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Metadata: Concepts and Classifications

Metadata is data that provides information about other data. It helps to provide context and structure to data, making it easier to understand and use. There are several concepts and classifications of metadata:

Descriptive metadata: Descriptive metadata provides information about the content and context of the data. It includes things like titles, descriptions, and keywords, which help to identify and categorize the data.

Structural metadata: Structural metadata provides information about the structure and organization of the data. This includes things like data types, relationships between data elements, and data models.

Administrative metadata: Administrative metadata provides information about the management and administration of the data. This includes things like data ownership, data security, and data access permissions.

Technical metadata: Technical metadata provides information about the technical aspects of the data. This includes things like data formats, data storage locations, and data processing workflows.

Business metadata: Business metadata provides information about the business context of the data. This includes things like business rules, data definitions, and data quality requirements.

Metadata can also be classified based on its level of granularity. There are two main types of metadata granularity:

Data-level metadata: Data-level metadata provides information about individual data elements, such as columns, tables, and records.

Dataset-level metadata: Dataset-level metadata provides information about entire datasets, such as data sources, data quality, and data lineage.

Metadata can be stored and managed in a variety of ways, depending on the specific needs of the organization. Some common metadata management systems include metadata repositories, data dictionaries, and data catalogs. These systems help to ensure that metadata is accurate, complete, and easily accessible to users.

Multi-Dimensional data model, Data Cubes, Stars,Snow flakes, Fact Constellations

The multidimensional data model is a conceptual model used to organize data in a way that is optimized for analytical processing. It is based on the idea of data cubes, which are multidimensional arrays that represent data as measures (or facts) associated with dimensions. There are several variations of the multidimensional data model, including the star schema, snowflake schema, and fact constellation.

Star schema: In the star schema, data is organized into a central fact table that contains the measures, surrounded by a set of dimension tables that provide context for the measures. The fact table and dimension tables are connected by primary-foreign key relationships, forming a star-shaped schema. This schema is simple, easy to understand, and fast for querying.

Snowflake schema: The snowflake schema is a variation of the star schema in which the dimension tables are normalized, meaning that they are broken down into sub-dimension tables. This results in a more complex schema with more tables and relationships, but can save storage space and improve query performance.

Fact constellation: The fact constellation schema is a more complex schema that consists of multiple fact tables that share dimension tables. This allows for more complex analysis across different measures and dimensions.

Data cubes are the central concept of the multidimensional data model. A data cube is a multidimensional array that represents data as measures (or facts) associated with dimensions. For example, a sales data cube might have dimensions for product, time, location, and sales channel, with measures for revenue and units sold.

The term “star” and “snowflake” refer to the shape of the schema when diagrammed, with the fact table at the center and the dimensions radiating outwards. The snowflake schema gets its name from the fact that the dimensions look like snowflakes when diagrammed.

Overall, the multidimensional data model is designed to provide a more intuitive and efficient way of analyzing large datasets by organizing data into a structure optimized for analytical processing.