduction to Cloud Computing , Evolution of Cloud Computing
Introduction to Compensation Management
Introduction to Computers: Generations of Computer
Introduction to Consumer Behavior
Introduction to Consumer Behavior (CB): Importance
Introduction to Cryptography: Definition, Goal, Applications, Attacks
Introduction to derivatives Market definitions
Introduction to Digital Marketing and its Significance
Introduction to finance
Introduction to group, field, finite field of the form GF(p)
Introduction to International Transport System : Basic Terms
Introduction to Operating System, Its Various Functions
Introduction to Options, Hedging with currency Options
Introduction to performance Management System
Introduction to Retailing : Concept of Retailing
Introduction to Secure Socket Layer, Secure electronic transaction (SET)
Introduction to security attacks, Services and mechanism
Introduction to SEM
Introduction to SEM, Mobile Marketing
Introduction to SEO
Introduction to Social Media Marketing: Facebook, Instagram, Linked-In, Twitter
Introduction to Social Media, Social media landscape
Introduction to Sourcing
Introduction, Advantage of Linear Programming
Introduction, Meaning, Nature and Scope of Production
Introduction, Nature and Scope of OB
Introduction, types and structure of intelligent agents
Introduction: Introduction to Software Engineering
Introduction: Nature and Scope of Marketing
Intrusion detection, Viruses and related threats, firewalls
Intuition versus Analytical thinking
Inventory and Intangible assets like Copyright, Trademark, Patent and Goodwill
Inventory and intangible assets like copyright, trademark, patents and goodwill
Inventory Control
IP Security: Architecture, Authentication header
Is It possible to Change a Cultural if so, how
ISO 9000-2000 Clauses, Six Sigma
ISO-14001, ISO-22000
ISO-27001, OHSAS 18001 and QS 9000
ISO-9000 and its concept of Quality Management
Issues and Redemption of Debenture
Issues in Project Management, Project Identification, Project Formulation
Issues of Debenture
Issues of Share
IT Capabilities and their Organizational impact, IT enabled Services
Iterative Methods: Zeros of a single transcendental equation
Java Scripts Tags, Packet sniffing : Outcome Data E- commerce
Job analysis & Job design
Job Evaluation
Job Evaluation Method
Job Evaluation: Meaning and Method of Job Evaluation
Job Evaluations
Job Sequence Analysis
Johnson Algorithm for n Jobs and Two Machine
Joint Stock Companies
Joint Stock Companies : Its Types and Share Capital
journalizing of transactions
Journalizing of Transactions
journalizing of transactions; preparation of final accounts
Jumble Words, Jumbles Up Sentences
Juran’s quality triology, PDCA Cycle
K-Maps & Map minimization , Logic Gates
K-means clustering, Support vector machine
KAIZEN, Quality Circles, 7QC Tools and its Advancements
Karl Pearson ‘s Coefficient of Correlation
Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation
KCA011: Cryptography & Network Security
KCA012 Data Warehousing & Data Mining
KCA013 Software Project Management
KCA301 Artificial Intelligence
KCA302 Software Engineering
KCA303 Computer Network
Key Factor in a Transport Modes& trade-Off, Consideration of Speed, Frequency
Key players in Advertising, Types of Advertising
Key Process of Talent Management: Recruitment, Selection , Human Recourses Planning
Kholberg, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King Jr, Are some Society better than other
Kinds and Objectives of Report Writing
Kleen’s Theorem, Equivalence of regular expression and Finite Automata
KMBN104 Business Statistics and Analytics
KMBN201 Business Environment and Legal Aspects of Business
KMBN201 Business Environment and Legal Aspects of Business 20 Most Important Questions for Upcoming Even Semester Examination 2023 MBA AKTU 2nd Semester
KMBN204 Financial Management and Corporate Finance
KMBN206 Quantitative Techniques For Manager
KMBN207 Digital Marketing & E-Commerce
KMBN208 Management Information System
KMBN302 Innovation and Entrepreneurship
KMBN401 Emerging Technologies in global Business Environment
KMBNFM01 Investment Analysis Portfolio Management
KMBNFM02 Financial Planning and Text Management
KMBNFM03 Financial Derivatives
KMBNFM04 Foreign Exchange and Risk Management
KMBNFM05 Financial and Credit Risk Analytics
KMBNHK05 International HRM
KMBNHR01 Talent Management
KMBNHR02 Employee Relations and Labor Laws
KMBNHR03 HR Analytics
KMBNHR04 Performance and Reward Management
KMBNIB03 International Logistics
KMBNIB04 Cross Cultural Management
KMBNIB05 International Trade Law
KMBNIT01 Data Analytics For Business Decision
KMBNIT02 AI and MI for Business
KMBNIT03 Database Management System
KMBNIT04 Cloud Computing for Business
KMBNIT05 Business Data Warehousing and Data Mining
KMBNMK01 Consumer Behavior and Marketing Communication
KMBNMK02 Marketing Analysis
KMBNMK03 B2B and Services Marketing
KMBNMK04 Sales and Retail Management
KMBNMK05 Social Media and Landscape
KMBNOM03 Quality Management
KMBNOM04 Project and Sourcing management
KMBNOM05 Management and manufacturing system
knowledge based expert system (KBES)
knowledge Culturals, Cross- Cultural Intelligence and Managerial Competence
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Propositional logic
Kohl-berg’s theory of Moral Reasoning, Measuring Cultural Development
Kurt Lewin Model of change
Language as a tool of communication; Levels of communication
Language of a Turing Machine
Language of DFA and NFA. NFA with ε-transitions
Language of NFA with ε-transitions, Equivalence of NFA and DFA
Language of PDA and its applications
Large Firm Vs Start-Up Innovation
Large Sample Tests, Small Sample test
Latest Provision of Workmen’s Compensation Act, 2009
Lattices: Introduction, Partial order sets
Law of diminishing returns, Law of returns to scale, Cost concept and analysis
Law of Supply, Supply Elasticity
Laws of contract: definitions, essentials and Types of contract Types of Contract:Laws of contract: definitions, essentials and Types of contract
Laws of Demand, Elasticity of Demand and measurement
Laws of Demand, Elasticity of Demand and types
Lead Generation ,Brand /Advocacy and support
Lead Time, Reorder Level
Leadership and Corporate Culture, Resources allocation, Projects and Procedural issues in strategy implementation
Leadership and its Theory
Leadership Meaning: Concepts, and Myths about Leadership
Leadership Skills Basic Leadership Skills, Building Technical Competency
Leadership Styles , Supervision
Leadership Traits Required for Managing cross Culture Team participatory Strategic Planning
Leadership: What is leadership, types of leaders and leadership styles
Learning with complete data – concept and Naïve Bayes models
Learning with hidden data- concept and EM algorithm
Learning, Motivation
Least Square Method: Linear and Non Linear equations
Ledger posting and Trial Balance
Legal and Ethical Concepts & Issues in Advertising
Leontief Paradox Theory
Level of Measurement: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, and Ratio
Levels of Product, Types of Product
Leverage Analysis: Financial, Operating, and Combined Leverage
leverage Ratio, Detailed Analysis
Levy and collection of GST
Limitation of Internet
Limitation of Planning
Linked list: Representation and Implementation of Singly Linked Lists
Linking HR strategy with business strategy, HRM linkage with TQM and Productivity
Linking Industrial Relations with Economy growth of the Country
Liquid for Final Statements of Account Receivers Receipts and payment Account
Listening Skills; Controlling Emotions, Art of Persuasions and Emotions
Listening Skills: Active Listening, Passive Listening. methods for improving Listening Skills
Loan Commitments
Loan Pricing and Profitability Analysis
Locking Techniques, for currency control , Time Stamping protocols for concurrency control, Validation based protocol
Logic gates, Digital circuits and Boolean algebra
Logic gates, Digital circuits and Boolean algebra
Logical addressing: IPv4 and IPv6 Address schemes
Long term and Short term financial support, Sources of Financial support
loud Adoption measured Services
Low Level Design: Modularization, Design Structure Charts
LPP: Problem Formulation
LRC, VRC, Checksum, CRC, and Hamming Code
LSM – Leadership Situational Model, Team Building, Tuckman Model of Team Development.
