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Newton’s forward and backward interpolation formulas are used to construct polynomial interpolants for a given set of data points. These formulas are based on the concept of finite differences. Here’s an explanation of both methods:

1. Newton’s Forward Interpolation Formula:

Newton’s forward interpolation formula is used to approximate the value of a function at a point within the range of given data points. It’s particularly useful when the data points are equally spaced. The formula is derived using divided difference tables.

Let’s say we have

data points , where ‘s are equally spaced.

The forward difference table is constructed as follows:

  • The first column contains the given -values.
  • The second column contains the corresponding


  • The

    -th column contains the

    -th forward differences calculated from the previous column.

The forward difference

is defined as:

The Newton’s forward interpolation formula is given by:


  • is the polynomial interpolant of degree


  • is the value of the function at the first data point.

  • is the

    -th forward difference at the first data point.

  • are the forward difference operators.

2. Newton’s Backward Interpolation Formula:

Newton’s backward interpolation formula is similar to the forward formula, but it’s used when the data points are equally spaced in the reverse direction (i.e., when

‘s are decreasing).

The backward difference table is constructed similarly to the forward difference table, but we calculate backward differences instead.

The backward difference

is defined as:

The Newton’s backward interpolation formula is given by:



  • is the polynomial interpolant of degree .
  • is the value of the function at the last data point.

    -th backward difference at the last data point.

  • are the backward difference operators.

These formulas provide efficient ways to interpolate and approximate functions using polynomial interpolation, particularly when the data points are evenly spaced.