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Major Commodity Traded in derivatives exchange in India

In India, commodity derivatives trading is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), and there are three major commodity exchanges where traders can trade in commodity derivatives:

Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX): MCX is the largest commodity exchange in India and offers trading in a wide range of commodities, including precious metals like gold and silver, base metals like copper and zinc, energy products like crude oil and natural gas, agricultural commodities like cotton and soybeans, and various other commodities.

National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange (NCDEX): NCDEX is the second-largest commodity exchange in India and specializes in agricultural commodities like soybean, chana, castor seed, jeera, and cotton.

Indian Commodity Exchange (ICEX): ICEX is a relatively new exchange that was launched in 2017 and offers trading in diamond and various other commodities.

Some of the major commodities traded on these exchanges include gold, silver, crude oil, natural gas, copper, zinc, lead, nickel, aluminum, cotton, soybean, chana, and castor seed, among others. These commodities are traded in the form of futures and options contracts, and traders can use a variety of trading strategies to manage their risk and profit from price movements in these commodities.