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Tractable and intractable problems are classifications used in computational complexity theory to describe the difficulty of solving problems using algorithms.

Tractable Problems:

Tractable problems, also known as polynomial-time problems, are those for which efficient algorithms exist that can solve them in a reasonable amount of time. These algorithms have a time complexity that grows polynomially with the size of the input.


  1. Efficient Algorithms: Tractable problems can be solved efficiently using algorithms with polynomial time complexity.
  2. Polynomial Time: The time required to solve tractable problems grows polynomially with the size of the input.
  3. Examples: Examples of tractable problems include computing the sum of all elements in an array, sorting a list of numbers, and finding the shortest path in a graph using Dijkstra’s algorithm.

Intractable Problems:

Intractable problems, also known as non-polynomial-time problems, are those for which no efficient algorithms are known that can solve them in a reasonable amount of time. These problems often require exponential time to solve, making them impractical for large inputs.


  1. Lack of Efficient Algorithms: Intractable problems lack efficient algorithms that can solve them in polynomial time.
  2. Exponential Time: The time required to solve intractable problems grows exponentially with the size of the input.
  3. Examples: Examples of intractable problems include the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), the Knapsack Problem, and the Boolean Satisfiability Problem (SAT).

P and NP Classes:

The classes P and NP are fundamental concepts in computational complexity theory:

  1. P (Polynomial Time): The class P consists of all problems for which there exists a deterministic Turing Machine that can solve them in polynomial time. These problems are considered tractable.

  2. NP (Nondeterministic Polynomial Time): The class NP consists of all problems for which a potential solution can be verified in polynomial time by a deterministic Turing Machine. In other words, if a solution is given, it can be checked in polynomial time. NP problems are considered intractable to solve in general.

Relationship between P and NP:

  • It is an open question in computer science whether P equals NP, i.e., whether every problem whose solution can be verified in polynomial time can also be solved in polynomial time. Resolving this question has significant implications for cryptography, optimization, and many other fields.


  • Tractable problems can be solved efficiently using algorithms with polynomial time complexity, while intractable problems lack efficient algorithms and often require exponential time to solve.
  • The P and NP classes are fundamental to understanding the complexity of computational problems, and determining their relationship is one of the most important open problems in computer science.