M4 Digital Marketing
Machine Language, Assembly Language and High Level Language
Machine Learning: Introduction, types and application areas
Macro: Demography, Natural, Legal and political, and Technological,Michael porter’s five forces analysis, Competitive Strategies
Macro: Economy Social culture, competition, and International environment
Maintenance Strategy and planning, Maintenance economics
Maintenance system, Maintenance Strategy and planning
Major Commodity Traded in derivatives exchange in India
Major Entrepreneurial Competencies, Developing Entrepreneurial Competencies
Management Information System (MIS): Concept & Definition
Management Information System: Need, Purpose and Objectives
Management of Conflict
Management of Cross Culturals Teams
Management of Different Components of Working Capitals
Management of Fixed Capital
Management of Quality in this MIS
Management: Objective and Scope
Manager Vs. Entrepreneur, Problems of Entrepreneurship
Managerial Economics and its relevance in business decisions.
Managerial Economics relationship with other objects
Managerial skills and Managerial Functions
Managing and Administering channel members, Direct and Indirect channels, Supply chain and logistics management
Managing contracts , Contract Management
Managing Customer Communications
Managing Data Resources: The Need Of Data Management, Challenges of Data Management
Managing interactive processes – Basics of Software estimation
Managing Interest rate ExposureManaging Interest rate ExposureManaging Interest rate Exposure
Managing Services Policies, Pricing of services, Pricing considerations and Strategies
Managing the Segmentation Process
Manpower Requirement Process
Manufacturing system: Introduction and components
Mapping Constraints
Mapping the Data Warehouse to a Multiprocessor Architecture
Market Aggregation, Basis for segmentation, Segmentation of Consumer
Market Analysis
Market Analysis, Nature of Market
Market based pricing: competitor based pricing
Market Basket Analysis
Market capitalization ratios
Market Capitalizations Ratios
Market Communication, Brand expression
Market Data Sources (Primary and Secondary)
Market Plan and Financial Plan , Operational Plan, Feasibility Analysis Aspects, Economic Analysis , Financial Analysis , Market and Technological Feasibility
Market Research for Understanding Retail Consumer
Market Segmentation and its Benefits, Kinds of Market
Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Meaning
Market Segmentation: Concepts and Importance
Market Segmentation: Segmentation Targeting Positioning (STP) Framework
Market structures: Perfect and Imperfect Market Structures, Perfect Competition
Marketing : Definition , Nature and Scope
Marketing Analysis
Marketing Communication: Objective of Market Communication
Marketing Information System: Meaning, Importance and Scope
Marketing Management, Core Concept of Marketing
Marketing Mix, Product Mix
Marketing Research: Meaning and Importance
Marketing Research: Process and Scope
MARKETING: M3 Retail Management
Marrakesh Agreement , Origin of WTO
Mass Customization, Customer Experience, Introduction of Neuroscience in Business, Internet of Things
Master requirement planning
Matching of Indian Accounting Standards
Matching of Indian Accounting Standards with International Accounting Standards
Matching of Indian Accounting Standards with International Accounting Standards
Materials Management
Mathematical Formulation of LP Model for Product Mix Problem
Matrix Minima, VAM Method
Maximization Assignment Problem
Maximization Transportation Problem
MBA 3rd Semester Complete Easy Notes
MBA AKTU Previous Year Question Paper
MCA 1ST SEM Professional Communication
MCA 2nd Semester Complete Easy Notes
MCA 3rd Semester Complete Easy Notes
Mean Deviation
Mean deviation, Standard deviation
Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation ,Variance and Coefficient of variance
Meaning and concept of Entrepreneurial Competency
Meaning and Definition of Business essentials
Meaning and Nature of Industrial Relations
Meaning and Nature of Industry 4.0 and latest Trends
Meaning and Objective of Business Communication
Meaning and Role of media Planning
Meaning and Scope of Accounting
Meaning Definition of Business Organization
Meaning of Broadcasting, Radio as a medium, Television as a medium
Meaning of business? Business Environment and Types of Business Organisation
Meaning of Demand, Demand theory and objective
Meaning of Economy
Meaning of Employee Relations, Nature of Employee Relations
Meaning of Group
Meaning of Innovation and Creativity
Meaning of Nyaya and Program for its fulfillment to ensure, Ubhatripti
Meaning of Perception, process, behavioral applications of perception
Meaning of Promotion
Meaning of Public Relations
Meaning of Research
Meaning of staffing, Recruitment, selection & placement, Training & development
Meaning of Trade in Service
Meaning, Definition and concept of Enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Development
Meaning, Definition and Concept of Entrepreneur
Meaning, Function and Limitations of Statistics
Meaning, Nature, Scope and Importance of Strategic Management
Meaning, Nature, Scope and Importance of Strategy
Meaning, Scope, types, functions
Measure and Policies of Employee Safety at work
Measurement in Research
Measurement of Success of Retail Location
Measures of Central tendency
Measures of Central Tendency (Mean, Median and Mode)
Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, Median, Mode
Measures of Dispersion
Measures of Dispersion: Range, Inter Quartile range
Measuring Customers Lifetime Value
Mechanics of Accounting
Mechanics of Accounting: Double entry system of accounting
Mechanism of Policy Making
Media Management: The Press release Press Conferences Media Interviews, Seminars
Media Objectives, Developing and Implementing Media Strategies
Media Plan, Media Analysis
Media Planning and Strategy Media Types and their characteristics
Media Selection and Management
Meetings and Types Auditor Appointment, Auditors Rights, Auditor Liabilities, Modes of Winding up of a company
Memorandum of associations Articles of associations, Prospectus
Memory Hierarchy, Main Memory (RAM and ROM Chips)
Merchandise Management : Meaning of Merchandising
Merchandise Planning , Merchandise Buying
Mergers Acquisitions : Introduction
Message Authentication Codes: Authentication requirements
Metadata: Concepts and Classifications, Multi-Dimensional data model, Data Cubes, Stars, Snow flakes, Fact Constellations
Method and techniques of HR Demand forecasting
Method of Data Collection
Method of least squares, fitting of straight lines
Method to fulfill the above human aspirations: Understanding and living in harmony at various level
Methodology of Operation Research
Methods of Data & information Collections
Methods of Managing performance of all the Level of Management
Methods, Plant layout and types, There are several types of plant layouts, including: Factor Affecting plant layout
MH Hypothesis
Microinstruction with Next-address field, Prefetching Microinstruction
Microinstruction, Microprogram sequencing, Wide-Branch addressing
Migrations: political, Economic and Human Rights Prespective
Miller-Modigliani (MM) Hypothesis
Minimum Wages Act 1948
Minimum Wages Act 1948
MIS & System Concept
MIS & The role of DSS
MIS & The User
MIS as an Instrument for the Organizational Change, Information Technology Characteristics and Emerging Trends
MIS Decision Making Concepts
MIS: A Tool for Management Process
MIS: The Factors of Success and Failure
Misconduct Disciplinary Actions Types of Punishments, Code of Discipline, Domestic Enquiry
Mixed Economy : Public Sector & Private Sector
Mobile Database, OODB database, XML Database
Mobile Marketing
Model of Strategic Management, Strategic decision Making
Modeling Trend, Seasonality
Models of OB
Models of Operation Research
Moderation and interaction analysis
Modern Block Ciphers: Block ciphers principles
Modern Business, Profession and Business
Modern Computing Models: Cloud Computing Model and Its Benefits
Modern forms of Communication
Modern Marketing Concept
Modern Retail formats in India, Retailing in Rural India
Modes of transfer, Interrupts & Interrupt handling
Modified Distribution Method (MODI) Method
Modular arithmetic, Prime and relative prime numbers
Modules in CRM
Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Monitoring impact of interventions: tracking impact of interventions
Monopolistic: Features
Monopoly: Feature
Motivating Across Culturals
Motivation: Hygiene Theory
Motivation:, Theory of Motivation: Maslow’s, Herzberg’s, McClelland
Movements towards unification of national commercial Laws
MS Word with all the applications and uses
Multi Dimensional Data Model
Multiethnicity, Religion, Geography and Body Language
Multimedia Database, Spatial Database, Geographical Database, Web Database, Active Database
Multiple Granularity, Multi version Scheme
