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    • Value Chain Analysis: Evaluate the activities and processes that create value for the organization.
  1. SWOT Analysis:
    • Identify the corporation’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This helps in understanding its competitive position.
  2. Competitive Advantage Assessment:
    • Determine if the corporation has a sustainable competitive advantage, and if so, how it is being leveraged.
  3. Strategic Goals and Objectives Evaluation:
    • Assess the clarity, relevance, and achievability of the corporation’s strategic goals and objectives.
  4. Strategy Formulation and Implementation:
    • Analyze how well the strategy has been formulated and whether it is being effectively implemented.
  5. Performance Measurement and Control:
    • Evaluate the metrics and measures used to track progress and ensure accountability.
  6. Corporate Governance and Ethical Considerations:
    • Assess the organization’s adherence to ethical standards and the effectiveness of its governance structures.
  7. Risk Management:
  • Evaluate how risks are identified, assessed, and managed within the organization.
  1. Financial Analysis:
  • Review financial statements and performance indicators to assess the financial health and sustainability of the corporation.
  1. Innovation and R&D Assessment:
  • Evaluate the organization’s efforts in innovation, research and development, and technology adoption.

Strategy Evaluation & Control: Nature and Importance:


  1. Ongoing Process: Strategy evaluation and control is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process that involves continuous monitoring and assessment of the strategic direction.
  2. Feedback Loop: It provides a feedback loop that allows organizations to adjust their strategies based on performance outcomes and changing internal and external conditions.
  3. Multifaceted Approach: It encompasses various tools and techniques, including financial metrics, KPIs, balanced scorecards, market research, and performance reviews.
  4. Adaptive and Flexible: It must be adaptive and flexible to respond to dynamic market conditions, emerging opportunities, and unforeseen challenges.


  1. Ensures Goal Alignment: It helps ensure that organizational activities and initiatives are aligned with the overall strategic goals and objectives.
  2. Performance Assessment: It provides a systematic framework for assessing the effectiveness of the strategy in achieving desired outcomes.
  3. Identifies Deviations and Challenges: It helps identify any deviations from the planned performance and allows for early detection of challenges or roadblocks.
  4. Facilitates Learning and Improvement: Through the evaluation process, organizations learn from their experiences and can make improvements in future strategic initiatives.
  5. Enhances Accountability: It establishes accountability by setting clear performance standards and expectations, ensuring that responsible parties are held to account for results.
  6. Optimizes Resource Allocation: By identifying underperforming areas or initiatives, it allows for the reallocation of resources to more productive and high-impact activities.
  7. Safeguards Against Strategic Drift: It helps prevent strategic drift, which occurs when an organization’s strategy becomes outdated or no longer aligned with its environment.
  8. Supports Decision-Making: It provides valuable information for making informed decisions about adjustments to the strategy, resource allocation, and future planning.