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Agreement to technical Barriers to Trade, WTO and environment Protection

Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT Agreement): The TBT Agreement is one of the main agreements that make up the legal framework of the WTO. The Agreement sets out rules for the development, adoption, and application of technical regulations and standards that can affect international trade. The TBT Agreement seeks to ensure that technical regulations and standards are not used as disguised trade barriers.

The TBT Agreement recognizes the importance of protecting human health and safety, animal and plant life, and the environment. However, it also recognizes the need to avoid unnecessary obstacles to trade. The TBT Agreement requires that technical regulations and standards be based on scientific principles and that they not be more trade-restrictive than necessary to achieve a legitimate objective.

WTO and Environment Protection: The WTO recognizes the importance of environmental protection and sustainable development. However, the WTO’s primary mandate is to promote free and fair trade among its member countries. The WTO seeks to achieve this by providing a forum for member countries to negotiate and implement trade agreements, resolving disputes related to trade, and providing technical assistance and training to help developing countries participate more effectively in the global trading system.

The WTO has addressed environmental issues in several ways, including through the TBT Agreement, the Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement), and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). In addition, the WTO has established a Committee on Trade and Environment to provide a forum for member countries to discuss the relationship between trade and environmental protection.

The WTO recognizes that environmental protection and trade liberalization can be complementary objectives. The WTO encourages its members to pursue sustainable development and to take into account the environmental impact of trade measures. However, the WTO also recognizes that trade measures aimed at protecting the environment must be based on sound scientific principles and must not be more trade-restrictive than necessary. The WTO seeks to strike a balance between promoting free and fair trade and protecting the environment.