Multiple Meaning,/ Error Spotting, Miscellaneous
Mutual and Third Parties Relation of Partner
n Jobs and Three Machines, Two Jobs and m- Machine Problems
Naming and Referencing Environments
National Cultural vs. Organizational Cultural
National Income
National Income Concept and Measurement
National Institute of Entrepreneurship & Small Business Development (NIESBUD)
Natural acceptances of Human Value
Natural Environment, new age Ethics, Overview of Digital Transformations
Nature & Importance of Business Policy
Nature and importance of Training
Nature and Scope of Capital Budgeting: Payback NPV
Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics
Nature and Scope of Production Management
Nature of Job Analysis
Nature of Organizing , Types of Organizing
Nature, Definition and Characteristics of Operation Research
Nature, Objective and Functions of Accounting
Need for measuring supplier performance
Need, Want and Demand
Needs and advantage of e-commerce
Needs and Legal Provision of Employee Health
Negotiating the Contract, Selecting the International logistics operator
Negotiation and Beginnings, Negotiations Strategies
Negotiations Process, Negotiations strategy
Net Working Capital, Preparation of Schedule of Changes in Working Capital
Network Analysis
Network Connecting Devices: HUB, Bridge, Switch, Router and Gateways
Network fundamentals: The Social Perspective
Network Layer Protocols: ARP, RARP, BOOTP and DHCP
Network, Security and Networking
Networks: LAN, WAN, MAN, Topologies
New Application of Additive Manufacturing,mpact of Additive Manufacturing on Supply Chain Management
New initiatives taken by Government to promote Entrepreneurship in India at Large scale
New product development, Diffusion process
New Product Developments
Newton Raphson method, Secant method
NIST Cloud Computing References Architecture
NITI Aayog: formation, function and Contribution of NITI Aayog
No Considerations and No Contract,The doctrine of privity of Contract, Capacity of parties
Non- Profitability Sampling
Non-Regular Grammars: Definition of Grammar
Normal forms of CFGs: CNF and GNF, Closure properties of CFLs
North West Corner Method, Least Cost Method, Vogel’s Approximation Method (VAM)
North, West Corner Rule
Notion of Proof: Introduction, Mathematical Induction
NP Complete Problems, Introduction to recursive function theory
NSICs EDII, NIESBUD, NEBD Entrepreneurship Development Institute ( EDI)
Nuances of Delivery; Body Language; Dimensions of Speech
Nudge Theory ( Nudging), Choices Architecture of Behavioural Economics
Number System: Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal Number Systems
Numerical Differentiation and Integration: Introduction
Numerical Differentiation, Numerical Integration
Objective of Business Organization
Objective of Business, Professionalization
Objectives of Activity planning – Project schedules – Activities
Objectives of Business Characteristic
Objectives of Financials Management
Objectives of Good Store design, Responsibilities of Store Manager, Store Security, Store record and Accounting System
Objectives of HRD
Objectives of Market Promotion
Objectives of PPC
Objectives of Pricing
Objectives of Research
Objectives of Sales Management Position
Obligation of employer to pay minimum wage
OFF-Page SEO Techniques, Email Marketing Introduction and Significance
Offer and Acceptation Consideration
Official Reserve Account
OLAP function and Tools. OLAP Servers, ROLAP, MOLAP, HOLAP
Oligopoly: Features
On-Page SEO Techniques: Indexing and Keyword Placement,,Content Planning and Optimization
One Word Substitution
Online Customer Behavior
Online PR and reputation Management
Online Reputation Management and Review Management
Operating and Cash Cycle Risk
Operation Research and Managerial Decision Making
Operation Research Techniques
Operation Research: Introduction, Historical Background
Operation Research: Introduction, Historical Background, Scope of Operation Research
Operational Risk Management
Operations on functions, Recursively defined functions
Operations on Queue: Create, Add,Delete, Full and Empty. Circular queue, Deque, and Priority Queue
Operations on Stacks: Push & Pop, Array Representation of Stack, Linked Representation of Stack, Operations Associated with Stacks
Operations, Normalization
Opportunity Assessment, Process of new Venture and its Challenges
Opportunity Cost Principle, Discounting Principle, Concept of Time Perspective
OPTIMAL SOLUTION, Stepping Stone Method
Optimize Price, Incorporating, Complementary Products
Optimizing Advertising
Optimizing Sales Effort Advertising Analysis : Measuring the Effectiveness of Advertising
Oral Communication: What is Oral Communication
Oral Report
Order fulfilment- Relationship building, Market distribution and distinctive nature,Channel design
Organisational buying behaviour, Organisational buying process, Buying situation
Organisational structure and HRM
Organising & Staffing- Types of organization
Organization and Sources of Data, Importance of Data Quality
organization of 2D and 2 1/2 D, Auxiliary memory
Organization of records into Blocks, Sequential Files, Indexing and Hashing
Organization structure and decentralization of authority
Organizational Capabilities Factors, Resources Based views ( RBV) Analysis
Organizational Change: Meaning of organizational change
Organizational Cultural
Organizational Culture
Organizational Decision Making
Organizational Effectiveness
Organizational Locations
Organizational Structure: Matrix, Network & Modular/ Cellular, Reengineering
Organizational systems and Techniques of Strategic Evaluation and Control
Organizations Goals
Organizations of Development of the MIS
Organizing Display, Showroom Exhibition
Organizing: Concept and Objective
Outlier Analysis, Method to Deal Outlier, Data Visualization
Overview of Capital Market : Market of Securities
Overview of International Business Environment
Overview of Supply Chain Management
Overview, Motivation, Definition & Functionalities
Overview: Accounting concepts
Ownership of Goods and Transfer
Packet Switching, and Message Switching
Packing and Insuration in International Transportation, Warehousing and Benchmarking in Global Supply Chain Management
Paragraph Completion
Parallel and Distributed Algorithms Neural Network approach
Parallel Processing Challenges, Flynn’s Classification
Parallel Processors & Cluster Systems, Distributed DBMS implementations
Parameter estimation methods – Principle component analysis and Linear discrimination analysis
Parking space problem at retail center, Retail Location research and Techniques, Trade area Analysis
Participants in Commodity Derivative Market
Partnership Deed, Partner as Agent
Partnership Organization
Passage Making
Pattern Recognition: Introduction and design principles
Pay Per Click (PPC) , Online Advertising
Pay structure, Method of Payment
Payment Gateways, Visa, Rupay and Mastercards
Payment of Gratuity Act 1972
Payments of bonus ACT 1965
Penalties and Offences
Performance Feedback and Counseling method
Performance management and its challenges in current scenario
Performance Management system is differ from Performance Appraisal
Performance Management, Compensation
Performance of Contract
Performance of Sale Contract, Delivery
Personal Selling : Concept feature and Functions, Steps process involved in Personal Selling
Personality and Perception
Personality and Self Concept
Personality Determinants
personality, Personal effectiveness, meaning of Attitudes, Types, Components
Personality: Meaning and Concepts of Personality
PERT & CPM Introduction
PESTEL Market Analysis
Phases of QC, Quality Assurances
Phrase Substitution
Physical Assets and Facilities,Research and development and Intangibles, Management Structure
Physical Evidence
Pigeonhole Principle, Pólya’s Counting Theory
Pipelining, Instruction-level Parallelism
Pitfalls of floating point representation
PKI ( Public Key Infrastructure )
Place Decision : Meaning and Purpose
Place of supply, within state, interstate, import and export, time of supply
Placing Ads and Promotions online
Planning- Objective of planning, Planning process
Planning, Monitoring and Control cycle, Tracking through Gantt chart
Planning: Concept , Objective and Nature
Plant Location
Plant Location Method
Pledge Contract
Point of Indifference
Poisson and Normal distributions
Policies related with depreciation
Policies related with Inventory
Politics and Trade Unions, Outside leadership of Trade Unions Problem and suggestive remedial measures of Trade unions
polynomials, exponential curves etc
Popular Operating Systems— Android, Windows
Population policy of India
Porter’s Five Force Model
Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
Positional Numbering Systems
Positioning Meaning, Product difference strategies
Positioning: Concept & Importance
Post Purchase Behavior, Situational Influences
Post-Merger EPS, Post Merger Price of Share
Post’s Correspondence problem (PCP) and Modified PCP.
