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Measures of dispersion, also known as measures of variability or spread, are statistical measures that describe the spread or variability of a dataset. Unlike measures of central tendency, which focus on the central or typical value of a dataset, measures of dispersion provide insights into the spread, scatter, or variability of the data points around the central value. Understanding the dispersion of data is crucial for assessing the consistency, variability, and reliability of the dataset.

Here are some commonly used measures of dispersion:

1. Range:

  • Definition: The range is the difference between the maximum and minimum values in a dataset.
  • Formula:

    Range=Maximum value−Minimum value



  • Characteristics:
    • Simplest measure of dispersion.
    • Highly sensitive to extreme values or outliers.
    • May not provide a comprehensive view of the variability within the dataset.

2. Interquartile Range (IQR):

  • Definition: The interquartile range is the difference between the third quartile (Q3) and the first quartile (Q1) in a dataset. It represents the range within which the middle 50% of the data values lie.
  • Formula:
  • IQR=Q3−Q1
  • Characteristics:
    • Less sensitive to extreme values or outliers compared to the range.
    • Provides a measure of variability within the middle half of the dataset.
    • Useful for identifying the spread of the central portion of the data.

3. Variance:

  • Definition: Variance measures the average of the squared differences between each data point and the mean of the dataset. It provides a measure of the dispersion of data points around the mean.
  • Formula (Population Variance):




  • Formula (Sample Variance):

  • Characteristics:
    • Takes into account all values in the dataset.
    • Highly sensitive to the units of measurement (square units).
    • Provides a comprehensive measure of the variability around the mean.

4. Standard Deviation:

  • Definition: The standard deviation is the square root of the variance. It represents the average distance of data points from the mean and provides a measure of the dispersion in the original units of measurement.
  • Formula (Population Standard Deviation):


  • Formula (Sample Standard Deviation):


  • Characteristics:
    • Provides a measure of dispersion in the original units of measurement.
    • Useful for assessing the spread or variability of data around the mean.
    • Commonly used due to its interpretability and relevance in many statistical analyses.

5. Coefficient of Variation (CV):

  • Definition: The coefficient of variation is a relative measure of dispersion that represents the standard deviation as a percentage of the mean. It provides a measure of the relative variability or consistency of data across different scales or units.
  • Formula:




  • Characteristics:
    • Useful for comparing the variability of datasets with different units or scales.
    • Provides insights into the relative consistency or variability of data across different contexts.

Measures of dispersion play a crucial role in understanding the variability, consistency, and reliability of a dataset. By assessing the range, interquartile range, variance, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation, analysts and researchers can gain insights into the spread of data, identify outliers or extreme values, assess the consistency of data points