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Memorandum of associations

A Memorandum of Association (MOA) is a legal document that sets out the constitution and objectives of a company. It is one of the foundational documents that must be created during the registration of a company.

The MOA includes the following information:

Name Clause: This clause contains the name of the company.

Registered Office Clause: This clause states the registered office of the company. This is the address where all official correspondence will be sent.

Object Clause: This clause sets out the main objectives of the company. It outlines the activities that the company is authorized to undertake.

Liability Clause: This clause outlines the liability of the company’s members. It states whether the liability of the members is limited or unlimited.

Capital Clause: This clause outlines the amount of capital that the company is authorized to raise and the number of shares that the company is authorized to issue.

Association Clause: This clause contains the names, addresses, and occupations of the subscribers who have agreed to become members of the company and have signed the memorandum.

The MOA is a crucial document as it sets out the scope and objectives of the company. It is a public document, which means that anyone can access it. Any changes to the MOA require the approval of the company’s shareholders and the regulatory authority.

Articles of associations

Articles of Association (AOA) is another legal document that outlines the rules and regulations governing the internal management and operations of a company. It is also one of the foundational documents that must be created during the registration of a company.

The AOA includes the following information:

Share Capital: This clause outlines the details of the share capital of the company, such as the rights and restrictions of each class of shares, the procedure for the allotment of shares, and the rights of shareholders.

Shareholders: This clause outlines the rights and obligations of the shareholders, such as the right to vote, the procedure for calling and conducting meetings, and the procedure for the transfer of shares.

Directors: This clause outlines the role and responsibilities of the directors, such as the procedure for appointment, removal, and resignation of directors, the powers of the board of directors, and the procedure for conducting board meetings.

Dividends and Reserves: This clause outlines the rules and procedures for the payment of dividends to shareholders and the creation of reserves.

Accounts and Audit: This clause outlines the rules and procedures for the preparation of accounts and the appointment of auditors.

Winding-up: This clause outlines the rules and procedures for the winding-up of the company in the event of bankruptcy or insolvency.

The AOA is a crucial document as it sets out the rules and regulations that govern the internal management and operations of the company. It is a private document, which means that it is not available to the public. Any changes to the AOA require the approval of the company’s shareholders and the regulatory authority.


A prospectus is a legal document that a company issues to the public when it is planning to issue securities, such as stocks or bonds, in the market. The prospectus provides information to potential investors about the company, its business operations, financial statements, risks, and other relevant information that they need to make an informed investment decision.

The prospectus includes the following information:

Company Information: This section provides details about the company, its history, and its management team.

Business Operations: This section outlines the company’s business operations, including the products or services it offers, its target market, and its competition.

Financial Information: This section provides financial statements of the company, such as balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements, which give investors an understanding of the company’s financial health.

Risk Factors: This section highlights the potential risks and uncertainties associated with the investment, such as market risks, regulatory risks, and operational risks.

Use of Proceeds: This section explains how the company intends to use the funds raised from the securities offering