Potential Appraisal Competency Mapping and Career Development
Power and Politics of Organization
Power-Point: Introduction, Creating a Presentation
Practical consideration for Internal Sorting
Practical Implication of Job Evaluation
Pre- Purchase Search Influences- information Search
Precaution For Report Writing
Predicate formulas, quantifiers, Inference theory of predicate logic
Predicate logic, First order logic
Predicting Employee performance
Predicting the performance and turnover
Predicting training effectiveness and performance
Preference and Equity Capital
Preparation of Cash flow Statements and its Analysis
Preparation of final accounts
Preparation of Fund Flow statements and its Analysis
Preparation of Funds Flow Statement and its analysis
Preparation of schedule of Changes in working capital
Preparations of Final Account
Preparing Project Report
Presentation and Skills : What is a Presentation elements of presentation designing a presentation
Presentation of Financial Statement
Presentation Strategies and Listening Skills. Defining Purpose
pretty good privacy (PGP), S/MIME.
Prevailing Leadership Styles in Indian Organization
Preventive, Corrective and Perfective Maintenance, Cost of Maintenance
Previous Year Question Papers
Price Building and Non Linear Pricing : Pure Building and Mixed Building
Price Discrimination
Price Skimming and Sales, Revenue Management Pricing , Markdown Pricing and Handling Certainty
Price: Meaning and Objectives
Pricing and Negotiations, Pricing settings in B2B markets
Pricing Decision: Pricing Concept for establishing value
Pricing discrimination under monopoly completion
Pricing Method, Pricing Policies
Pricing Multiple Products
Pricing of Futures Contract, Currency futures, Hedging in Currency futures
Pricing Policy and Objectives
Pricing Strategies, Pricing Process
Pricing under different market structure: Monopolistic Completion
Pricing under different market structure: Monopolistic Completion
Pricing under different market structure: Oligopoly
Pricing under different market structure: Perfect Monopoly
Primary indices, Secondary indices, B+ Tree index Files, B Tree index Files
Primary measures of corporate performances
Principals of public key crypto systems
Principles of Accounting
Principles of Controlling
Principles of Effective Communication
Principles of Effective Writing
Principles of Oral Presentation
Principles of Successful oral Communication
Principles of Techniques of Directing
Privacy in the Digital World: Complexity of Privacy issues, Basics of GDPR ( General Data Protection Regulations),Importance of Personal Data
Privacy Policy
Probability and Theory of Probability
Probability Distribution : Binomial, Poisson and Normal
Probability Sampling
Probability Theoretical Distribution: Concept
Probability Theoretical Distributions
Probability: Definition of Probability
Probability: Theory of Probability
Problem of Unemployment in India
Problem Solving Teams, Self Managed Teams
Problems and Prospects of Indian Agriculture, Plan period Position
Problems and Prospects of Large Scale Industries, Iron, Steels
Problems and Prospects of Large Scale Industries: Cotton Textiles
Problems and Prospects of Large Scale Industries: Sugar
Problems faced by Entrepreneur
Problems in Processing
Problems of Entrepreneurship and Development Programmes EDPs
Problems of Trade Unions
Problems of Women Entrepreneurship in India, Developing Women Entrepreneurship in India
Procedure for Fixing Minimum wage
Process and outcomes of employee engagement, Ways of Achieving Employee engagement
Process Capability Analysis , Measurement System analysis
Process Data & Information Collection
Process Failure Mode and effect Analysis (PFMEA), SERVQUAL Model and Applications, The applications of the SERVQUAL model include:
Process of effective selling
Process of Planning
Process of Public Relations
Process Planning, Computer added Process planning
Processing Operation
Processor Design: Processor Organization: General register organization
Product Decision Concept, Product hierarchy
Product design and Development
Product Life Cycle, Product Level
Product Life Cycle, Product Mix Strategies
Product Line Strategies, Packaging, Labeling: Packaging as a marketing tool
Production and cost Analysis: Production concepts & analysis
Production function, Types of production function, Laws of production
Production Planning & Control (PPC)
Production planning and Control system, Aggregate Planning
Production Systems
Production Vs. Productivity, Manufacturing Plant, Decision for Plant location
Productivity and Improvement
Productivity and Quality
Productivity, Work Study, Productivity Measurement, Factor Affecting Productivity, Factors Affecting Productivity:
Profit & Loss Appropriation account and Balance Sheet
Profit Maximizing Strategy Using Nonlinear Pricing Strategies
Profit prior to incorporation
Profitability ratios, activity ratios
profitability ratios, activity ratios, liquidity ratios, market capitalization ratios
Profitability vs. Shareholder wealth maximizations
Profits and Gains of Business or Professions, Including Provision relating to Specifics Business
Programme Evaluation & Review Techniques
Programmed I/O, Direct Memory access
Programs to ensure sanyam and swasthya
Project and Report Search for Business Ideas
Project Appraisal, Plant Layout
Project Appraisal, Project Report Preparation, Specimen of a Project Report
Project Design and Network Analysis, Project Evaluation
Project Finalization; Sources of Information
Project Management: Concept, Features, Classification of projects
Project Management: Rules For Drawing the Network Diagram
Project portfolio Management – Cost-benefit evaluation technology
Project Scheduling, Network analysis and Control
Project tracking , Change control Software Configuration Management
Projects Design and Network Analysis
Promotion: Promotional Mix and Tools of Promotional Mix
Properties of Correlation
Properties of Regression Coefficients
Properties of Regression Coefficients
Prospecting Pre approach, Post approach
Pseudo Codes, Flow Charts, Coupling and Cohesion Measures
Public Heath and the TRIPs
Public key distribution, X.509 Certificates
Public key Infrastructure
Public relations: Meaning and objectives
Publicity , Advantage and Disadvantage
Pumping Lemma for regular Languages, Closure properties of Regular Languages
Purchase Decision Process
Purchasing Cycle, 8 R’s of Purchasing
Purchasing Economic lot quality/ Economic Order Quantity
Purpose of Communication, Process of Communication
Purpose of Loan
Purpose of Sales Organization
Push Down Automata (PDA): Definition and Description
Qualitative Analysis: Heuristics evaluations
Qualitative Techniques Project Techniques, Depth Interviews
Qualities of sales executives
Quality Awards
Quality Circles, Quality Cost
Quality Circles, TQM
Quality Cost , Quality Leadership
Quality Function Deployment
quality of relations, Partial order relation
Quality of Work Life, Recent advance of OB
Quality Philosophies; Juran’s, Crosby’s Quality Philosophies
Quantitative Analysis, Optimal number of machine
Quartile Deviation
Quartiles, Measures of Dispersion
Quartiles, Skewness, Kurtosis
Quasi Credit Facilities: Advantage of Non-Fund Facilities, Various types of NFB facilities
Questionaries’ and Interviews
Queues: Array and linked representation and implementation of queues
Queuing Theory : Characteristics of M/M/I Queue Model
Quick Sort, Two Way Merge Sort, Heap Sort
R graphical interfaces
Ranking Scale,Paired Comparison: and Forced Ranking Concept and Application
Rate of convergence of iterative methods
Ratio Analysis: Solvency Ratio, Profitability Ratio
Ratio to moving Average Forecasting Method
RC104 Computer Organization & Architecture
RCA102 Accounting & Financial Management
RCA103 Discrete Mathematics
RCA201 Computer Based Numerical & Statistical Techniques
RCA202 Data Structure
RCA203 Introduction to Automata Theory & Languages
RCA204 Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Reading Comprehension
Ready rates based on Cross Rates, Ready rates based on cross rates
Realignment in Political, Social Cultural, Economic
Recent trends in data warehousing include
Recent trends of Recruitment
Recover-ability, Backup, Recovery from Transactions failures, Log based recovery Check points
Recovery of Money From Employer and Contractor
Recruitment and Selection
Recruitment and Selection analysis
Recruitment and selection for overseas Assignment
Recruitment, Selection
Recurrence Relations: Introduction, Growth of functions
Recurrences from algorithms, Methods of solving recurrences
Recursion: Recursive definition and processes, recursion in C, example of recursion, Tower of Hanoi Problem, simulating recursion.
Recursive Sub Programs, Static and Dynamic Scope
Redemption of Preference Share
Redressal agencies and penalties for violations, The information Technology act,2000 definition
Reduced Instruction Set Computer
Reference Group, Family, Gender and Age Influences
Reflection and Empathy: Two sides of effective oral Communication
Refund & Recovery
Regional integration and framework Agreements
Regional Rural Banks
Register Transfer Language, Bus and Memory Transfers
Register Transfers, Performing of arithmetic or logical operations
Registration of Partnership, Winding Up of Partnership
Registrations of Business Unit
Regression : Introduction
Regression Analysis
Regression Analysis : Fitting of a Regression Line and Interpretation of Result
Regression analysis: Linear and Non-linear regression, Multiple regression
Regression Coefficient
Regression Equations
Regression Model to Forecast Sales
Regular Expressions and Languages: Introduction, Definition of regular expression
Regulations of certifying authorities,Digital signature certificate, Duties of subscribers
Regulatory Systems for Equity Market
Reinforcement learning
Relation between Planning and Controlling
Relational algebra, Relational calculus, and Tuple and Domain calculus
Relational data Model and Language
Relational data model concept
Relations & Functions: Relations – Definition, Operations on relations
Relationship and Physical Facilities ; The basis requirement for fulfillment of aspirations of every human being with their correct priority
Relationship between ethics & Corporate Excellence
Relationship between Hardware and Software
Relationship between Manufacturing Cost and Customer Satisfaction
Relationship between Regression
Relationship between Regression and Correlation
Relationship Marketing and Relationship Management
Relativism Vs. Development, Respect Cultural Differences vs. Stages of Development
Relevance & Application of Consumer Behavior
Relevance and Irrelevance Theory
Relevance of Economics in Business Management
Remedies of Contract Terminal ( Termination)
Replacement of Assets that Deteriorate with Time
Replacement of Assets which fails Suddenly
Replacement Strategies and Policies
Report preparations,Types of Report
Report Writing, Layout of Research
Reports: Types; Significance; Structure, Style & Writing of Reports
Representation using Transition Tables and State Diagrams
Required Rate of Return of Merged Company, De-Merger
Requirement & Selection
Requirement and Selection Process : Introduction
Requirement of Good Packaging , Labeling in packaging
Research Design
Research Design, Feature of Good Research Design
Research Problem Formulation
Research process
Researching Consumer Behavior
Reserve bank of India, Apex banking Institutions
Residence & Tax Liability
Resistance of Innovation, Adoption Process
Resistance to change
Resolution. Chaining- concept
Resource Allocation Models, Software Risk Analysis and Management
Resources Analysis
Responsibilities of Production Manager
Responsibility & Task Of Top Management
Responsibility of teams member
Retail Formats and Types
Retail Growth Strategy, Retail Value Chain
Retail Industry in India, Importance of Retailing
Retail Location Selection : Types of Retail Selection
Retail Market Strategies
Retail Models, Theory of Retail Development
Retail Organizations
Retailing Channels
Retention, Talent Vs Knowledge
Revival, Exist and end to the venture
Reviving Democratic Ideals
Rice’s Theorem
Rights of Unpaid Seller, Auction Sale
RISC & CICS Architecture, Basic MIPS Implementation
Risk and Uncertainty, Financial Sector and Risk Types
Risk Credit, Credit risk Rating
Risk evaluation – Strategic program Management – Stepwise Project Planning
Risks to Considered by Purchasing Management, Make or Buy Decision: An Introduction
RoadMap of e-Commerce in India,E-Business Model based on the Relationship of Transaction Parties
Role of Advertising
Role of Advertising, Personal Selling
Role of Agencies Assisting Entrepreneurship, DIC’s, SSI’s
Role of Central Government and State Government in promoting Entrepreneurship with various incentives, Subsidies, Grants
Role of Circular Economy in Sustainable Business and innovation, Economics: Core Concept of Behavioural Economics
Role of Communication
Role of Consumer Behavior in Marketing Strategy
Role of Consumer Involvement
Role of CRM in Business Strategy
Role of Government in promoting Entrepreneurship, MSME policy in India
Role of Government in Regulation & Development of Business
Role of HR in Strategic Management
Role of HRD Manpower
Role of Innovation and Creativity Industry and Organizations
Role Of IT in SCM, Demanding Forecasting In Supply Chain Management
Role of Programming Languages, Attributes of a Good Language
Role of Public and Private sector
Role of Public Relations
Role of Small Scale industry in Indian Economy
Role of Talent Management in building Sustainable Competitive Advantage to firm
Roles and function of measure support institution such as SIB, CSIO,SSDO,SISIs etc.
Roles and Responsibility of the board of directors
Roles of Entrepreneurship in Indian Economy
Roles of MIS , Process of Management
Roles of project team, Fundamental concepts of project cost
Roles of Sales forces in pricing, Bid Pricing, Internet Auctions
Roles of Women Entrepreneurs
Roles Structure and Size of Group
Roll Out and System Hand Off Support
Routing Techniques: Interdomain and Intradomain routing with examples
Routing, Scheduling, Loading, Just-In-Time, Master Production Schedule, Aggregate Production
RSA algorithm, Security of RSA
Runge-Kutta methods, Predictor-corrector method
Rural Entrepreneurship, Family Business Entrepreneurship
Saddle Point. Odds Method
Sale Contract: Definition and Features
Sales and Retail Management Introduction to Sales
Sales Departmental External Relation
Sales Force Automation: Sales Process, Activity, Contact, Lead and Knowledge Management
Sales Force Controlling and Motivation
Sales Force Leadership
Sales Forecasting, Sales Budget , Sales Quota, Sales territory, Building Sales Reporting Mechanism and Monitoring, Sales Force productivity, Sales Force Appraisal
Sales Management
Sales Management Strategies
Sales Organizations and Relationship
Sales Promotion and Sales Promotion Mix, Kinds, Tools and Techniques Push Pull Strategies of Promotion
Sales Promotion, Publicity and Public Relation,Services Promotion
Sales Responsibilities, The relationship communication process,Call preparation
Sales Training
Sales Training and Compensation
Salesmanship and Sales Manager
Sample, Characteristics of the good Sample
Sampling basic Concept: Defining the Universe
Sampling Error, Sample Size Constraint Non Sample
Scaling and Measurement Technique: Needs of Measurement
Scatter Diagram Method
Scope and Limitations of Economics
Scope and Role of Sale Promotion
Scope of Business and Classification of Business Activities
Scope of Consumer Behavior
Scope of Consumer Behavior
Scope of Indian Economy
Scope of Total Income
Search Engine data, Organizational Structure
Search Engine Optimization ( SEO )
Search techniques used in games, Alpha-Beta pruning
Searches Engine
Searching : Sequential search, binary search, comparison and analysis
Searching for solutions, Uniformed searching techniques
Searching Techniques: Introduction, Problem solving by searching
Securities Trading: Types of Orders, Margin Trading
Security issues of ecommerce: E-locking
Security issues of ecommerce: Encryption
Security issues of ecommerce: Firewall
Security of hash functions, Secure hash algorithm (SHA)
Segmentation : Concept, Basis of Segmentation
Select the Communication Channel, Total Marketing Communication
Select vocabulary of about 500-1000 New words; Correct Usage
Selection Errors and Minimizing Selection errors, Reliability and Validity of selection test
Self Efficacy Theory, Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
Selling Concept and Production Concept
Selling to low priority and high priority customers, High priority customers: Value selling and consequences
Semantic Differential Scales,Constant Sum Scale,Graphic Rating Scale
Seminars, Individuals and Groups Presentation
Sentence Correction
Sentence Framing
Sentence Improvement
SEO On Page
Sequencing and scheduling – Network Planning models – Formulating Network Model
Service & banking organizations
Service Blueprinting, Service Capacity Planning
Service Design, Services vis-a-vis goods
Service innovations and Design
Service Oriented Architecture
Service Scenario in India
SERVQUAL Model of Measuring service Quality
Set Off & Carry Forward of losses
Set Theory: Introduction, Size of sets and cardinals
Setting objectives – Management Principles – Management Control
Setting of Objectives, Key area Involved
Settlement of Transactions: Chips, Swift, Chaps, Fed wire
Shannon’s theory of confusion and diffusion, Feistel structure
Shift Micro-operation, Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit
Shifts in IHRM and IR
Shipping and Delivery
Shop floor control overview, Overview of Automatic Identification and Data Capture
SHRM Vs Conventional HRM, Barriers of strategic HRM
Significance of Customer Relationship Management
Significance of Management
Significance of wage Differentials
Significance, Types and Procedure of collective Bargaining Discipline
Similarity and Differences from Conventional Engineering Processes
Similarity and Distances Measured, Partitioned Algorithms
Simple Moving Average, Weighted Moving Average, Exponential Smoothening Method, Aggregate Planning
Simplification of Boolean Functions, Karnaugh maps
Simultaneous Linear Equations: Solutions of system of Linear equations
Single and Multidimensional Arrays, address calculation
Six Sigma in Product Development
Six Sigma, Six Sigma for process Improvement
Size of Business Unit
Skill Development
Skills for successful Negotiations, Obstacles to Negotiating
Skimming pricing, penetration pricing
Sliding Window, Go-back-N-ARQ Protocol and Selective-Repeat ARQ Protocol.
Small Industries Service Institute (SISI)
Small Industries Setup
Small Scale Industries, Cottage Industries
Smart Cards, E-banking
smoothening of curves, forecasting models and methods
SMS, Teleconferencing, Video Conferencing
Social Audit
Social Campaigns: Goals and Evaluating outcomes
Social Class, Consumer Behavior
Social Class, Reference Group, Family Influences
Social media analytics Small and Large Organizations
Social Media Marketing
Social Network, Web data and Method
Social Responsibility of Business
Social Responsibility of Business
Societal Marketing
Socio-economic implications of Globalizations
Socio-economic implications of Liberalizations
Socio-economic implications of Privatizations
Software as an Evolutionary Entity, Need for Maintenance, Categories of Maintenance
Software Components, Software Characteristics
Software Crisis, Software Engineering Processes
Software Maintenance and Software Project Management
Software Measurement and Metrics: Various Size Oriented Measures
Software Quality Attributes. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Models
Software Quality Frameworks, ISO 9000 Models, SEI-CMM Mode
Software Re-Engineering, Reverse Engineering. Software Configuration Management Activities
Software Requirement Specifications (SRS): Requirement Engineering Process
Software Testing: Testing Objectives, Unit Testing
Sole banking arrangement, Multiple banking arrangement,, Consortium Landing
Sole Proprietorship
Solution of differential equations: Picard’s Method
Some organizations may also include a sixth process group:
Sorting on Different Keys
Sorting: Insertion Sort, Bubble Sorting
Sources of Innovation, Innovation Environment, Creative Destruction
Sources of Requirement , Uses of Assessment centre
Sources of WTO Laws
Sourcing Activities, Purchasing
Span of Control
Spearman’s coefficient of Rank Correlation
Special Provision relating Assessment of companies
Specific Economic Zones, International Trade
Specific writing Features: Coherence, Electronic writing Process
Speculations and Arbitrage in Currency futures, Cost of Carry Model
Speculations and Arbitrage with index options, Index options Market in India stock Market
Speculations and Arbitrage with options, Pricing Options, General principles of pricing:
Spelling Test, Spotting Error
Spotting the Signs, Non-Verbal Communications and issues
Stack organization, Addressing mode, Instruction format
Stacks: Array Representation and Implementation of stack
Staffing metrics
Staffing Practices in international human resources management
Stages in Consumer Buying decision process and Types
Stages of Corporate Development, Organizational Life Cycle
Stakeholders, Applications and Approaches ( Top down and Bottom down)
Standard Deviation
Statistical measures in large database , Statistical – based algorithms , Distance based algorithms
Statistical measures in large Databases, Statistical-Based Algorithms
Statistical pattern recognition
Statistical Quality Control
Steps in Conjoint Analysis, Uses of Conjoint Analysis
Steps in Sampling Design
Steps in starting a small business
Steps involved in choosing a Retail Location
Steps Involved in Launching a Business ( Process Charts)
Steps involved in Media Planning, Setting Media Objectives, Media Strategy
Stock Exchange and New Issues Markets : Nature, Structure, Functioning and Limitations
Stock Keeping, Quality
Storage Devices, Memory Hierarchy, Magnetic Tape, Flash Memory, Cache and its Levels, SSD
Store layout and Space planning , Types of layouts
Strat-Up to going IPO
Strategic Audit of a corporation, Strategy Evaluation & Control Nature, Importance
Strategic Intent Vision, Mission, business definition Goals and Objectives
Strategic Planning , Nature, Process and Importance
Strategic Planning, Types of Strategic
Strategy analysis Process, Analyzing Strategic alternative
Strategy and its Interface with the Management of the Global Supply Chain
Strategy Evaluation & Control Process, Measuring Performance
Strategy Evaluation: Process , Criteria
Strategy for Penetration of New Markets
Strategy for transition for the present state to Universal Human Order
Strategy Formulation, Situational Analysis using SWOT approaches
Strategy Formulation: Concept, Process & Affecting Factor
Strategy Implementation: Strategy developing Program, Procedures
strengthening the national innovation system
Strong Induction and Induction with Nonzero base cases
Structure of Employee Compensation, Factors Affecting Employee Compensation
Structure of GST, Slab of GST
Structure of HRD System
Succession planning
Supplier evaluation and selection process
Supply Chain Cycle time Reduction, Demand-Driven Supply Network in International logistics
Supply Chain Drivers, Measuring Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Efficiency, Core and Reverse Supply Chain,Global Supply Chain
Surveys: websites Surveys
Sustainability Issues in Social Entrepreneurship
Sustainable Development Goals, Rising Inequality: Historical Context of Inequality and Social unrest, Global Inequality, Social and Economic Reforms
Switching Techniques: Circuit Switching
SWOT analysis, Types of Environment, Internal to the Enterprises ,value system, and nature
Syllable; Accent; Pitch; Rhythm; Intonation; Paralinguistic features of voice
Symmetric key distribution, Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
Synergy as a component of strategy & its relevance
Synergy Benefits
Synonyms, Antonyms
System Audit
System Security: Introductory idea of Intrusion
T-test, Z-test, F-test and SPSS
Tables, Views and Indexes, Queries and Sub Queries
Taguchi’s quality engineering
Talent Acquisition, Job Analysis
Talent development: Need Analysis, Knowledge Management , Competency Development , Developing Leadership Talent
Target Audience, Communication Objectives, Design the Communication
Targeting: Concept Types and Importance
Targeting: Meaning, Target Market Strategies
Task involved in Market Positioning
Tasks and application areas of artificial intelligence
Tautology, Contradiction, Algebra of propositions
Tax Avoidance and Tax evasions
Tax Evasion, Tax Avoidance, Tax Planning
Tax Planning for new business with reference to form of business
Tax Planning for new business with reference to location
Tax Planning for new business with reference to nature of business
Taxable event supply of goods and services
Team Building Process : Overview of Team
Team Vs Group
Technical Performance& Transport Economic Indicator, Maritime Routing Pattern
Technical Proposal; Parts; Types
Techniques and Process of Decision Making
Techniques of Controlling
Technology Development and Social Change
Technology Factors that are driving the change in International Business Management
Technology of Participation change in Corporate Culture- The Example of Quality Improvement
Teething Problem in setting small units : Location, Technologies, market, Labour, Planning
Temporal Database, Decision Support System, Data Analysis
Terminal (Termination) of Contract
Terms and Conditions
Test Drivers and Test Stubs, Structural Testing (White Box Testing)
Testing for Functionality and Testing for Performance
Testing of Hypothesis: Test of significance
Testing of Serializability , Serializability of Schedule, Conflict and Serializable Schedule
The 3×3 writing process for Business Communication : Pre Writing – Writing- Revising
The Balance of Payments
The Bargaining and Closing stage: Making concessions, The techniques
The Business plan as an Entrepreneurial Tools, Elements of Business Policy , Preparation of Project Plan
The Concept of corporate Planning
The Concept of Product Positing, Perceptual Mapping
The Containerisation of Commodities, Transcontinental Bridges
The Contract Labor ( Abolition & Regulative) act
The Creative Brief, Advertising Appeal Advertising Agencies, Global Vs Local Advertising
The CRM Cycle i.e. Assessments Phase, Planning Phase, The Executive Phase
The Cultural of Poverty,Hofstede’s Dimension
The ESI ACT, 1948 & Amendment
The Factories Act & The shop & Establishment Act 1948
The Factories, (Amendment) Bill 2016
The flow of Communication: Downward, Upward, Lateral of Horizontal (Peer group)
The Global logistics operator, Comparison between National and International logistics
The Historical origins of Beliefs and Value, Impact of Cross Cultural Communication
The Impact of Cultural Differences and Individuals
The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
The Johari window
The Maternity Benefits ACT, 1961
The Migrant Crisis in the EU, Political Implications:
The minimum Wages act 1948
The Nature Of International Transport Policy, International Transport Planning
The New Realities of Marketing Decision Making Market Size : Data Sources
The payment of Gratuity ACT, 1972 & Amendment
The Payment of minimum wages act 1936
The Payment of Wages Act 1923 & Amendment
The Payments of Bonus ACT, 1965 & Amendment
The Possibility of an International Sub cultural
The process of Negotiations
The Rise of Authoritarianism and what that means for Geo Politics
The Rise of China and its impact on global trade
The Sourcing Decision, Outsourcing, Offshoring , Concentration Strategies
The Trade Unions Act 1926 objectives, Recognitions and Registrations, Industrials Democracy & Participative management
The Trade Unions Act, 1926 & Amendments
The Workmen’s Compensation ACT, 1972
Theorems of Boolean algebra, Boolean functions
Theories of Entrepreneurship Traits of Entrepreneur
Theories of factor Pricing
Theories of foreign exchange Rate, International fisher Effect ( IFE)
Theories of Personal Selling
Theories of Selling, Sales Management
Theories, Importance, Hindrance of Collective Bargaining, Scope, Issues, Growth, Reasons of Collective Bargaining
Theory of Inference and Natural Deduction
Theory of predicates, First order predicate
Theory X and Y
Threaded Binary trees, Traversing Threaded Binary trees
Time Estimate in Network Analysis
Time series analysis: Concept
Time Series Analysis: Concept, Additive and Multiplicative model
Time series and forecasting: Moving averages
Time value of Money: Compounding and Discounting
Tools and Techniques of strategic Analysis, Strategic Choice
Tools of Planning, MIS Business Planning
Top Down and Bottom- Up Testing Strategies
Top-Down and Bottom-Up Design
Topology ( Ring, Star, Bus, Mesh )
Total Marketing Communication Budget, Functional Area of Marketing Communication
Total productive Maintenance
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), 5s
TQM, Deming’s 14 Principles, Continuous Improvement ( Kaizen)
Tracking Performance and Measurement with Google Analytics
Tractable and Intractable Problems: P and NP
Trade Unionism: Development of Trade Unionism, Functions and Type of Structure
Trade- Offs in International logistics, Multi-ModAlism
Trading Account, Manufacturing Accounts, Profit & Loss Account
Trading of Securities: Equity, Debentures and Bonds
Traditional Commerce
Train and Retain
Training Development in international context
Training Method, Promotion and Transfer
traits and qualities of effective leader, trait theory
Traits/Qualities of an Entrepreneur
Transaction Processing System (TPS)
Transactions Analysis
Transactions Processing Concept : Transaction System
Transactions Processing System Characteristics and its importance
Transformation of Idea in to Reality
Transmission Media: Guided and unguided Media
Transnational Commercial Laws
Transportation and Commercial Geography, Components of International Transports Costs
Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s rules
Traversal, Connected Component and Spanning Trees, Minimum Cost Spanning Trees
Trees: Basic terminology, Binary Trees, Binary Tree Representation
Trend Analysis of manufacturing, service & banking organizations.
Trend analysis: Least Square method
Trends in Composition and Growth in Agriculture Industry
Trends in World Trade
Triple DES
Trust ( Vishwas) and respect (Samman) and its foundational as the foundational values of relationship
Trust on Make in India
Tuning Data Warehouse
Tuning Data Warehouse, Testing Data Warehouse
Turing Machines: Introduction, Basic Features of a Turing Machine
Two Person Zero-Sum Game, Pure and Mixed Strategy Games
Two-way Header List, Traversing and Searching of Linked List
Type I and Type II errors
Types and Functions of Public Relations
Types of Analysis
Types of Business Organizations
Types of Computer
Types of Controls, Activity based Costing , Enterprises risk management
Types of Correlation
Types of Cost: Direct, Indirect , Recurring , Non Recurring, fixed, Varible, Project financing and Budgeting, Sources of Finance, Top-down Budgeting
Types of Data
Types of Decision Making
Types of Dividend policy
Types of Dividend Policy
Types of Ecommerce
Types of Entrepreneur, Function of Entrepreneur
Types of Entrepreneurial mobility. Entrepreneurial Opportunity Search and Identification
Types of Google Advertisement, Search, Display, Mobile, Shopping, Video , Advertisement
Types of Groups
Types of Information, Models of Decision Making
Types of Inventories, Inventory control Techniques EOQ, ABC, VED, FSN
Types of Manufacturing System : Intermitted
Types of Marketing Channels
Types of Markets and their Characteristics
Types of Negotiations
Types of Non- Profitability
Types of Objectives and Their Overall Hierarchy
Types of Operation Research Model, Limitations of Operation Research
Types of performance and financial Guarantees
Types of Personality
Types of planning, Types of plans, Management by Objective
Types of Plant Layout
Types of Plant Layout, Types of Manufacturing System, Job Shop, Mass, Batch, project Shop
Types of pricing strategies, Negotiation in sourcing; Meaning of Negotiations
Types of Probability Sampling
Types of Probability Sampling
Types of Production Planning, Process of Production Planning and Control
Types of Project, Project life cycle
Types of Relationship Management
Types of Reports
Types of Research
Types of Research
Types of Sales Executives
Types of Sales Organizations Structures
Types of Sales person, Characteristics of a successful Salesman
Types of Sample Design
Types of Software
Types of SQL Commands, SQL Operators and their procedure
Types of Swaps, Derivatives Vs Swaps
Types of Trade Unions
Types Recognition of Negotiable Instruments
Unbalanced Assignment Problem
Uncertainty and Risk Situations
Undecidability: Introduction, Undecidable problems about Turing Machines
Understanding Compensation Analytics
Understanding Consumer Behaviour
Understanding Cultural, Values World Views and Social Cultural System
Understanding Customer behavior: Buying Motives
Understanding domain and Webhosting,Building Website/Blog Using CMS WordPress,Using WordPress Plug-ins
Understanding Existence and Coexistences ( Sah Ashtiva) of mutually interacting units in all pervasive state
Understanding harmony in the family: The basis unit of human interaction, Understanding values in human- human relationship
Understanding human being as a co- existence of the sentient I and the material body , Understanding the needs of self I and body , Sukh and Suvidha
Understanding Service Quality Gap
Understanding Service Quality: Technical, Functional and Dimensional of Service Quality
Understanding Significance of Cultural Values
Understanding the body as an instrument of I ( I being the doer, seer, and enjoyer
Understanding the Characteristics and Activities I and the harmony of I, Understanding the harmony of I with the body : Sanyam and Swasthya
Understanding the Harmony in the Nature
Understanding the harmony in the society ( society being an extension of family ), Samadhan, Samridhi , Abhay, Sah Astitva as comprehensive Human goals
Understanding the meaning of Vishwas, Difference between Intention and Competence, Understanding the meaning of Samman
understanding the needs, basic guidelines , Content and process for value education, Self Exploration what is it ?
Unions, Intersections, Minus, Cursors, Triggers, Procedure in SQL/PL SQL
Universal Turing Machine. Turing Machine as Computer of Integer functions
Use of different options Strategies to mitigate the risk
Use of Spread Sheet to analyze data
Uses of Commodity derivatives: Hedging, Speculations, and Arbitrage
uses of index numbers
Using Apps and Gamification
Using Customer Value to Value a Business
Using Google Analytics and Other Social Media Analytics Tools
Using Marketing Analytics tools to Segment, Target, and Position
Using Marketing Strategies and Analytics Tools
Using Pricing Subjectively to Estimate Demand Curve
Using Templates, Inserting Charts, Inserting Tables
Using Various Plugins like Eliminators
Utility theory and Probabilistic reasoning
Utilized Capacity, Factor Affecting Productivity and capacity expansion Strategy
Valuation of GST
Valuation of Import and Export
Valuation of Shares
Value based pricing, Cost based pricing
Value change
Value of Information
Values, Ethics and Social Responsibility, Operational and Derived functional plans to implement strategy , Integration and functional plans
Variants of Turing Machine: Multitapes, Nondeterministic Turing Machine
Various Cash and Non-Cash Transaction
Various Financial institution ( including IFCI,ICICI,IDBI and SIDBI)
Various forms of Business Ownership
Various Marketing orientation
Various types of Bank Guarantees
Various types of Letter of Credit
Vendor Development
Vendor rating process, Factor affecting selection of optimal supplier and vendor ratings
Vendor Rating, Vendor Selection
Venn diagrams, Combination of sets, Multisets, Ordered pairs and Set identities.
Venture Capital, Angel Investing , Crowdfunding Entrepreneurial Motivation , Meaning of Entrepreneurial Competences
Verbal Ability
Video Marketing On YouTube
Viral Marketing
Virtual Machine Security , IAM
Virtual Reality and Applications, Mixed Reality and Applications
Virtualization offers several benefits, including: Server Virtualization , Storage Virtualization
Visualizing a universal harmonious order in society , Undivided society(Akhand Samaj),Universal order ( Shrvabhaum Vyawastha ); from family to the world family
Visualizing progress , Cost monitoring , Earned Value Analysis, Prioritizing Monitoring
Vocabulary words often confused
Void and Contingent Contract
VRIO Framework, Value Chain Analysis, IFE Matrix (Internal Factor Evaluation)
Vrooms Expectancy theory
Wage Policy, Wage determination, Wage board
Warehousing Application and recent trends
Warehousing applications and Recent Trends: Types of Warehousing Applications
Warehousing Software, Warehouse Schema Design
Warehousing Strategy, Warehouse /management and Support Processes
Warehousing Strategy, Warehouse /management and Support Processes
Water Fall Model, Prototype Model, Spiral Model
Ways of describing Cultural Differences Going International
Web Analytics 1.0 and its Limitations
Web Analytics Platform, Web Analytics evolution, Need of web analytics,Advantage & disadvantage
Web Analytics tools: AB TESTING
Web Metrics and Analytics: Common metrics
Web Mining, Spatial Mining and Temporal Mining
Weber Management, Fayol Management
Website Planning
Website traffic analysis: traffic trends
What is Conversation problem
What is innovation and entrepreneurship
What is SEO off Page
Why Employees Join Trade Unions, Trade Unions is the Eyes of the management
Windows ( latest version) : Introduction, Features, Installation, Activation, Security, Features
Women Enterprises, Social and Rural Entrepreneurship
Women Entrepreneurship: Meaning, Characteristic features
Word formation. Synonyms and Antonyms; Homophones
Words often miss spelt, Common errors in English
Work flow Documentation
Work Measurement, Ergonomics
Work Study Method, Work Measurement
Workmen Compensation ACT 1923
Workmen Compensation ACT 1923
Workshop, Conferences
World Wide Web, Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
Writing and Presenting in international situations
Writing CVs
Writing important business letters including correspondence with bank and insurances company
Writing Memos , What is a Report Purpose
Writing of Proposal; Significance, Negotiation & Business Presentation skills
Writing resume letter or application
Writing Routine and Persuasive Letters
Written Communication: Purpose and Clarity
WTO Jurisprudence on TBT
WTO: Objectives and Roles in International trade
Previous Year Question Papers